FEd Spring 2002 Newsletter - FED Sessions

Spring 2002



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The Forum on Education will sponsor the following sessions at the March and April APS meetings: (by Kenneth S. Krane, Chair-Elect)

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March Meeting (Indianapolis, March 18-22):

Teaching Thermal and Statistical Physics. Monday 08:00.

Computer simulations as concrete models for student reasoning. Jan Tobochnik, Kalamazoo College.

Statistical Mechanics of Motorized Molecules. Jeffrey Prentis, University of Michigan - Dearborn.

Relating Macroscopic Thermal Phenomena with Molecular Models. Priscilla W. Laws, Dickinson College.

Student Understanding of The First Law of Thermodynamics. Michael Loverude, California State University - Fullerton.

Overview of Curriculum Developments in the Teaching of Statistical Physics. Harvey Gould, Clark University.

Society of Physics Students Session I/Education and Career Development. (Co-sponsored with SPS). Monday 11:00.

Educating Physicists for Industrial Careers: Bachelors to Ph.D. (Co-sponsored with FIAP). Monday 14:30.

Successful Strategies for Empowering Students to Get High Paying and Rewarding Employment in Industry (and elsewhere). Brian Schwartz, CUNY.

Professional Masters Degrees and the Student-Department-Industry Ecosystem. Philip W. Hammer, The Franklin Institute.

Integration of a full co-op job experience (and direct job-placement) with an applied

           physics curriculum. Daniel Russell, Kettering University.

How Undergraduate Physics Departments View Career Education. Ruth Howes, Ball State University.


Panel Discussion: Communicating with Elected Officials. (Co-sponsored with FPS). Tuesday 08:00.

Michael Lubell, APS and CCNY (moderator).

April Meeting (Albuquerque, April 20-23).66neon.jpg (21917 bytes)

Those who plan to attend the April meeting should also note that the Forum on Education will hold its annual membership meeting on Monday, April 22 just after the Physics Education Open House.

Innovative Approaches to High School Teacher Development. Saturday 10:45.

The Physics Teaching Resource Agents Program: The second decade. Jim Nelson, Seminole County Public Schools.

CESAME: Providing High Quality Professional Development in Science and Mathematics for K-12 Teachers. Paul Hickman, Northeastern University.

The PhysTEC Project of APS, AIP, and AAPT. Henri Jansen, Oregon State University.

Teaching Physics Online from the University to the Schools. Karen Cummings, RPI.

How to Find and Hold a Faculty Job. (Co-sponsored with FGSA). Saturday 14:30.

Faculty Career Opportunities in Liberal Arts Colleges. Neal B. Abraham, DePauw University.

Faculty Hiring and Development at BYU: Perspectives of a Recent Hire and Department Chair.

           R. Steven Turley, Brigham Young University.

Progressing Towards Tenure. Elizabeth H. Simmons, Boston University.

Things I Wish They Had Told Me: Advice From a Newly Tenured Faculty Member From a Small, Liberal Arts College. Peter Sheldon, Randolph-Macon Woman's College.

Finding the Ideal Faculty Job/Candidate: The View from Both Sides of the Fence. Gerald Feldman, The George Washington University.

Communicating with Elected Officials. (Co-sponsored with FPS). Sunday 14:30.

Communicating With Congress - What Can a University Physicist Do? Kenneth Heller, University of Minnesota.

Science Advising in the Legislative and Executive Branches. Peter D. Zimmerman, Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate.

Black Eyes and Brass Knuckles: Science Policy in Washington DC. Francis Slakey, American Physical Society and Georgetown University.

Panel Discussion.

Improving Physics Graduate Education: Some Case Studies. (Co-sponsored with FGSA). Monday 10:45.

Mentoring and Community in the Physics Graduate Program. David P. Belanger, University of California, Santa Cruz.

The Case for Developing Professional Master's Degrees to Compete in the Business World.  Hans M. Bozler, University of Southern California.

Mentoring Graduate Students in Physics and Astronomy at Rutgers University. Jolie A. Cizewski, Rutgers University.

Meeting the Challenges of Graduate Education at a Predominantly Undergraduate Institution.    W.R.M. Graham, TCU.

Real Outreach for Real Proposals. (Co-sponsored with DPF.) Monday 14:30.

Outreach is in Our Name? Joe Dehmer, National Science Foundation.

A Tale of Two Programs. Len Bugel, Fermilab and Cindy Crockett, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

How Physicists can work with Science Centers around the Country. Robert Semper, The Exploratorium.

Research and Education: Planning an Effective Outreach Program in Balance with a Research Career. Brian Connolly, Fermilab, Natalia Kuznetsova, SLAC and Reshmi Mukherjee, Columbia University

The Art of the Public Lecture. Chris Quigg, Fermilab.

Physics Education Open House.   Monday 17:00.

This is a new type of program that will enable meeting participants to drop in, have some refreshments, and engage in informal discussions of important topics in physics education. Discussions will be organized around the following topics: introductory physics for engineers and pre-meds; teaching non-science students; outreach to K-12 teachers and students; recruitment and retention of majors; preparation of K-12 teachers; innovation in upper-division classes.