FEd December 1997 Newsletter - Congressional Science Fellowships

December 1997



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Congressional Science Fellowships

APS and AIP are currently accepting applications for their 1998-1999 Congressional Science Fellowship programs.

Fellows serve one year on the staff of a senator, representative or congressional committee. They are afforded an opportunity to learn the legislative process and explore science policy issues from the lawmakers' perspective. Applicants should have a PhD or equivalent in physics or a closely related field plus a strong interest in science and technology policy. They must be U.S. citizens and be members of APS or another AIP member society. A stipend of $46,000 is offered, in addition to allowances for relocation, in-service travel, and health insurance premiums. Applications should be sent to APS/AIP Congressional Science Fellowship Programs, 529 14th Street NW, Suite 1050, Washington, DC 20045 before

January 15, 1998.

Database of Local Physics Alliances

Jane Jackson at Arizona State University has a database of 250 contact people for 150 or so local physics alliances in the United States that she is willing to share. Her email address is Jane.jackson@asu.edu and her telephone number is 602-965-8438.

Project RISE Website

Project RISE now has a website whose address is [http://www.nas.edu/rise]. Project RISE (Resources for Involving Scientists in Education), a project of the National Research Council, was described in articles by Bruce Alberts and Jan Tuomi in the Fall 1994 FEd Newsletter.

New APS Fellows

Three people nominated by the FEd were elected to APS Fellowship: Ralph Baierlein, Charles Holbrow, and James Stith. Our heartiest congratulations to these new fellows! Members who have nominations for APS Fellowship should send them to Beverly Hartline, chair of the FEd fellowship committee.

Bowen Named New Editor

Sam Bowen, Professor of Physics at Chicago State University, will edit the summer issue of the FEd newsletter. During his eight years at the Argonne National Laboratory, Sam was involved with the "New Explorers" video series created by Bill Kurtis as well as teacher enhancement programs for pre-college teachers and programs for graduate students. We welcome Sam to the FEd editorial staff!

Physics Bowl Scholarships

In an effort to expanding participation in the Physics Bowl, Metrologic will provide 10 $1000 scholarships to top scoring students plus 15 $1000 certificates for Metrologic equipment to top scoring schools. Information about the Physics Bowl can be obtained by calling Amy Swan at (800) 667-8400 or Aswan@metrologic.com.

Is It Entertaining?

Thomas D. Rossing

In a special report on "How to influence press coverage" (U.S.News & World Report, February 19, 1996), former White House press correspondent Michael Deaver offers this advice: "The best advice you can give to somebody when they're dealing with the media is don't think about these people as journalists, because they aren't. They're in the entertainment business, and that's how you can get their attention. They want stuff that sells, that beefs up the bottom line-circulation and profits. Playing to that is how you can get yourself into print or on television or on the radio."

If that's true, I now understand why we're so unsuccessful in getting science news into the media. It isn't enough to make our news releases understandable to the layperson; they must also be entertaining. The trick is to do this without distortion. That's a real challenge!

This note is reprinted from The Physics Teacher, April 1996