Forum on Education of The American Physical Society
Fall 2006 / Spring 2007 Newsletter



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Announcements, News and Congratulations!

Karen Cummings, Southern Connecticut State University

Loss of F.Ed. Executive Committee Member, Mary Creason

Dr. Mary Creason, of Duke University , and her husband William Creason were killed in an automobile accident in North Carolina on May 12, 2007. Along with her efforts on behalf of the F.Ed., Mary was very active in the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), the North Carolina AAPT section and was a member of the local organizing committee for this summer's AAPT meeting in Greensboro . The F.Ed. Executive Committee is grateful to have worked with Mary. We clearly benefited from her enthusiasm and dedication. She will be greatly missed.

Congratulations to the First Excellence in Physics Education Award Recipients!

The Forum on Education is very pleased to announce the first Excellence in Physics Education Award was given to the Physical Science Study Committee (PSSC) and Implementers : John H. Dodge, A.P. French, Robert Gardner, Edwin Goldwasser, Rober Hulsizer, John G. King, and Uri Haber-Schaim for

" the revitalization of subject matter through the involvement of teachers and researchers at all levels, the elevation of the instructional role of the laboratory, the development and utilization of innovative instructional media, and the emphasis on discipline-centered inquiry and the nature of physics, PSSC Physics has had a major and ongoing influence on physics education at the national level. "

More on the Excellence in Physics Education Award

This annual award was established in 2006 and endowed with support from the Richard Lounsbery Foundation, Vernier Software, WebAssign, Physics Academic Software, PASCO Scientific and numerous individual contributions. Its purpose is "To recognize and honor a team or group of individuals (such as a collaboration), or exceptionally a single individual, who have exhibited a sustained commitment to excellence in physics education".

The Excellence in Physics Education Award consists of a $5,000 monetary award, a certificate citing the achievements of the group or individual, and an allowance for travel expenses to the meeting where the award is presented. (Registration fees will be waived). The awardee will also be invited to present a talk at that meeting.

The award is given for such accomplishments as outreach programs; a specific program or project that has had a major ongoing influence on physics education at the national level; outstanding teacher enhancement or teacher preparation programs over a number of years; long-lasting professional service related to physics education that has had a demonstrated positive impact.

The deadline for submission of nominations for the 2008 prize is July 1, 2007. Previous nominations are active for three years. So, please submit your outstanding nominations even if you miss this year's deadline. Five (5) copies of nominations and supporting documentation for the 2008 Prize should be sent to the Chair of the 2008 Selection Committee:

Ken Krane
Oregon State University
Department of Physics
301 Weniger Hall
Corvallis , OR 97331-6507
Phone (541) 737-1692
Fax (541) 737-1683

The other members of the Selection Committee are Alan Van Heuvelen, J.D. Garcia, Ruth Howes and Robert Semper.

Congratulations to Our Newly Elected Fellows

Congratulations to Howard S. Matis (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) and Thad P. Zaleskiewicz ( University of Pittsburgh ) on their election as 2006 APS Fellows based on contributions to physics education.

Congratulations to Newly Elected F.Ed. Executive Committee Members

The F.Ed. Executive Committee would like to warmly welcome the following new members:

Peter Collings , Swarthmore College ,Vice Chair and Chair of the Nominations Committee

Olivia Castelini, Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago , General Member-at-Large

G. Samuel Lightner, Westminster College , APS/AAPT Member-at-Large



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