APS Fellow Archive

The APS Fellow Archive contains records of many APS Fellows from 1921 to the present. Please note some Fellows may not be displayed or may display with limited information.

The archive is a historical record and is not updated to reflect current information. All institutional affiliations reflect the Fellows’ affiliations at the time of election to APS Fellowship.

For a current listing of Fellows who are active members, or to find Fellows currently affiliated with your institution, please use the APS Member Directory. For questions about the archive or to inquire about locating a record, please contact APS Honors Staff at honors@aps.org.

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Agostino Marinelli [2023]
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: For path-breaking contributions to the theoretical and experimental development of free-electron lasers and their application to ultra-fast science.
Nominated by: DPB

Christine A. Aidala [2023]
University of Michigan
Citation: For a series of impressive experiments aimed at elucidating the flavor and spin structure of the proton in terms of the quarks and gluons of QCD, conducted at high-energy facilities in both the USA and Europe.
Nominated by: DNP

Javier Aizpurua [2023]
Donostia International Physics Center
Citation: For seminal contributions to the theory of nanoplasmonics that have led to fundamental advances in our understanding of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale and the atomic scale, including quantum plasmonics and nanometrology.
Nominated by: DCP

Brian M. Andersen [2023]
Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
Citation: For groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of disorder and inhomogeneity in the superconducting state of correlated electron systems, and for the development of spin-fluctuation pairing methods in realistic materials.
Nominated by: DCMP

Anton Andreev [2023]
University of Washington
Citation: For advancing the theory of electronic quantum transport.
Nominated by: DCMP

Arif Babul [2023]
University of Victoria
Citation: For advances in astrophysics from galaxy formation and gravitational lensing to cosmic strings and warm dark matter. In particular, for increasing the understanding of the assembly and evolution of galaxy groups/clusters.
Nominated by: DAP

Reba M. Bandyopadhyay [2023]
National Science Foundation
Citation: For outstanding contributions to the nation through informing, crafting, and advancing innovative, inclusive, and data-driven science and technology policy.
Nominated by: FPS

Erez Berg [2023]
Weizmann Institute of Science
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the theory of highly correlated electronic systems, including groundbreaking contributions to the theory of metallic quantum criticality, symmetry protected topological order, topological superconductivity, twisted bilayer graphene, and pair density wave order.
Nominated by: DCMP

Chandrashekhara M Bhat [2023]
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: For outstanding and sustained contributions to accelerator physics and technology that has enabled several significant discoveries in particle physics including the discoveries of single top quark production at the Tevatron and Higgs boson production at the Large Hadron Collider.
Nominated by: DPB

Ginestra Bianconi [2023]
Queen Mary University of London
Citation: For seminal contributions to the statistical mechanics of simple, multilayer, and higher-order networks, and for revealing the interplay between network structure and dynamics in the Bose-Einstein condensation in complex networks.
Nominated by: GSNP

Sibani Lisa Biswal [2023]
Rice University
Citation: For fundamental contributions to understanding of the assembly of superparamagnetic colloids in magnetic fields, discovering mechanisms governing multiphase flows in porous media, characterizing molecular transport in lipid membranes, and developing porous silicon anodes for lithium-ion batteries.
Nominated by: DSOFT

Jennifer Blue [2023]
Miami University
Citation: For conducting pioneering investigations into gender dynamics in physics and providing highly effective advocacy for marginalized communities in physics and astronomy.
Nominated by: FDI

Alexandra Boltasseva [2023]
Purdue University
Citation: For important contributions to nanophotonics, plasmonics, and metamaterials, having made a broad impact in the multidisciplinary area merging optics, material science, and nanotechnology.
Nominated by: DLS

Mario Francisco Borunda [2023]
Oklahoma State University
Citation: For providing tireless leadership on numerous national diversity initiatives, bridging between APS, NSHP, and SACNAS, and disseminating effective practices for improving the climate in physics.
Nominated by: FDI

James S. Bullock [2023]
University of California, Irvine
Citation: For pioneering the structure of galactic dark matter halos, Milky Way build-up, faint-end galaxy formation, and testing dark matter nature through galaxies.
Nominated by: DAP

Anton Burkov [2023]
University of Waterloo
Citation: For significant contributions to establishing Weyl semimetals and Weyl metals as gapless topological phases, and for elucidating their topological response in magneto-transport and magneto-optics.
Nominated by: DCMP

Fiona J. Burnell [2023]
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Citation: For outstanding contributions toward the elucidation of exotic phases of matter, including topological phases that are not described by the conventional Landau classification based on broken symmetries.
Nominated by: DCMP

