APS Fellow Archive

The APS Fellow Archive contains records of many APS Fellows from 1921 to the present. Please note some Fellows may not be displayed or may display with limited information.

The archive is a historical record and is not updated to reflect current information. All institutional affiliations reflect the Fellows’ affiliations at the time of election to APS Fellowship.

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Cammy R. Abernathy [2009]
Affiliation not available
Citation: For contributions to the development of compound semiconductor materials growth using molecular beam epitaxy.
Nominated by: FIAP

Vladimir M. Agranovich [2009]
UTD NanoTech Institute
Citation: For contributions to the quantum theory of polaritons and excitons.
Nominated by: DCMP

Doyeol Ahn [2009]
University of Seoul
Citation: For major contributions to the theory of quantum-well lasers and development of quantum information communication research.
Nominated by: DLS

Reka Z. Albert [2009]
Pennsylvania State University
Citation: For pioneering work in understanding the organization and dynamics of biological networks.
Nominated by: DBIO

James G. Alessi [2009]
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Citation: For his many groundbreaking contributions to the development of intense negatively charged hydrogen (H-) beam sources, both unpolarized and spin-polarized, and the development of a high intensity Electron Beam Ion Source for the production of beams of high charge state heavy ions.
Nominated by: DPB

Rolf Allenspach [2009]
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
Citation: For his pioneering experimental work in the field of nanomagnetism leading to a fundamental understanding of the physical limits of magnetic behavior. His studies on oscillatory magnetic anisotropy, ultrafast magnetization reversal and current driven domain motion provide new implications for future magnetic storage and logic devices.
Nominated by: GMAG

Farhad Ardalan [2009]
Sharif Univ of Tech
Citation: For pioneering work in applications of noncommutative geometry in string theory and gauge theories, and for promoting the participation of Iranian scientists in CERN and Middle-East programs.
Nominated by: FIP

Reza Arghavani [2009]
Applied Materials Inc
Citation: For leading the team that created a series of Stress-Tunable dielectrics for MEMORY and LOGIC technologies, also for introducing first ALD High-k into INTEL development FABs, which led to the introduction of High-k/Metal Gate into 45nm INTEL Microprocessor.
Nominated by: FIAP

Roger E.A. Arndt [2009]
University of Minnesota
Citation: For his seminal contributions to our understanding of cavitation including inception physics, erosion mechanisms, noise and vibration and effects on turbomachinery performance; and for his outstanding contributions to research and education in aeroacoustics, hydroacoustics and hydroturbine technology.
Nominated by: DFD

Raymond C. Ashoori [2009]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For the development of imaging techniques that reveal the physical properties of reduced-dimensional electronic systems.
Nominated by: DCMP

Richard A. Baartman [2009]
Citation: For significant contributions to the theory and elucidation of collective instabilities and higher order aberrations in particle accelerators and beamlines.
Nominated by: DPB

Kaladi S. Babu [2009]
Oklahoma State University
Citation: For original contributions to neutrino physics, supersymmetric model building, and grand unification.
Nominated by: DPF

Zlatko Blacic [2009]
New York University
Citation: For major contributions to the theoretical treatment and understanding of the quantum bound-state and dissociative dynamics of floppy polyatomic molecules, weakly bound molecular clusters, and molecular hydrogen in nanoporous materials.
Nominated by: DCP

Carlo F. Barenghi [2009]
Newcastle University
Citation: For the application of ideas and methods of modern fluid mechanics to quantum fluids, especially hydrodynamic stability, vortex dynamics and turbulence.
Nominated by: DFD

John L. Bechhoefer [2009]
Simon Fraser University
Citation: For seminal experimental and theoretical contributions to nonlinear dynamics, pattern formation, phase transitions, solidification and biological physics as well as important advances of scientific instrumentation.
Nominated by: GSNP

Farhat N. Beg [2009]
University of California, San Diego
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of physics of short pulse high intensity laser matter interactions and pulsed power driven dense Z-pinches. His empirical scaling of hot electron temperature versus laser internsity has contributed significantly to the understanding of relativistic electron generation and transport in matter.
Nominated by: DPP

David J Benson [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

David J. Benson [2009]
University of California, San Diego
Citation: In recognition of fundamental algorithms in hydrocodes and pioneering work in nonlinear, time-dependent continuum numerical simulations at the micromechanical level to develop a fundamental understanding of the response of materials to shock propagation, including energy.
Nominated by: GCCM

Janos Bergou [2009]
CUNY - Hunter College
Citation: For outstanding work in quantum optics and quantum information, in particular work on the theory of correlated emission lasers, the effect of pump statistics on the nature of the electromagnetic field produced in lasers and micromasers, and on quantum state discrimination.
Nominated by: DLS

Sergey M. Bezrukov [2009]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Citation: For his seminal contributions to the physics of ion channels, thereby bridging molecular biology with physical kinetics and nonlinear dynamics by developing single-molecular methods to membrane transport and noise-facilitated signal transduction.
Nominated by: DBIO

Rana Biswas [2009]
Iowa State University
Citation: For theoretical contributions to the dynamics of semiconductors, solar materials, and photonic crystals.
Nominated by: DCMP

Charles T. Black [2009]
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the integration of nanometer-scale polymer self-assembly in the fabrication of high-performance semiconductor microelectronic devices.
Nominated by: FIAP

Roger Blandford [2009]
Citation: For his seminal contributions to theoretical astrophysics, including black hole astrophysics, the astrophysics of relativistic plasmas, cosmic ray acceleration and propagation, and cosmological applications of gravitational lensing.
Nominated by: DAP

John M. Blondin [2009]
North Carolina State University
Citation: For extensive contributions to the study of accreting systems, stellar outflows, supernovae, and supernova remnants through hydrodynamic simulations, and for his authorship and maintenance of the VH-1 hydrodynamic code.
Nominated by: DAP

Tomas Bohr [2009]
Technical University of Denmark
Citation: For insightful analysis of and experiments on nonlinear fluid dynamical problems, including turbulence, free-surface flows, granular dynamics, and biological flows.
Nominated by: DFD

Eric Borguet [2009]
Temple University
Citation: For his seminal contributions to our understanding of optical, molecular and electronic phenomena at buried interfaces, complex interfaces, and nanosystems; and for the development of novel experimental tools and methodologies, particularly the development of fluorescent labeling of surface species.
Nominated by: DCP

