The Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP), established in 1966, is comprised of scientists and educators who study fundamental problems related to the nature of matter. Nuclear scientists probe the properties of nuclei and nuclear matter and the interactions of their ultimate constituents — quarks and gluons. They also address interdisciplinary questions: the basis of fundamental symmetries in nature, the first moments of the universe, the origin of the elements, education, and the application of nuclei and nuclear techniques to meet societal needs including medical diagnoses and treatment, energy, advanced materials, and Homeland Security. DNP interests have significant overlap with other APS Divisions, Topical Groups and Forums.
DNP Allies Program
The DNP is committed to providing an inclusive space where physicists can exchange ideas and share their interests in nuclear physics, regardless of the origin, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity etc, of the scientist. View our educational website for harassment prevention.
The August 2020 Newsletter (#205) is Now Available
Read Newsletter
Help Endow the Stuart Jay Freedman Award in Experimental Nuclear Physics
2020 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics
Isaac Upsal, The Ohio State University
Shirley Li, The Ohio State University
2020 Hans A. Bethe Prize
Fiona Harrison, California Institute of Technology
2020 Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Ubirajara van Kolck, University of Arizona
2020 Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics
Richard Milner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2019 Stuart Jay Freedman Award in Experimental Nuclear Physics
Or Hen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nominees and award and office holders are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.