Nicholas P. Butch [2023]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Citation: For extraordinary and wide-ranging contributions to the synthesis and experimental study of exotic superconducting, magnetic, and topologically nontrivial quantum materials.
Nominated by: DCMP

Claudio Campagnari [2023]
University of California, Santa Barbara
Citation: For leadership and innovation in experimental particle physics, including major contributions to the discovery of the top quark, studies of CP violation in the neutral B-meson system, searches for new particles, and measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson.
Nominated by: DPF

Paola Cappellaro [2023]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For groundbreaking contributions to quantum control and quantum sensing with spin systems.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Donald C. Chang [2023]
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the development of the spin-echo NMR technique for cancer detection, for fundamental understanding of the physical basis of contrast generating mechanisms in MRI, and for demonstrating how powerful the technique could be.
Nominated by: GMED

Yanne K. Chembo [2023]
University of Maryland
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the understanding and application of complexity in time-delayed and spatially extended systems, encompassing experiments and models in both quantum and classical photonic domains.
Nominated by: GSNP

Laura I. Clarke [2023]
North Carolina State University
Citation: For work on polymers spanning from nanometer to mesoscopic scales, including under optical and electric driving; and for teaching, scholarship, and innovation benefiting diverse students underserved by standard practices.
Nominated by: DSOFT

Professor Amalia I. Coldea [2023]
University of Oxford
Citation: For pioneering studies of the electronic structure and the nematic and superconducting orders of iron-based superconductors, using quantum oscillations, photoemission, and other techniques.
Nominated by: DCMP

Professor Radu Coldea [2023]
University of Oxford
Citation: For significant contributions to the understanding of quantum magnetism and quantum phase transitions using both neutron and resonant x-ray scattering techniques.
Nominated by: GMAG

David A. Craig [2023]
Oregon State University
Citation: For serving as a co-chair in the effort to develop and complete the inaugural version of the Effective Practices for Physics Programs (EP3) Guide that is actively aiding physics departments in their work to improve undergraduate physics education.
Nominated by: FED

Linda Cummings [2023]
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Citation: For wide-ranging and impactful contributions to the theoretical study of low-Reynolds-number free surface flows.
Nominated by: DFD

Kausik S Das [2023]
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Citation: For leadership in promoting the progress of underrepresented groups in the field of physics, paired with notable contributions to advance diversity, education, and science communication, and for significantly contributing to the growth and inclusivity of the scientific community.
Nominated by: FPS

Moumita Das [2023]
Rochester Institute of Technology
Citation: For fundamental mechanistic insights into the collective properties and rigidity transitions in multi-component biological and bio-inspired soft materials, and for contributions to building an inclusive and diverse soft matter community.
Nominated by: DSOFT

Cory R. Dean [2023]
Columbia University
Citation: For seminal contributions to the study of two-dimensional materials and their heterostructures.
Nominated by: DCMP

Adolfo del Campo [2023]
University of Luxembourg
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the development of shortcuts to adiabaticity in many-body systems and the study of phase transition dynamics generalizing the Kibble-Zurek mechanism.
Nominated by: DQI

Dean M. DeLongchamp [2023]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Citation: For developing resonant soft x-ray methods to quantify polymer structure, order, and orientation, for making these tools available to the polymer physics community, and for illustrating how these parameters are critical to understanding the properties and performance of organic semiconductors.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Sarah Demers [2023]
Yale University
Citation: For important contributions to tau lepton triggering and identification and using the tau signature in the study of Higgs production and decay, and for important leadership both within the ATLAS collaboration and the broader physics community.
Nominated by: DPF

Alexandre Deur [2023]
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Citation: For scientific leadership of experimental studies of nucleon spin structure in the strong QCD regime.
Nominated by: GHP

Daniel Dolan [2023]
Sandia National Laboratories
Citation: For scientific contributions to understanding phase transitions under dynamic compression, specifically, freezing in water, and for broadly impactful contributions to the field of dynamic compression science in the area of diagnostics and analysis tool development.
Nominated by: GCCM

Davide Donadio [2023]
University of California Davis
Citation: For contributions to the development and application of atomistic and first principles simulations to understand the physical properties of materials and nanostructures, in particular their thermal transport properties.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Bérengère Dubrulle [2023]
CNRS/CEA/University Paris-Saclay
Citation: For seminal contributions to the theory of fully developed turbulence and astro- and geophysical fluid dynamics in general, and in particular, for illuminating intermittency and the role of multiple states in turbulent flows.
Nominated by: DFD