David K. Bradley [2009]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: For the development and use of high speed optical and x-ray instrumentation to discover new phenomena in high energy density plasmas.
Nominated by: DPP

William N. Brandt [2009]
Pennsylvania State University
Citation: For his leadership of and numerous contributions to deep extragalactic X-ray surveys and active-galaxy studies, which have advanced understanding of the physics and evolution of accreting supermassive black holes and other cosmic X-ray sources.
Nominated by: DAP

James G. Brasseur [2009]
Pennsylvania State University
Citation: For advancements in knowledge of nonclassical interscale interactions in turbulence and in large-eddy simulation of the high Reynolds number boundary layer, and for interdisciplinary contributions to gastro-intestinal medicine by integrating physiology, mechanics, and mathematical modeling.
Nominated by: DFD

Sergey Budko [2009]
Iowa State University
Citation: For significant contributions to the study of superconducting, magnetic transport properties of metals, such as field-induced quantum criticality in heavy fermions and superconductivity in layered cuprate, rare earth nickel borocarbide, magnesium diboride, and iron arsenide-based compounds.
Nominated by: DMP

John W.M. Bush [2009]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For novel contributions to surface-tension dominated flows, elucidation of their appearance in biological contexts, and for many illustrations of the visual beauty of fluid dynamics.
Nominated by: DFD

Franco Cacialli [2009]
University College London
Citation: For his significant contributions to the science and technology of organic semiconductors and related applications, and especially for seminal contributions to the scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) assisted lithography of organic semiconductor nanostructures.
Nominated by: DMP

Laurence S. Cain [2009]
Davidson College
Citation: For strong commitment to the advancement of undergraduate teaching and research, and for significant contributions to introductory physics curriculum and assessment at the national level.
Nominated by: FED

Manuela Campanelli [2009]
Rochester Institute of Technology
Citation: For groundbreaking work on numerical simulations of binary black hole spacetimes, and for explorations using these simulations of interesting physical effects such as "superkicks" and spin-driven orbital dynamics.
Nominated by: DGRAV

Jeff Candy [2009]
General Atomics
Citation: For groundbreaking advancements in gyrokinetic simulation of turbulent transport in fusion plasmas including the first multi-scale kinetic simulations with coupled ion and electron scales.
Nominated by: DPP

Gang Cao [2009]
University of Kentucky
Citation: For experimental studies of electric and magnetic single-crystal transition-metal oxides.
Nominated by: DCMP

John Carlstrom [2009]
The University of Chicago
Citation: For his pioneering measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background polarization and the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect to study the early universe. For using these measurements to constrain models of the constituents of and the physical processes in the early universe.
Nominated by: DAP

G Lawrence Carr [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

G. Lawrence Carr [2009]
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Citation: For applications of synchrotron and terahertz radiation to condensed-matter systems.
Nominated by: DCMP

Steven L. Ceccio [2009]
University of Michigan
Citation: For experimental advancements in multiphase and high-Reynolds number flows, including cavitating flows, gas-solid flows, and skin friction drag reduction using gas and polymer injection.
Nominated by: DFD

Ruth W. Chabay [2009]
North Carolina State University
Citation: For contributions to the development of computer-based learning and tutorial systems, visualizations, and curricula that have modernized and improved how students learn physics.
Nominated by: FED

Mark B. Chadwick [2009]
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Citation: For significant and innovative contributions to applied nuclear physics, including medical radiation therapy, nonproliferation, homeland security, the physics of nuclear weapons, and especially to development of the modern ENDF/B-VII data base.
Nominated by: DNP

Ching-Ray Chang [2009]
National Taiwan University
Citation: For contributions to the theory of magnetism and the development of computational approaches in spin transport, and for leadership in fostering international research and education in Asia.
Nominated by: FIP

Kee Joo Chang [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Keejoo Chang [2009]
Korea Adv Inst of Sci & Tech
Citation: For his outstanding contributions to computational materials physics, in particular the fundamental understanding of defects, impurities, and high-pressure phases of semiconductors.
Nominated by: DMP

Jeffrey R. Childress [2009]
Hitachi San Jose Research Center
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the understanding of magnetism and magnetotransport in thin-film and nanostructured materials, and their applications to magnetic recording sensor technologies.
Nominated by: GMAG

Matthew F. Chisholm [2009]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For pioneering contributions to materials and interface physics through scanning transmission electron microscopy.
Nominated by: DMP

Andrew N. Cleland [2009]
University of California, Santa Barbara
Citation: For fundamental studies and applications of nanomechanical and nanoelectronic devices.
Nominated by: DCMP

Lynn Cominsky [2009]
Sonoma State University
Citation: For her seminal work to promote student and teacher education using NASA missions as inspiration.
Nominated by: FED

Donald G. Crabb [2009]
University of Virginia
Citation: For his contributions to the use of high field polarized targets and development of high polarization and radiation resistant polarized target materials and his role in using them in seminal particle physics experiments and advancing the knowledge of the behavior in high intensity beams.
Nominated by: DNP

Jeffrey D. Crouch [2009]
Boeing Company
Citation: For contributions to the theory, modeling and control of flow instabilities, including the discovery of new trailing-vortex instabilities and the advancement of practical methods for boundary-layer transition prediction and laminar flow control.
Nominated by: DFD

Karsten V. Danzmann [2009]
Institut fur Gravitationsphysik
Citation: For his innovation and leadership in gravitational wave detection across its full spectrum and for promoting collaboration across national boundaries.
Nominated by: FIP

Hans W. Diehl [2009]
Universitaet Duisburg-Essen
Citation: For his seminal and sustained contributions to the understanding of universal critical behavior associated with surfaces and boundaries.
Nominated by: GSNP

Milind Diwan [2009]
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Citation: For his contributions to neutrino and kaon physics.
Nominated by: DPF

Robert R. Doering [2009]
Texas Instruments Inc.
Citation: For outstanding leadership in integrated-circuit device scaling and many other important areas of semiconductor industry research and development, including pre-competitive collaborations between industry, government, and academic physics and engineering.
Nominated by: FIAP

