Prize Nominations Requested

2011 European Accelerator Prizes

The European Physical Society Accelerator Group (EPS-AG), within the framework of the second International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'11), will sponsor four European Accelerator Prizes, described in the Call for Nominations

The prizes are:

a) The Rolf Wideroe Prize for outstanding work in the accelerator field with no age limit. The winner will receive an engraved medal, and make an oral presentation during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session during IPAC'11.

b) The Gersh Budker Prize for a recent, significant contribution to the accelerator field with no age limit. The winner will receive an engraved medal, and make an oral presentation during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session during IPAC'11.

c) The Frank Sacherer Prize for an individual in the early part of his or her career, having made a recent significant, original contribution to the accelerator field. The winner will receive a framed certificate, and a cash prize of 2000 Euros, and will also make an oral presentation during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session during IPAC'11.

d) A prize, awarded to a student registered for a PhD or diploma in accelerator physics or engineering or to a trainee accelerator physicist or engineer in the educational phase of their professional career, for the quality of work and promise for the future.

Applicants will be judged on the quality of the work submitted to the conference. The winner will receive a framed certificate, and a cash prize of 1000 Euros and will have the opportunity to make a short oral presentation during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session during IPAC'11.

The EPS-AG Accelerator Prizes Selection Committee will decide the winners on the basis of proposals and nominations.

To lighten the administrative burden, it is proposed to elicit brief preliminary proposals for the above Prizes, consisting of a description of the candidate (date of birth, professional activities) and a clear justification for the award of the prize. From these preliminary proposals, the Selection Committee will select those candidates for whom full proposals (curriculum vitae of  candidate, official letters of recommendation from several proposers, full justification for the award of the prize, list of publications, etc.) will be required. Note that the deadlines are:

19 January 2011: preliminary proposals for prizes a), b) and c)
16 March 2011: formal proposals for prizes a), b) and c)
13 April 2011: applications from students for prize d) with a letter of support from their line management on the basis of abstract(s) submitted to the conference.

Preliminary proposals should be addressed by e‑mail to the Chairman of the 2011 Prizes Selection Committee, c/o The Prizes Committee Secretariat (

Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Doctoral Student Award

The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society awards the Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Doctoral Student Award to individuals who have made outstanding thesis research in particle accelerator science and technology.

This award is made to recognize significant and innovative technical contributions to the field of particle accelerator science and technology as demonstrated in a student's doctoral thesis.

Nominations should include a nomination letter from the thesis adviser containing a suggested award citation, a link to a web site containing the Ph.D. thesis, a brief curriculum vitae, a list of relevant publications and up to three letters of support from persons besides the nominator.

The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society awards the Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Award to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the development of particle accelerator science and technology.

Two Awards are granted in each occurrence of the Particle Accelerator Conferences held in North America (PAC or IPAC). At least one award will be given to an individual early in his/her career. Nomination packages are to be submitted by electronic mail only. The package should include a nomination letter containing a suggested award citation, a brief curriculum vitae, a list of relevant publications and up to three letters of support from persons besides the nominator.

For the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, please send nominations before January 20, 2011. Nominations are to be sent to the Awards Subcommittee Chair of the IEEE/NPSS Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Technical Committee.

The current subcommittee chair is

Ilan Ben-Zvi
Phone: (631) 344‑5143