FEd Spring 2002 Newsletter - Materials Education: Opportunities Over a Lifetime

Spring 2002



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Materials Education: Opportunities Over a Lifetime

James J. Wynne

The Federation of Materials Societies and the University Materials Council are sponsoring a meeting on "Materials Education: Opportunities Over a Lifetime," to be held May 20-21, 2002, at the University of Maryland Conference Center, College Park, MD. The purpose of this two-day meeting is to promote a thorough interchange of beneficial ideas and practices in materials science and engineering education among concerned citizens, professional educators, and funders/policy makers at the grass roots, K-12, and college/university levels. The organizers want all groups involved in materials education to learn about the possibilities for parallel activities and collaboration. The meeting will feature invited talks, poster session displays, and roundtable discussions. Posters and table displays are being solicited from professional societies, government organizations, non-profit educational organizations and foundations, educational institutions and individuals interested in distributing information on Materials Education.

For more information, including registration instructions and the conference program, go to the Materials Education meeting web site - http://www.materialsocieties.org/CPProgram.html