Luming Duan [2009]
University of Michigan
Citation: For his distinctive contributions to theoretical atomic physics and quantum information; in particular, for his seminal proposals for quantum information protocols involving atom-optical systems.
Nominated by: DQI

James W. Dufty [2009]
University of Florida
Citation: For his numerous seminal contributions to non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and its applications to granular fluids, plasmas, strongly coupled Coulomb systems, and materials science.
Nominated by: GSNP

Gregory E Hall [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Jens G. Eggers [2009]
University of Bristol
Citation: For applications of the ideas of singularities to free-boundary problems such as jet breakup, drop formation, air entrainment, thin-film dynamics including wetting, dewetting and contact line motions, and with further applications to polymeric flows and models for granular dynamics.
Nominated by: DFD

Sarah C. Eno [2009]
University of Maryland
Citation: For contributions in particle physics involving electroweak parameters, precision electroweak measurements, and physics beyond the Standard Model at the Tevatron.
Nominated by: DPF

Klaus Ensslin [2009]
ETH Zurich
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of optical and transport properties of nanoscale systems.
Nominated by: DCMP

Todd Evans [2009]
General Atomics
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the understanding of complex 3-D magnetic field topologies and their application to the beneficial control of the plasma edge in high temperature fusion plasmas.
Nominated by: DPP

Bradley Filippone [2009]
California Institute of Technology
Citation: In recognition of his many contributions to nuclear astrophysics, nucleon spin structure, nuclear interactions at short distances, and fundamental symmetries and especially the development of experimental techniques to meet these challenges.
Nominated by: DNP

Katherine Freese [2009]
University of Michigan
Citation: For pioneering work on the theories of inflation, dark matter, and dark energy.
Nominated by: DGRAV

Laurence E. Fried [2009]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: In recognition of outstanding contributions to the physics and chemistry of shocked materials, the high pressure, high temperature equations of state of solids and liquids, and the prediction of energetic material reactivity, most notably the existence of sub-picosecond chemistry in high temperature dense fluids.
Nominated by: GCCM

Mamoru Fujiwara [2009]
Osaka University
Citation: For many and continuing contributions to nuclear physics involving innovative use of high-resolution spectrometers for charge-exchange reactions, and leadership in wide-ranging international collaborations and activities.
Nominated by: FIP

Bo Gao [2009]
University of Toledo
Citation: For contributions to the quantum-defect theory of cold atom interactions and the analyses of the associated mathematical special functions.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Andrea MV Garofalo [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Andrea M.V. Garofalo [2009]
General Atomics
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the understanding of tokamak plasma stability in the presence of a conducting wall, leading to sustained operation above the free-boundary pressure limit.
Nominated by: DPP

Yuval Gefen [2009]
Weizmann Institute of Science
Citation: For fundamental theoretical studies of mesoscopic systems.
Nominated by: DCMP

Thomas Richard Gentile [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Thomas R. Gentile [2009]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Citation: For his extensive contributions to diverse precision measurements, particularly in the development of neutron spin filters using polarized 3He and in the application of polarized 3He to precision measurements in neutron science.
Nominated by: GPMFC

Joseph A. Giaime [2009]
Louisiana State University
Citation: For his contributions to gravitational wave physics, in particular key aspects of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO).
Nominated by: DGRAV

Xingao Gong [2009]
Fudan University
Citation: For innovative theoretical studies of the properties of clusters and wires, development of theoretical treatments of pressure effects on materials, and for tireless promotion of international collaborations in computational materials physics.
Nominated by: FIP

Stephen Gourlay [2009]
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Citation: For his intellectual leadership and technical achievements in the design, fabrication and testing of high field superconducting accelerator magnets.
Nominated by: DPB

David J. Griffiths [2009]
Reed College
Citation: For advancing the upper level physics curriculum through the writing of leading textbooks and through his contributions to the American Journal of Physics in many editorial roles and as an author.
Nominated by: FED

Carl J. Gross [2009]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For enabling the studies of most exotic atomic nuclei through the invention and implementation of novel experimental methods.
Nominated by: DNP

Supratik Guha [2009]
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Citation: For his leadership in semiconductor materials and devices and, in particular, for providing the scientific and technological underpinnings of the high dielectric constant gate stack scheduled to replace the venerable silicon dioxide gate film in field effect transistor products in IBM.
Nominated by: FIAP

Jens H. Gundlach [2009]
University of Washington
Citation: In recognition of his unique and outstanding contributions to precision mechanical measurements and our quantitative understanding of the strength of gravity.
Nominated by: GPMFC

Gernot Guntherodt [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Gernot Guntherodt [2009]
Physikal Instit IIA
Citation: For important contribution to the fields of Half Metallic Ferromagnets, Ultrathin Magnetic Films, Magnetic Semiconductors and Exchange Bias.
Nominated by: GMAG

Gaston R. Gutierrez [2009]
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: For leading the introduction of "matrix-element" techniques for extracting precise measurements of standard-model parameters at hadron colliders and for seminal and vital contributions to the construction of the unique scintillating fiber tracker for the DZero experiment.
Nominated by: DPF

Maciej S. Gutowski [2009]
Heriot-Watt Univ
Citation: For contributions in the development and application of computational approaches tot he understanding of atomic and molecular interactions of weakly bound molecules, interfacial species, and anions of molecular clusters and biological molecules.
Nominated by: DCP

Richard F. Haglund [2009]
Vanderbilt University
Citation: For the innovative creation of new materials and the exploration of their properties employing sophisticated optical probes.
Nominated by: DMP

Gregory E. Hall [2009]
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Citation: For innovative applications of high resolution molecular spectroscopy to photodissociation dynamics, energy transfer and biomolecular reactions.
Nominated by: DCP

Scott T. Hannahs [2009]
Florida State University
Citation: For his contributions to instrumentation and measurements in high magnetic fields and for scientific contributions to many fields including quantum fluids, organic superconductors, heavy fermions, quantum Hall effect, and Heisenberg spin systems.
Nominated by: GIMS

Siegfried S. Hecker [2009]
Stanford University
Citation: For outstanding leadership in promoting better nuclear security and international cooperation and understanding with Russia, South Asia, and North Korea, in preventing nuclear terrorism, and in ensuring a safe, secure and reliable U.S. nuclear arsenal.
Nominated by: FPS