Sophia Economou [2023]
Virginia Tech
Citation: For the development of quantum optimization methods, protocols for the generation of photonic resource states, efficient quantum control schemes for spins and nuclei, and a quantum curriculum for young researchers.
Nominated by: DQI

Adrienne L. Erickcek [2023]
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Citation: For theoretical contributions spanning cosmology, including inflation, cosmic acceleration, and dark matter, with a key focus on understanding primordial density perturbations on small distance scales.
Nominated by: DAP

Alberto Fernandez-Nieves [2023]
University of Barcelona (Spain)
Citation: For pioneering studies on the interplay between geometry, topology, and order in complex fluids, including geometrically frustrated liquid crystals, highly confined colloidal hydrogels, toroidal shaped drops and gels, drop formation in microfluidics, and mechanics and dynamics of fire ant collectives.
Nominated by: DSOFT

Laura Finzi [2023]
Physics Department, Emory University
Citation: For pioneering work on magnetic tweezers to resolve the difference between full polymer elastic theory and the simplifying freely jointed chain model and to demonstrate the key role of DNA supercoiling in transcription regulation, and for using tethered particle motion to study genetic switches.
Nominated by: DBIO

Frederico Fiuza [2023]
Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon
Citation: For leadership and fundamental contributions to the plasma physics of energetic particle generation from collisionless shocks, magnetic reconnection, and MHD instabilities.
Nominated by: DPP

Dillon D. Fong [2023]
Argonne National Laboratory
Citation: For the development and application of in situ synchrotron techniques to the study of complex oxide heterostructures, including seminal discoveries in ferroelectrics, the effect of interfaces on epitaxial growth, and the use of phase retrieval methods for the study of structure in ultrathin films.
Nominated by: DMP

László Forró [2023]
University of Notre Dame
Citation: For groundbreaking advances in the understanding of superconductors, C60, carbon nanotubes, and other nano- and biomaterials through the creative application of diverse techniques for synthesis, measurement, and analysis.
Nominated by: DMP

Pietro Gambardella [2023]
ETH Zurich
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the realization and study of magnetic nanostructures, single-atom magnets, current-induced spin-orbit torques, and magnetoresistance in thin film heterostructures and devices.
Nominated by: GMAG

Bharathram Ganapathisubramani [2023]
University of Southampton
Citation: For innovative experiments and novel data analysis that have contributed to the understanding of a variety of problems in turbulent shear flows and unsteady aerodynamics.
Nominated by: DFD

Maria Gatu Johnson [2023]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For pioneering efforts in the cross-cut field of plasma-nuclear science and for groundbreaking studies of macroscopic plasma flows in Inertial Confinement Fusion implosions.
Nominated by: DPP

Dennice F. Gayme [2023]
Johns Hopkins University
Citation: For the development of reduced order models of wall-bounded turbulent flows and their use in elucidating dominant flow dynamics and processes.
Nominated by: DFD

Franz J Giessibl [2023]

Citation: For the invention of force sensors that achieve sub-Angstrom spatial resolution and for advancements in atomic force microscopy.
Nominated by: GIMS

Irvy Gledhill [2023]
U. Witwatersrand
Citation: For decades of leadership to advance women in physics in South Africa and globally, for research solving problems important to society, and for exceptional, wide-ranging service to the physics community.
Nominated by: FPS

Vernita D. Gordon [2023]
University of Texas at Austin
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the understanding of the role of physical properties in the development of bacterial biofilms and the interactions of biofilms with the immune system.
Nominated by: DBIO

Frank R. Graziani [2023]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: For original theoretical and computational contributions on the frontiers of fundamental properties of non-ideal plasmas, and for exceptional leadership in the national boost initiative, including mentoring and educating the broader High Energy Density Physics Community.
Nominated by: DPP

Eilam Gross [2023]
Weizmann Institute of Science
Citation: For significant contributions elucidating the look-elsewhere effect, for exemplary leadership in the discovery of the Higgs boson, and for the measurement of its properties by the ATLAS Collaboration.
Nominated by: DPF

Wei Guo [2023]
Florida State University
Citation: For the development and advancement of flow visualization techniques using both molecular tracers and solidified particle tracers in liquid helium and their application to the study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid 4He.
Nominated by: DCMP

Kaden Hazzard [2023]
Rice University
Citation: For contributions to the understanding and engineering of quantum matter, especially ultracold atoms and molecules with dipolar interactions, and fermionic SU(N)-symmetric alkaline-earth atoms in optical lattices.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Hong-Jian He [2023]
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Citation: For fundamental contributions to particle theory and phenomenology, and for leadership in promoting international cooperation.
Nominated by: FIP

