Director Accelerator Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory

The Accelerator Systems Division (ASD) at Argonne National Laboratory is one of three divisions comprising the Advanced Photon Source (APS), the highest energy accelerator-based source of x-rays in the western hemisphere.

Argonne invites applicants for the position of Director of ASD to provide technical and scientific leadership for effective operations and future development of APS accelerator systems. ASD is responsible for the reliable and high performance operation of the APS accelerator complex, and ensuring that the APS remains at the forefront of hard x-ray science in both the near and long term.

The Division Director will:

1. direct and develop operational and research programs of the APS accelerator complex;

2. direct the design, development and implementation of innovative accelerator and x-ray source instrumentation;

3. provide scientific and technical leadership in establishing goals in novel designs and upgrades of the APS accelerator systems and monitor timely implementation;

4. manage divisional resources to meet APS objectives for highly reliable accelerator complex operation and state-of-the-art accelerator and x-ray source developments;

5. recruit, hire, and retain world class researchers and staff;

6. enhance the strengths and visibility of existing basic and applied research programs, and grow new research programs that use state-of-the-art equipment and approaches.

A primary responsibility of the division is the day-to-day operation of the APS accelerator. ASD has approximately 100 people in groups responsible for the operations, maintenance and development of diagnostics, power supply systems, rf systems and undulator systems. The division also has the APS Accelerator Physics and Operations group which is responsible for control room operations and the analysis of operational data. In addition to these operational duties, ASD is responsible for all accelerator-based R&D at the APS, focusing on both near-term needs of the APS, and longer-term, fourth-generation facility upgrades, which could be Free Electron Laser or Energy Recovery Linac based.

This position requires an internationally recognized reputation in the field of accelerator science and technology, a relevant Ph.D., and 15+ years of relevant experience in research and management roles. The successful candidate should have demonstrated leadership and management abilities, and a proven track record in a combination of design, construction and operation of accelerator-based facilities. The candidate should also have a basic knowledge of beam dynamics and accelerator systems including diagnostics, power systems, rf and superconducting rf, and possess the ability to articulate a vision for accelerator R&D at the APS. For a description of divisional programs, please visit the APS home page at

Argonne offers an excellent compensation and benefits package. Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae, list of publications and patents, professional references, and salary history to

Argonne National Laboratory is a multi-program laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science. Argonne's site is located about 25 miles southwest of Chicago on a beautiful 1,500-acre campus. For additional information, please refer to Argonne's home page at

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