Alexander Heger [2009]
University of Minnesota
Citation: For important contributions to the understanding of massive star evolution, nucleosynthesis, supernovae, and X-ray bursts.
Nominated by: DAP

Beate Heinemann [2009]
University of California, Berkeley
Citation: For contributions to the search for physics beyond the Standard Model through precision measurements in electron-proton collisions and direct searches for new particles and phenomena in proton-antiproton collisions.
Nominated by: DPF

Ulrich Heintz [2009]
Boston University
Citation: For his contributions to the precision measurement of the masses of the W boson and the top quark.
Nominated by: DPF

Kerry W. Hipps [2009]
Washington State University
Citation: For his pioneering and innovative work in tunneling spectroscopy and in STM based orbital mediated tunneling through molecular systems.
Nominated by: DMP

Theodore W. Hodapp [2009]
American Physical Society
Citation: For improving physics education by helping set licensure standards for physics teachers, and by leading the PhysTEC project to develop strong liaisons between university physics departments and schools of education to increase the number of qualified high school physics teachers.
Nominated by: FED

Craig J. Hogan [2009]
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: For his innovative research in diverse areas of astrophysics, including the constituents of the universe, dark energy, gravitational waves, cosmological phase transitions, and cosmic background radiation.
Nominated by: DAP

Umran Inan [2009]
Stanford University
Citation: For outstanding contributions to the understanding of nonlinear whistler-mode wave-particle interactions, the physics of lightning-ionosphere interactions, and lightning-driven loss of radiation belt electrons.
Nominated by: DPP

Kevin Ingersent [2009]
University of Florida
Citation: For contributions to the theory of strongly correlated electron systems.
Nominated by: DCMP

Van Isacker [2009]
Citation: For his fearless confrontation of transitional nuclei using graded Lie Algebras, g-bosons, gamma deformations and nuclear chaos leading to interrelations of bands in even-even, odd-even and odd-odd nuclei and predictions of nuclear masses beyond the valley of stability.
Nominated by: DNP

Christopher Jarzynski [2009]
University of Maryland
Citation: For pioneering work in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, especially his elegant equality relating free energy differences between two equilibrium states to averaged work expended in non-equilibrium transformations between them.
Nominated by: GSNP

Raymond Jeanloz [2009]
University of California, Berkeley
Citation: For contributions to the development of sound public policy for nuclear weapons management and nuclear non-proliferation and for engaging scientists in Russia, China, and India in order to address technical and potentially sensitive issues in international security, arms control and disarmament.
Nominated by: FPS

Kevin L. Jensen [2009]
Naval Research Laboratory
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the theory and modeling of electron emission sources for particle accelerators and microwave tubes.
Nominated by: DPB

Quanxi Jia [2009]
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Citation: For pioneering contributions in epitaxial functional metal-oxide films for coated conductors and electronic devices.
Nominated by: DMP

J Samuel Jiang [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Samuel J. Jiang [2009]
Argonne National Laboratory
Citation: For experimental contributions to the study of magnetotransport and magnetic coupling phenomena in magnetic nanostructures.
Nominated by: DCMP

Albrecht Karle [2009]
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the understanding, design and construction of large-scale neutrino detectors, AMANDA and IceCube, as well as the development of analysis techniques for sources of atmospheric and astrophysical neutrinos.
Nominated by: DPF

Kathleen Kash [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Ram S. Katiyar [2009]
University of Puerto Rico
Citation: For contributions to the fabrication and characterization of ferroelectric thin films.
Nominated by: DCMP

Joseph Katz [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Joseph Katz [2009]
Johns Hopkins University
Citation: For his important contributions to our understanding of the underlying physics of a wide range of complex flows, including turbulent boundary layers, cavitating flows in rotating machinery, and flows in ocean and atmospheric environments; for his numerous transformative contributions to experimental techniques; and for his years of editorial service.
Nominated by: DFD

Robert M. Kerr [2009]
University of Warwick
Citation: For his pioneering mix of 3D direct numerical simulations with analysis inspired by mathematics and physics to turbulent statistics, thermal convection, intense events and novel LES approaches. His 1993 Euler calculation has withstood the test of time and continues to inspire new mathematics.
Nominated by: DFD

J.O. Kessler [2009]
University of Arizona
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the biological fluid dynamics of swimming micro-organisms and for inspirational and enthusiastic leadership in the field.
Nominated by: DFD

J O Kessler [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Bamin Khomami [2009]
University of Tennessee
Citation: For his insightful application of novel numerical methods, molecular modeling, and experiments toward the physical understanding of elastic fluid flows including discovering and explaining novel aspects of their purely elastic and thermomechanical instability.
Nominated by: DFD

Jin K. Kim [2009]
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Citation: For pioneering advanced spectroscopies for the characterization of heterogeneous polymer materials.
Nominated by: DPOLY

JinKon Kim [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Spencer Klein [2009]
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Citation: For pioneering studies of quantum-mechanical interference effects in coulomb interactions between highly-charged nuclei at ultra-relativistic energies, and in the suppression of bremsstrahlung in electron scattering from dense media.
Nominated by: DNP

Junichiro Kono [2009]
Rice University
Citation: For contributions to optical processes in semiconductor nanostructures, including magneto-optical studies of Aharonov-Bohm physics in carbon nanotubes.
Nominated by: DCMP

Kannan M. Krishnan [2009]
University of Washington
Citation: For original and creative work in magnetism and electron microscopy elucidating growth mechanisms and the role of microstructure in determining fundamental properties of thin films, nanoscale structures and devices.
Nominated by: DMP

Alexander M. Kuzmich [2009]
Georgia Institute of Technology
Citation: For experimental work with atomic ensembles that have advanced our understanding of atom-atom and atom-light entanglement, demonstating the feasibility of quantum repeaters.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Jueinai Kwo [2009]
National Tsing Hua University
Citation: For her outstanding work in developing novel electronic materials using innovative fabrication techniques, especially her pioneering work that laid the foundation for the field of artificial magnetic superlattices.
Nominated by: DMP

Greg L. Landsberg [2009]
Brown University
Citation: For his leadership and his contributions to experimental searches for new phenomena beyond the Standard Model, and in particular, for his theoretical and experimental work related to the production of black holes at high energy colliders.
Nominated by: DPF