Michael C Heaven [2023]

Citation: For studies of the electronic structure and bonding of compounds with f-block elements using high-resolution gas-phase spectroscopy and quantum chemistry calculations, and for characterization of the anomalous bonding mechanisms of beryllium.
Nominated by: DCP

Katrin Heitmann [2023]
Argonne National Laboratory
Citation: For pioneering the development of innovative and novel techniques in cosmic simulations for the era of precision cosmology, and for providing sustained scientific leadership, specifically within LSST DESC.
Nominated by: DAP

Per Helander [2023]
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
Citation: For seminal contributions to fusion plasma theory, including neoclassical transport, turbulence, and runaway electron physics, and for leadership in the theory of stellarator plasmas.
Nominated by: DPP

Manfred Helm [2023]
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Citation: For seminal contributions to the development of THz sources and THz spectroscopy of nanomaterials, to the physics of semiconductor superlattices and intersubband transitions in quantum structures, and for leadership in developing an infrared free-electron laser to a successful research facility.
Nominated by: DLS

William Raphael Hix [2023]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For contributions to understanding explosive thermonuclear burning and nucleosynthesis, particularly in contexts like supernovae.
Nominated by: DAP

Jonathan Home [2023]
ETH Zurich
Citation: For exceptional scientific creativity and leadership in the development of novel quantum information protocols and their implementation with trapped atomic ions using nonclassical motional states and for the development of advanced trap/optics infrastructure.
Nominated by: DQI

David L. Hu [2023]
Georgia Institute of Technology
Citation: For innovative experiments in biological fluid mechanics and a willingness to share them with young scientists.
Nominated by: DFD

Guohan Hu [2023]
IBM T J Watson Research Center
Citation: For pioneering advancements in the development of materials and devices for spin-transfer torque magnetic random access memory, resulting in breakthroughs that have significantly enhanced the performance, scalability, and reliability of next-generation non-volatile memory technologies.
Nominated by: GMAG

Kerwyn Casey Huang [2023]
Stanford University
Citation: For elucidating the biophysical properties of the Gram-negative bacterial cell envelope, for highlighting the pivotal role of the outer membrane in conferring stiffness, and for overturning the paradigm of the cell wall as the sole determinant of mechanical stability.
Nominated by: DBIO

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Citation: For pioneering direct measurements of stellar nuclear reactions and fundamental contributions to our understanding of stellar evolution and explosions.
Nominated by: DNP

Michael Jackson [2023]
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Citation: For serving as a co-chair in the effort to develop and complete the inaugural version of the Effective Practices for Physics Programs (EP3) Guide that is actively aiding physics departments in their work to improve undergraduate physics education.
Nominated by: FED

Ahren Jasper [2023]
Argonne National Laboratory
Citation: For groundbreaking contributions to the development and application of semiclassical theories for nonadiabatic dynamics and pressure-dependent kinetics.
Nominated by: DCP

H. Pirouz Kavehpour [2023]
University of California, Los Angeles
Citation: For outstanding experimental research and modeling of a remarkably broad range of interfacial and small scale flows encompassing contact line motion, drop coalescence, phase change, and wetting in both natural and technological contexts.
Nominated by: DFD

Aditya Khair [2023]
Carnegie Mellon University
Citation: For describing the dynamics of complex fluids, including colloidal dispersions and active matter, using asymptotic analyses and numerical computations, with applications to electrokinetic phenomena such as particle transport and diffuse charge dynamics, suspension rheology, and active suspensions.
Nominated by: DFD

Jens Koch [2023]

Citation: For providing theoretical and numerical frameworks for modern superconducting qubits, as well as pioneering contributions to circuit quantum electrodynamics and quantum optics.
Nominated by: DQI

Nikhil Ashok Koratkar [2023]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Citation: For distinguished contributions to nanoscale science and technology, including the discovery of partial van der Waals transparency in graphene, and for pioneering the use of nanostructured materials in composites and energy storage devices.
Nominated by: DMP

Jeffrey Kovac [2023]
University of Tennessee
Citation: For innovative, scholarly, multidimensional, and persistent contributions to scientific ethics and ethics education along with numerous thoughtful contributions on other complex issues at the interface of science and society.
Nominated by: FPS

Boris Kozinsky [2023]
Harvard University / Bosch Research
Citation: For the development of innovative computational and machine learning methods to study microscopic transport and dynamic phenomena, and for their application to the discovery and understanding of technologically relevant materials for energy storage and conversion.
Nominated by: GDS

