DPB message

Dear Colleagues:

The tragic events in Japan have prompted many of us to contact our Japanese friends and colleagues. Even in the face of their reassurances, we are saddened and humbled by the enormity of the personal and professional challenges that they face. The full range of the damage to scientific facilities is yet not known; many accelerator facilities are shut down for further assessment. From the human perspective, our Japanese colleagues are likely to face enormous sacrifices and some of them are already dealing with heartbreaking personal losses.

The thoughts and concerns of the entire Division of Physics of Beams are with our colleagues in Japan. Our ties have been strengthened through many programs, chief among them the regular ILC‑GDE and US‑Japan collaborations including those for KEK and J‑PARC. The DPB is exploring ways in which we might be able to help, both in the shorter‑term and in the longer‑term, and both in restoring accelerator infrastructure and research/education in Japan, and we wish our Japanese colleagues the very best in the difficult months ahead.

Christoph Leemann, Chair
Swapan Chattopadhyay, Past Chair
Lia Merminga, Vice Chair
William Barletta, Chair‑Elect
Stan Schriber, Secretary/Treasurer