Robert E. Laxdal [2009]
Citation: For his significant contributions to the design and construction of a new generation of high-gradient CW heavy-ion accelerators, especially the ISAC Separated Function DTL and the ISAC-II superconducting linac, whose cavities have set a world standard.
Nominated by: DPB

Ka Yee C. Lee [2009]
The University of Chicago
Citation: For her discoveries of new morphologies and molecular behavior in model lipid films of biological and medical importance.
Nominated by: DBIO

Stanislas Leibler [2009]
Rockefeller University
Citation: For his novel and innovative use of theoretical and experimental tools from physics to address biologically important questions from robustness in biological systems to oscillations in living cells, dynamics of bacterial colonies, and developmental neurobiology.
Nominated by: DBIO

Jeremy Levy [2009]
University of Pittsburgh
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of complex oxides, semiconductor spintronics, and their application to quantum information science.
Nominated by: DCMP

Eric Lin [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Eric Lin [2009]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Citation: For outstanding research on the physical properties of polymer thin films, interfaces, nanostructured materials and their applications in semiconductor device manufacturing.
Nominated by: DPOLY

James T. Linnemann [2009]
Michigan State University
Citation: For original research in high energy physics and particle astrophysics through electronics and software applications, seminal contributions to the discoveries of the top quark and TeV gamma-ray sources, searches for supersymmetry, and applications of statistics.
Nominated by: DPF

Paolo Luchini [2009]
Universita di Salerno
Citation: For the exploration of both electrodynamics and fluid dynamics with an interdisciplinary command of mathematical and numerical approaches and a balanced attention to basic physical issues and practical applicability.
Nominated by: DFD

Michael Luke [2009]
University of Toronto
Citation: For seminal contributions to the phenomenological understanding of heavy quark decays, providing experimentalists with the tools needed to make precision measurements of several fundamental parameters in the Standard Model.
Nominated by: DPF

Chung-Pei M. Ma [2009]
University of California, Berkeley
Citation: For her important contributions to theoretical astrophysics, particularly in the areas of relativistic evolution of density perturbations, constraints on dark matter properties in structure formation models, and the dynamics of galaxy and dark matter halo mergers.
Nominated by: DAP

Rajesh Maingi [2009]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For his seminal work in boundary physics research in tokomaks and spherical tori, including divertor pumping for density control, pellet fueling to surpass conventional density limits, and the discovery of a high-confinement mode and a new class of edge instabilities in large spherical tori.
Nominated by: DPP

Charles M. Marcus [2009]
Harvard University
Citation: For contributions to the fabrication of mesoscopic semiconductor devices and the study of their electronic properties.
Nominated by: DCMP

David C Martin [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

David C. Martin [2009]
University of Delaware
Citation: For significant contributions to the understanding of phase transformations in molecular crystals and crystalline polymers using low dose, high resolution electron microscopy (HREM), optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Dmitri Maslov [2009]
University of Florida
Citation: For contributions to the theory of quantum transport in one-dimensional systems.
Nominated by: DCMP

Dmitrii Maslov [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Patricia L. McBride [2009]
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: For her original contributions to flavor physics at LEP and the Tevatron and to the development of major new initiatives in B-physics and collider physics.
Nominated by: DPF

Gail C. McLaughlin [2009]
North Carolina State University
Citation: For her work in elucidating the role of neutrinos in nucleosynthesis in supernovae and black hole accretion disks, and for her studies of the potential of low energy beta-beams in neutrino physics.
Nominated by: DNP

Robert D McMichael [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Robert D. McMichael [2009]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Citation: For broad contributions to the measurement, modeling, interpretation, and understanding of magnetization dynamics.
Nominated by: GMAG

Mark W. Meisel [2009]
University of Florida
Citation: For contributions to magnetic and magneto-optical properties of low-dimensional and nanoscale materials.
Nominated by: DCMP

Ulf G. Meissner [2009]
Universitaet of Bonn
Citation: For leading the development of chiral perturbation theory with baryons, including many pioneering and successful predictions for the interactions of nucleons with photons, pions, and other nucleons.
Nominated by: DNP

Narayanan Menon [2009]
University of Massachusetts
Citation: For experiments that helped shape the current understanding of granular fluids and supercooled liquids.
Nominated by: DCMP

Gerhard Meyer [2009]
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
Citation: For developments and applications of low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy.
Nominated by: DCMP

Peter F. Michelson [2009]
Stanford University
Citation: For seminal contributions to the inception, the success of the design and construction, and the breadth and depth of science contributions of the Fermi LAT telescope.
Nominated by: DAP

Dennis M. Mills [2009]
Argonne National Laboratory
Citation: For the development of synchrotron x-ray optics and related techniques and for the build-out of beamlines at the Advanced Photon Source. In particular for the development of x-ray monochromators, phase plates, and timing techniques. For his guidance at the Journal of Synchrotron Radiation and for initiating the National Neutron and X-ray School.
Nominated by: GIMS

Rory A. Miskimen [2009]
University of Massachusetts
Citation: For his leadership in the field of experimental electromagnetic nuclear physics, especially in studies of nucleon structure and low energy QCD.
Nominated by: DNP

Laurens W. Molenkamp [2009]
University of Wuerzburg
Citation: For contributions to the field of semiconductor spintronics.
Nominated by: DCMP

Arthur Molvik [2009]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: For outstanding contributions to diverse areas of plasma physics and technology, including MHD stability limits in mirrors, and the physics of gas and electron accumulation in the ion accelerators.
Nominated by: DPP

Teresa Montaruli [2009]
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Citation: For fundamental contributions, both experimental and theoretical, to the understanding of cosmic and atmospheric neutrino fluxes, neutrino mass, and the spectra of dark matter annihilations.
Nominated by: DAP

David Clark Morse [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

David C. Morse [2009]
University of Minnesota
Citation: For outstanding theoretical contributions to the fields of semiflexible polymer rheology, block copolymer thermodynamics, and membrane-forming surfactant systems.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Juan G. Muga [2009]
Universidad del Pais Vasco
Citation: For pioneering theoretical work on tunneling time in quantum mechanics and for the development of the concept of the atom diode and its application to cooling of atoms.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Michael S. Murillo [2009]
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Citation: For original theoretical and computational research in several areas of non-ideal plasmas, including non-equilibrium properties of ultra-cold plasmas, collective properties of dusty plasmas, transport in strongly coupled plasmas, and atomic physics in dense plasmas.
Nominated by: DPP