John Lajoie [2023]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For the development of advanced trigger systems that enabled the discovery of the quark-gluon plasma and leadership in forging the first detector collaboration for the Electron-Ion Collider.
Nominated by: DNP

Professor Mark Lancaster [2023]
University of Manchester
Citation: For contributions to precision measurements of the mass and width of the W boson and the anomalous magnetic moment (g-2) of the muon, testing the internal consistency of the Standard Model to unprecedented precision.
Nominated by: DPF

Mounir Laroussi [2023]
Old Dominion University
Citation: For pioneering work and seminal contributions to the physics and diagnostics of low-temperature plasma jets, elucidating their ignition and propagation mechanisms, and for introducing their groundbreaking biomedical applications.
Nominated by: DPP

Don S Lemons [2023]
Bethel College of Kansas
Citation: For outstanding work as the author of eight books and dozens of journal articles that distinctly combine a deep understanding of physics and its history, with exemplary pedagogy, and for service as Assistant Editor of the American Journal of Physics.
Nominated by: FED

Chaoxing Liu [2023]
Pennsylvania State University
Citation: For significant contributions to the theoretical studies of topological insulators and the quantum anomalous Hall effect.
Nominated by: DCMP

Laura Na Liu [2023]
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Citation: For seminal contributions to the development of three-dimensional optical metamaterials and leadership in paving the new research field of DNA-based 3D dynamic nanophotonics.
Nominated by: FIAP

Samuel E. Lofland, Jr [2023]
Rowan University
Citation: For seminal contributions to the understanding of magnetism in functional oxide materials and for sustained effort in supporting and enhancing undergraduate physics education.
Nominated by: FIAP

Marie Lopez del Puerto [2023]
University of St. Thomas
Citation: For impactful work on integrating computation into the physics curriculum, for leadership in the Partnership for Integrating Computation into Undergraduate Physics, and for service to the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers.
Nominated by: FED

Maxim Lyutikov [2023]
Purdue University
Citation: For pioneering contributions to relativistic plasma astrophysics, greatly advancing our understanding of astrophysically important plasma processes such as relativistic magnetic reconnection and the coherent generation of radiation around compact objects.
Nominated by: GPAP

Xiongfeng Ma [2023]
Tsinghua University
Citation: For contributions to the theory of quantum cryptography, practical protocols of quantum key distribution, and the generation of quantum random numbers.
Nominated by: DQI

Lorin Swint Matthews [2023]
Baylor University
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the fundamental understanding of dust charging and dynamics in a plasma environment through numerical studies.
Nominated by: DPP

Manyalibo J. Matthews [2023]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: For pioneering research in optimizing metal 3D printing and laser materials processing.
Nominated by: FIAP

Steven J. May [2023]
Drexel University
Citation: For significant contributions to the understanding of structural, electronic, and magnetic properties in complex oxide heterostructures.
Nominated by: DMP

John A McGreevy [2023]
University of California San Diego
Citation: For diverse, deep contributions in quantum field theory, gravity, string theory, holography, and many-body physics, traversing traditional boundaries between fields.
Nominated by: DPF

Timothy A. McKay [2023]
University of Michigan
Citation: For tireless efforts to catalyze systemic change and make STEM learning environments equitable and inclusive, as well as the use of data and technology to inform and improve STEM learning.
Nominated by: FED

Pankaj Mehta [2023]
Boston University
Citation: For creative and impactful use of statistical mechanics tools in addressing a broad range of problems, from biological information processing and microbial ecology to machine learning theory.
Nominated by: DBIO

Vinod Menon [2023]
City College of New York & Graduate Center CUNY
Citation: For important contributions to the fields of photonics and polaritonics, in particular at the interface between condensed matter physics and optics, and for extensive service to the community and general public.
Nominated by: DLS

Andreas Metz [2023]
Temple University
Citation: For contributions toward a better understanding of the partonic and chiral structure of hadrons and nuclei and the manifestations thereof in dedicated inclusive and exclusive high-energy scattering processes.
Nominated by: GHP

Jami Valentine Miller [2023]
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Citation: For extraordinary contributions to diversity and inclusion in physics, both in the United States and internationally, and for essential contributions to the history and promotion of Black women in American physics, through the founding of African-American Women in Physics, Inc.
Nominated by: FDI