Ganpathy N. Murthy [2009]
University of Kentucky
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of correlated and disordered electron systems.
Nominated by: DCMP

Balakrishnan Naduvalath [2009]
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Citation: For seminal contributions to the understanding of molecular energy transfer and chemical reactivity in ultra-cold atom-molecule systems.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Aiichiro Nakano [2009]
University of Southern California
Citation: For the development and implementation of scalable parallel and distributed algorithms for large-scale atomistic simulations to predict, visualize, and analyze reaction processes for novel nano-mechano-chemical phenomena encompassing diverse spatiotemporal scales.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Rajamani Narayanan [2009]
Florida International University
Citation: For groundbreaking work on exact chiral symmetry and topology on the lattice and important contributions to the nonperturbative calculation of the running coupling in non-Abelian gauge theories.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Thomas Nattermann [2009]
Universitat zu Koln
Citation: For contributions to statistical physics of disordered systems, especially the dynamics of elastic disordered media.
Nominated by: DCMP

Raffi M. Nazikian [2009]
Princeton University
Citation: For seminal experimental contributions leading to the first observation of alpha particle driven Alfvén waves in deuterium-tritium plasmas and for the development of innovative diagnostics leading to major progress in understanding the internal structure of energetic particle driven instabilities and turbulent fluctuations in fusion plasmas.
Nominated by: DPP

Kenji Ohmori [2009]
National Institute of Natural Science
Citation: For his pioneering development of spatiotemporal wave-packet engineering in which the ultrafast wave-packet interference in a molecule is visualized and controlled with precisions on the picometer spatial and attosecond temporal scales.
Nominated by: DLS

Roberto Onofrio [2009]
Dartmouth College
Citation: For contributions to measurement theory and experimental techniques, and their applications to a broad spectrum of quantum systems, in particular the Casimir force.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Carlos R. Ordonez [2009]
University of Houston
Citation: For contributions to the effective chiral langrangian theory of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and to conformal quantum mechanics and its applications, particularly to black-hole thermodynamics, and for extensive efforts toward developing science in Latin America.
Nominated by: FIP

Carlos R Ordonez [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Christine A. Orme [2009]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: For her outstanding contributions in understanding the fundamental physics of crystallization and materials assembly with application to biomineralizaion, biomimetic synthesis, and shape control of nanostructures.
Nominated by: DMP

Pal Ormos [2009]
Citation: For developing new techniques to study the dynamics of proteins and the conversion of light energy by proteins, invention of 3-dimensional techniques to create nanofabricated structures of use in biology and medicine, and for serving as a leader in biological physics in his native Hungary
Nominated by: DBIO

Shelley A. Page [2009]
University of Manitoba
Citation: For her leading role in a series of sequential hadronic parity violation experiments designed to elucidate the interplay of the weak and strong interactions in hadronic systems.
Nominated by: DNP

Ci-Ling Pan [2009]
National Tsing Hua University
Citation: For pioneering studies of the physics and technology of ion-planted semiconductor and liquid-crystal devices for ultrafast and THz applications, and for significant contributions toward developing tunable and ultrafast laser systems for applications in communications, sensing, spectroscopy and materials diagnostics and processing.
Nominated by: DLS

Yung Woo Park [2009]
Seoul National University
Citation: For contributions to the synthesis and transport in conducting polymers, carbon nanotubes, organic crystals, and highly-correlated materials.
Nominated by: DCMP

David S Perry [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

David S. Perry [2009]
University of Akron
Citation: For outstanding contributions to the understanding of the dynamics of molecular vibrations, especially the important roles large-amplitude motions play in intramolecular vibrational redistribution (IVR) of flexible molecules.
Nominated by: DCP

Joseph W. Perry [2009]
Georgia Institute of Technology
Citation: For seminal contributions to the understanding, development and application of organic nonlinear optical materials.
Nominated by: DLS

Rob Phillips [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Rob Phillips [2009]
California Institute of Technology
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the theoretical understanding of the influence of mechanical forces on biochemical processes, and for teaching physics in biological settings through workshops and textbook authorship.
Nominated by: DBIO

Kok-Khoo Phua [2009]
World Scientific Publishing Co
Citation: For tireless efforts to strengthen scientific research throughout Asia and promote international physics education and scholarly exchanges, and for enriching science and education through the World Scientific Publishing Company he founded.
Nominated by: FIP

Robert K. Plunkett [2009]
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: For distinguished contributions throughout the NuMI/MINOS Construction Project and subsequent leadership as co-spokesperson of the MINOS Experiment.
Nominated by: DPF

David F. Plusquellic [2009]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Citation: For seminal contributions to the spectroscopic investigation of the conformational dynamics and hydrogen-bonding interactions of biological molecules.
Nominated by: DCP

Jianming Qian [2009]
University of Michigan
Citation: For outstanding contributions and leadership in the analysis of high-energy particle interactions at CERN and at Fermilab, with especially noteworthy participation in the D-Zero experiment leading to the recent discovery of two new baryons containing b-qu.
Nominated by: DPF

Stephen R. Quake [2009]
Stanford University
Citation: For his pioneering contributions to biophysics, in the study of both single molecule and microfluid physics, including the development of integrated microfluidics, leading to novel platforms for modifying, detecting, and characterizing biomolecules.
Nominated by: DBIO

Eliot J. Quataert [2009]
University of California, Berkeley
Citation: For numerous pioneering contributions to theoretical astrophysics and plasma physics, including investigations into the role of convection and instabilities in accretion flows, the discovery of the heat-flux-buoyancy instability, and studies of kinetic plasma turbulence and its dissipation.
Nominated by: GPAP

Yuri Ralchenko [2009]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Citation: For significant contributions to the relativistic theory of highly-charged ions and collisional-radiative modeling, and through creation of online codes and databases for the atomic physics community.
Nominated by: DAMOP

John C. Raymond [2009]
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Citation: For his outstanding contributions to the understanding of a broad range of astrophysical processes in the solar corona, supernova remnants, X-ray binaries, and other objects.
Nominated by: DAP