Andriy Nevidomskyy [2023]
Rice University
Citation: For theoretical contributions improving our understanding of the collective behavior of electrons in quantum materials, including novel phases in unconventional superconductors and strongly frustrated quantum magnets.
Nominated by: DCMP

Irina Novikova [2023]
William & Mary
Citation: For outstanding research on quantum coherence in atomic vapors, including electromagnetically induced transparency and optical magnetometry, and ongoing educational outreach activities in optics and physics.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Andrzej Michal Oles [2023]
Jagiellonian University
Citation: For a comprehensive analysis of the multi-orbital Hubbard model which led to a thorough understanding of complex types of order triggered by spin-orbital entanglement in strongly correlated transition metal oxides.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Bradley D. Olsen [2023]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For the development of new theories of polymer gel mechanics that account for network topology, and for the generation of applied theory and experiments to advance our understanding of polymer self-assembly and dynamics using proteins and hybrid protein macromolecules as model polymer systems.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Philip A Parilla [2023]
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Citation: For outstanding contributions to hydrogen absorption science, for contributions to the physics and advanced materials characterization of new energy-related materials, and for exemplary leadership and mentorship.
Nominated by: GERA

Felix I. Parra [2023]
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Citation: For transformational contributions to the theory of plasma spontaneous rotation, radiation fronts in plasma exhaust, magnetized sheaths, transport barriers, and stellarator transport.
Nominated by: DPP

Cheng-Zhi Peng [2023]
University of Science and Technology of China
Citation: For outstanding contributions in practically secure and wide-area quantum communications and testing quantum physics over long distances.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Harald Pfeiffer [2023]
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)
Citation: For leadership and numerous high-impact research contributions to the field of numerical relativity, which have greatly helped to interpret gravitational-wave observations of binary black holes.
Nominated by: DGRAV

Tilman Plehn [2023]
Heidelberg University
Citation: For advocating the use of advanced machine learning and data science tools in theoretical work within fundamental physics, as well as for original research in this area.
Nominated by: GDS

Marco Polini [2023]
University of Pisa
Citation: For contributions to the theory of interacting electrons in solids, including the theory of electron hydrodynamics in graphene.
Nominated by: DCMP

Rodney Dewayne Priestley [2023]
Princeton University
Citation: For insights into the physics of glassy polymers under a broad range of nanoscale confinement conditions, and for the creation of polymer nanoparticles with controlled surface and internal structures.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Dmitry A. Pushin [2023]
University of Waterloo
Citation: For innovations in neutron scattering and interferometry informed by quantum information science and the physics of structured waves.
Nominated by: GPMFC

Cheng-Wei Qiu [2023]
National University of Singapore
Citation: For groundbreaking research on topological thermal materials and the quantum-mechanic behavior of thermal diffusion, establishing new frontiers of thermal materials, heat and mass transport, and thermal radiation.
Nominated by: DMP

Caterina Riconda [2023]
Sorbonne University
Citation: For seminal contributions to laser plasma physics, plasma optics, and collisionless shocks, for training and inspiring students, especially women, and for service to the international plasma physics community.
Nominated by: DPP

Adam Ritz [2023]
University of Victoria
Citation: For important theory contributions toward understanding the relic density of baryonic and dark matter in the universe, for discovering novel astrophysical and terrestrial signatures of dark matter and dark forces, and for improving our understanding of the dynamics of quantum field theories.
Nominated by: DPF

Nina Rohringer [2023]
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Citation: For outstanding theoretical concepts in the new field of non-linear X-ray science and experiments at X-ray free electron lasers.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Joseph D Romano [2023]
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Citation: For foundational contributions to the detection and characterization of stochastic gravitational wave signals.
Nominated by: DGRAV

James M. Rondinelli [2023]
Northwestern University
Citation: For innovative contributions in the theoretical understanding of structure-property relationships in novel materials, for leadership in exploiting these interactions to discover, design, and engineer transition metal compounds and their novel phases, and for leadership in the DMP community.
Nominated by: DMP

Artem Rudenko [2023]
Kansas State University
Citation: For outstanding contributions to the understanding of correlated few-particle dynamics in strong field interactions with atoms and molecules, and for leadership in developing and conducting coincident molecular imaging experiments at x-ray free-electron laser facilities.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Adrienn Ruzsinszky [2023]
Tulane University
Citation: For the development of electronic structure theory methods, especially density functional theory and the random phase approximation, and their application to materials and molecules, including two-dimensional materials under bending.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Anders Ryd [2023]
Cornell University
Citation: For leadership and innovation in the design, construction, and operation of upgrades to the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, as well as for key contributions to advancing our understanding of charm- and bottom-quark physics and the Higgs boson.
Nominated by: DPF