Bruce C. Reed [2009]
Alma College
Citation: For his contributions to the history of both the physics and the development of nuclear weapons in the Manhattan Project.
Nominated by: FHPP

Francoise Remacle [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Francoise Remacle [2009]
University of Liege
Citation: For studies of systems with a high density of states such as Rydberg systems, quantum dot arrays and peptides, and their utilization in molecular information processing and attoscience.
Nominated by: DAMOP

John K. Riles [2009]
University of Michigan
Citation: For his contributions to LIGO through performing efficient searches for continuous wave sources and by leading the drive to ensur the highest quality LIGO data.
Nominated by: DGRAV

Mo Samimy [2009]
Ohio State University
Citation: For outstanding contributions to the physical understanding and control of high-speed and high Reynolds number free shear flows via developing and using novel control techniques and advanced laser based flow diagnostics.
Nominated by: DFD

Brian L. Sawford [2009]
Monash University
Citation: For outstanding and influential advances in the understanding and modeling of dispersion, mixing and acceleration in turbulent flows.
Nominated by: DFD

Gregory K. Schenter [2009]
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Citation: For the development and application of quantum mechanical and classical simulation methods for describing the dynamical processes of condensed-phase systems.
Nominated by: DCP

Alan Jay Schwartz [2009]
University of Cincinnati
Citation: Not Available
Nominated by: DPF

Nathan Seiberg [2009]
Institute for Advanced Study
Citation: For profound contributions to our understanding of quantum field theory, string theory, and questions in particle physics.
Nominated by: APS

Xiaowen Shan [2009]
Exa Corporation
Citation: For seminal contributions in the formulation and applications of lattice Boltzmann models for multiphase and complex fluids; and for pioneering Lattice-Boltzmann-method based fluid dynamics algorithms for real-world engineering applications.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Dan Shapira [2009]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For contributions to the study of nuclear collisions: the discovery of nuclear orbiting, pioneering measurements of the space-time extent of particle-emitting sources, and seminal studies of fusion with n-rich exotic beams, and for development of innovative instrumentation to enable these studies.
Nominated by: DNP

Sergey Sheyko [2009]
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the understanding of conformation, ordering, and flow of branched macromolecules at interfaces, and for outstanding experimental achievements in imaging and characterization of single macromolecules.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Luis O Silva [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Luis O. Silva [2009]
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Citation: For significant contributions to the understanding of the complex interaction of relativistic laser and particle beams with laboratory and astrophysical plasmas.
Nominated by: DPP

Gary W. Slater [2009]
University of Ottawa
Citation: For groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of electrophoretic sieving and entropic separations of macromolecules in gels, solutions, and microfluidic devices.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Andrei N. Slavin [2009]
Oakland University
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of liner and nonlinear spin wave dynamics in magnetic films and nanostructures, microwave magnetic envelope solitons, and magnetization dynamics induced by spin momentum transfer.
Nominated by: GMAG

Kevin E Smith [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Kevin E. Smith [2009]
Boston University
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the study of the electronic structure of solids using angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, soft x-ray emission spectroscopy and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering.
Nominated by: DMP

Lee G. Sobotka [2009]
Washington University in St. Louis
Citation: For his contributions to the understanding of complex nuclear reactions, most notably the production of intermediate mass fragments, and for the creation of novel detector systems and signal processing technologies for both basic and applied nuclear science.
Nominated by: DNP

Yiqiao Song [2009]
Schlumberger Doll Research
Citation: For two-dimensional diffusion-relaxation nuclear magnetic resonance techniques for probing fluids in porous media.
Nominated by: DCMP

Fotis Sotiropoulos [2009]
University of Minnesota
Citation: For seminal contributions in vortex dynamics, flow-structure interactions, and chaotic dynamics in civil, mechanical and biomedical applications.
Nominated by: DFD

Carl R. Sovinec [2009]
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Citation: For using large scale magnetohydrodynamic simulation to elucidate the roles of reconnection, relaxation and transport in self-organization processes of low field magnetic confinement devices and for providing a primary scientific leadership role in the development of the NIMROD project.
Nominated by: DPP

James S. Speck [2009]
University of California, Santa Barbara
Citation: For seminal studies of strain relaxation in epitaxial films, for the development of molecular beam epitaxial growth of GaN and nonpolar orientations of nitride semiconductors, and for leadership in applications of wide-band-gap semiconductors to solid-state lighting.
Nominated by: FIAP

Donald W L Sprung [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Donald W.L. Sprung [2009]
McMaster University
Citation: For his many important contributions to the understanding of nuclear dynamics, including the development of the first realistic soft-core two-nucleon interaction and the identification of the role of long-range interactions in the deuteron.
Nominated by: GFB

John W. Staples [2009]
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Citation: For his exemplary leadership and contributions to the design, fabrication and commissioning of radio frequency quadrupoles, for his innovative work in the development of femtosecond beam synchronization techniques, and for dedication to the mentoring of accelerator students and young colleagues.
Nominated by: DPB

Mark J. Stevens [2009]
Sandia National Laboratories
Citation: For his outstanding contributions to the development of computational physics methods and their application to statistical mechanics of polyelectrolytes and complex fluids.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Gay B. Stewart [2009]
University of Arkansas
Citation: For her work preparing teachers at the University of Arkansas, and for her leadership in the Physics Teacher Education Coalition and on the College Board Advanced Placement Physics Test Development Committee and the AP Physics Redesign Commission.
Nominated by: FED

Rhonda M. Stroud [2009]
Naval Research Laboratory
Citation: For contributions to the structure of synthetic and natural materials including quasicrystals, aerogel nanocomposites, spin-polarized thin film devices and stardust.
Nominated by: DCMP

Peter W. Talkner [2009]
University of Augsburg
Citation: For his seminal contributions to reaction rate theory; the theory of noise-assisted escape and nonlinear dynamics far from equilibrium, as well as for his elaboration and clarification of fundamental questions in statistical mechanics.
Nominated by: DCP

Tomasz R. Taylor [2009]
Northeastern University
Citation: For his pioneering work on scattering amplitudes in gauge theories and for outstanding contributions to supersymmetric theories of elementary particles and strings.
Nominated by: DPF