Muhammad Sahimi [2023]
University of Southern California
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the development of percolation theory and statistical physics, specifically in the characterization of heterogeneous porous materials and media, as well as the study of flow and transport processes occurring therein.
Nominated by: GSNP

Donald Salisbury [2023]
Austin College
Citation: For elucidating the postwar history of general relativity and quantum gravity, particularly the contributions of Peter Bergmann and the Syracuse school.
Nominated by: FHPP

Charles M. Schroeder [2023]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Citation: For fundamental advances in the soft matter physics of polymer liquids, complex fluids, and electroactive materials.
Nominated by: DSOFT

Jennifer M. Schwarz [2023]
Syracuse University
Citation: For influential contributions to the statistical physics of disordered systems, particularly in the development of models concerning correlated percolation, as well as models related to rigidity transitions in both living and nonliving matter.
Nominated by: GSNP

Kartik Sheth [2023]

Citation: For outstanding, innovative, and sustained leadership of inclusion, diversity, and equity efforts in astronomy and astrophysics and in the nation.
Nominated by: FPS

Jonathan Simon [2023]
Stanford University
Citation: For significant and pioneering advances in quantum optics and quantum simulation of strongly interacting systems, including Mott insulator states, synthetic Landau levels, and Laughlin states of photons.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Bram J. J. Slagmolen [2023]
Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics, Research Schools of Physics, and Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Australian National University
Citation: For the development of technologies for gravitational wave detectors, for contributions to the design, construction, and commissioning of Advanced LIGO, and for leadership in the Australian gravitational wave community.
Nominated by: DGRAV

Graeme Smith [2023]
University of Waterloo
Citation: For fundamental contributions on quantum channel capacities including proving continuity, elucidating the phenomenon of superactivation, and for providing a classification of all the additive entropic formulas.
Nominated by: DQI

Marcelle Soares-Santos [2023]
University of Michigan
Citation: For organizing and leading a team that co-discovered the optical kilonova counterpart to the first binary neutron star gravitational wave event from LIGO-Virgo.
Nominated by: DPF

Anna Stasto [2023]
The Pennsylvania State University
Citation: For outstanding contributions to QCD at high energies and to the scientific case for future Electron-Ion Colliders.
Nominated by: DNP

Sarah T. Stewart [2023]
U. California, Davis
Citation: For the development and application of shock physics techniques to explain the origin and evolution of planetary systems.
Nominated by: GCCM

Dale E. Stille [2023]
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Citation: For outstanding, innovative, and selfless contributions to outreach and engagement that promote the understanding and appreciation of physics education, physics, and astronomy among diverse audiences.
Nominated by: FOEP

Greg Sun [2023]
University of Massachusetts Boston
Citation: For the technical innovation and seminal work in semiconductor optoelectronics, Si photonics, and nanophotonics.
Nominated by: FIAP

Kai Sun [2023]
University of Michigan
Citation: For ground-breaking and long-standing contributions to the theory of topological insulators and superconductors, and for applications to soft matter systems.
Nominated by: DCMP

Krysta M. Svore [2023]
Citation: For advancing the development of software architectures and empowering quantum scientists through leadership to design practical and impactful algorithms.
Nominated by: DQI

Derek Teaney [2023]
Stony Brook University
Citation: For pioneering work on the hydrodynamical description of the quark-gluon plasma created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, and for important advances in the non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum chromodynamics.
Nominated by: DNP

Aidan Thompson [2023]
Sandia National Laboratories
Citation: For advancing large-scale atomistic simulations of materials by devising quantum-accurate machine learning interatomic potentials and developing LAMMPS, the leading open-source molecular dynamics package.
Nominated by: DCOMP

John R. Thompson [2023]
University of Maine
Citation: For performing seminal research on student use of mathematics in physics and the learning and teaching of thermal physics, for leading interdisciplinary collaborations and conferences, and for leadership in the physics education research community.
Nominated by: GPER

Christopher Ticknor [2023]
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Citation: For theoretical and computational advances in the properties of matter under extreme conditions, and for leadership in guiding new research in these fields.
Nominated by: GFB

Steve Tobias [2023]
University of Leeds
Citation: For significant contributions to astrophysical and geophysical fluid dynamics, combining mathematical analysis and deep physical insight leading to considerable advances in the understanding of solar dynamos, wave-mean flow interactions, and turbulent flows, and for selfless service to the field.
Nominated by: DFD

Itzhak Tserruya [2023]
Weizmann Institute of Science
Citation: For sustained leadership in the study of the Quark Gluon Plasma generated in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions using electromagnetic probes, through the development and deployment of pioneering hadron-blind detector systems in fixed-target and collider experiments.
Nominated by: DNP

Kathleen R. Turner [2023]
DOE Office of High Energy Physics
Citation: For leadership as a program manager at the Department of Energy, enabling significant advances in the areas of cosmology, astronomy, and astrophysics.
Nominated by: FPS

Nagarajan Valanoor [2023]
UNSW Sydney
Citation: For contributions to the synthesis and processing of thin film functional materials, particularly in the interface engineering of ferroelectric and multiferroic thin films with colossal piezoelectric properties.
Nominated by: FIP

Adri C.T. van Duin [2023]
The Pennsylvania State University
Citation: For inventing and advancing the ReaxFF reactive potentials, which have significantly advanced the field of classical reactive atomistic simulations and bridged the gap between simulation and experiment.
Nominated by: DMP

Sarah Veatch [2023]
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Citation: For foundational work in understanding the miscibility phase transition and associated critical phenomena in membranes, and for rigorously applying these physical concepts to biological processes.
Nominated by: DBIO

Philip von Doetinchem [2023]
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Citation: For leading cosmic antinuclei studies, with crucial roles in ongoing and upcoming cosmic-ray experiments, performing essential antinuclei cross section measurements, engaging in phenomenological research, and organizing community workshops.
Nominated by: DAP

André Walker-Loud [2023]
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Citation: For definitive contributions to fundamental symmetries in nucleons and nuclei, utilizing lattice QCD and Effective Field Theory, including the high-precision computation of the nucleon axial coupling.
Nominated by: DNP

C. Wesley Walter [2023]
Denison University
Citation: For outstanding contributions to negative ion spectroscopy and exemplary involvement of undergraduate students in research.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Xiaojun Wang [2023]
Georgia Southern University
Citation: For outstanding contributions to the fundamental understanding of luminescence processes, as well as the preparation, characterization, and application of LEDs and long-persistent phosphors, encompassing the entire spectrum from ultraviolet to visible to infrared emissions.
Nominated by: FIAP

Henry Tsz-King Wong [2023]
Academia Sinica
Citation: For significant contributions to neutrino physics, dark-matter searches, low-energy low-background experimental techniques, and exceptional leadership within the TEXONO collaboration.
Nominated by: DPF

Xifan Wu [2023]
Temple University
Citation: For the development of ingenious computational techniques for condensed matter, including a linear scaling algorithm for exact exchange, and for resolving long-standing puzzles about bonding and diffusion in water.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Fengnian Xia [2023]
Yale University
Citation: For foundational contributions to the study of optical properties of two-dimensional materials and their applications to optoelectronics and nanophotonics and contributions to the developments of silicon photonic integrated circuits.
Nominated by: FIAP

Liang Yang [2023]
University of California San Diego
Citation: For outstanding contributions to precise measurements and rare event searches, and especially for a leadership role in the search for neutrinoless double beta decay with EXO-200.
Nominated by: DNP

Alexandre Zagoskin [2023]
Loughborough University
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the development of superconducting quantum technologies and their applications.
Nominated by: FIP

Jin Zhao [2023]
University of Science and Technology of China
Citation: For combining methods of many-body perturbation theory with molecular dynamics to model the coupled ultrafast time scale charge, spin, and lattice quantum interactions in condensed matter and quantum materials within the shared Hefei-nonadiabatic molecular dynamics code.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Kun Zhou [2023]
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Citation: For pioneering work in improving the mechanical properties of materials by addressing challenges at the crossroads of additive manufacturing, mechanics, molecular physics and materials science and on the mechanical behaviors of heterogeneous materials under contact loading.
Nominated by: FIAP

Dominik Zumbühl [2023]
University of Basel
Citation: For quantum transport experiments in semiconductor nanostructures at low temperatures studying coherence, spins, and spin-orbit coupling including developing and deploying laboratory instruments.
Nominated by: FIAP

Robert Miles Zwaska [2023]
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: For leadership and important contributions to the development of record beam power neutrino targets and high-intensity proton accelerators.
Nominated by: DPB

Gertrud Zwicknagl [2023]
Technische Universitaet Braunschweig
Citation: For original and paramount contributions to the theory of emergent solid-state materials, in particular, for groundbreaking advances toward the quantitative microscopic understanding of strongly correlated systems on the basis of their atomistic and electronic structure.
Nominated by: DCMP