Pappannan Thiyagarajan [2009]
Department of Energy
Citation: For leadership in developing neutron and synchrotron x-ray scattering instrumentation and techniques and high impact science in the areas of block copolymers, biopolymers and polymer nanocomposites.
Nominated by: DPOLY

E. Terry Tomboulis [2009]
University of California, Los Angeles
Citation: For important contributions in quantum field theory and lattice gauge theory, especially concerning confinement in quantum chromodynamics.
Nominated by: DPF

Steven P. Trainoff [2009]
Wyatt Tech Corp
Citation: For exceptional contributions to the development of analytical instrumentation whose worldwide use will continue to play a major role in the health and well-being of us all.
Nominated by: FIAP

Juergen Troe [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Juergen Troe [2009]
University of Gottingen
Citation: For experimental and theoretical research on the kinetics of unimolecular reactions of neutral and ionic molecules, and especially for the development of the statistical adiabatic channel model and its application to unimolecular processes from low to high pressures.
Nominated by: DCP

Vladimir V. Tsuknuk [2009]
Georgia Institute of Technology
Citation: For innovative research on polymeric and biological macromolecular assemblies, and for important observations of nanoscale properties of polymers, with scanning probe microscopy, thermal microscopy, and force spectroscopy.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Vladimir V Tsukruk [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Thomas Ullrich [2009]
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Citation: For his leading contributions to the study of electrons, and hadrons containing charm and bottom quarks in relativistic heavy ion collisions.
Nominated by: DNP

Pieter Van Isacker [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Joka M. Vandenberg [2009]
Alcatel Lucent, Bell Laboratories
Citation: For the invention of a method to use x-ray crystallography for nano-scale feed-back control of the growth of multi-quantum-well, ternary-semiconductor lasers that then enabled optical communications for world-wide internet, voice and data systems, and for a distinguished career of contributions to understanding the structure of new materials.
Nominated by: FIAP

Usha Varshney [2009]
National Science Foundation
Citation: For outstanding leadership and advocacy in advancing and promoting the fundamentals of device physics by formulating innovative and visionary research and education programs in spin and flexible electronics.
Nominated by: FPS

Matt Visser [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Matt Visser [2009]
Victoria University
Citation: For contributions to gravity theory, especially the effects of energy condition violations and the development of analog models of black hole and cosmological spacetimes.
Nominated by: DGRAV

Konstantin L. Vodopyanov [2009]
Stanford University
Citation: For development of a new class of broadly-tunable infrared and terahertz sources based on nonlinear-optical conversion in bulk, micro- and nano- structured media, and their application to spectroscopic studies including demonstration of electromagnetically-induced transparency in quantum wells.
Nominated by: DLS

Juwen Wang [2009]
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: For his leadership in designing, building and testing a large variety of disk-loaded accelerator structures for electron-positron linear colliders and his pioneering studies of RF breakdown in these structures.
Nominated by: DPB

Michelle D. Wang [2009]
Cornell University
Citation: For developing novel single molecule techniques in biophysics for measuring protein binding locations on DNA and the torsion of DNA under stress, with applications to the investigation of DNA packing/unpacking and studies of molecular motors which operate on DNA.
Nominated by: DBIO

Timothy Wei [2009]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Citation: For development of high resolution flow measurements for turbulent flow studies of relevance to fundamental fluid mechanics, industrial applications, and medicine, and contributions to the fluid dynamics profession through outreach to government and the community.
Nominated by: DFD

Hanno H. Weitering [2009]
University of Tennessee
Citation: For contributions to electronic instabilities and magnetic phenomena at surfaces, interfaces, and in thin film materials.
Nominated by: DCMP

Catherine L. Westfall [2009]
Michigan State University
Citation: For her pioneering historical research on five American national laboratories, and for her organizational work in the history of physics, especially in the productive ongoing series of Laboratory History Conferences.
Nominated by: FHPP

Nicholas E White [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Nicholas E. White [2009]
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Citation: For his visionary leadership of data archiving for astrophysics missions and activism in initiating and promoting new missions in NASA's astrophysics program.
Nominated by: DAP

George M. Whitesides [2009]
Harvard University
Citation: For his manifold contributions to the physics of biology, materials, and surfaces, including new scientific insights in studies of molecular self-assembly, soft lithography, and micro-fluidics.
Nominated by: DBIO

Scott Wilks [2009]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the understanding of intense and ultra-intense laser plasma interactions and their applications to high energy density science, including fast ignition, ion acceleration, and positron generation.
Nominated by: DPP

Brian L. Winer [2009]
Ohio State University
Citation: For his leadership, direction and contributions in the discovery of the top quark and his development of state-of-the-art high speed trigger electronics which maximized the physics potential of Run II at the Tevatron.
Nominated by: DPF

Bogdan B. Wojtsekhowski [2009]
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Citation: For outstanding contributions to instrumentation at Jefferson Lab and his leadership role in studies of nucleon structure, particularly real Compton scattering on the proton and the neutron charge form factor.
Nominated by: GHP

Richard Wolfson [2009]
Middlebury College
Citation: For outstanding work in educating the general public and college-level students on energy, environmental issues, and physics, in contributing to the local and state communities in Vermont in striving to achieve carbon neutrality, and in research in astrophysics involving numerous undergraduates.
Nominated by: FPS

Darien R. Wood [2009]
Northeastern University
Citation: For contributions tot he exploration of the electroweak sector and technical and scientific leadership of the DZero experiment.
Nominated by: DPF

Yue Wu [2009]

Nominated by: APS

Yue Wu [2009]
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Citation: For pioneering NMR studies of structures and dynamics of bulk metallic glasses, and of nanotubular materials including their interactions with guest molecules.
Nominated by: DMP

Nu Xu [2009]
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Citation: For important contributions to the observation of partonic collectivity.
Nominated by: DNP

Dmitri Yakovlev [2009]
Technical University of Dortmund
Citation: For investigations of carrier and ionic spin dynamics in low-dimensional structures, including magnetic polaron formation.
Nominated by: DCMP

Ali Yazdani [2009]
Princeton University
Citation: For electronic structure studies of high-temperature superconductors and magnetic semiconductors through scanning-tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy.
Nominated by: DCMP

Ka C Yee [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Anvar Zakhidov [2009]
University of Texas, Dallas
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the design, fabrication, characterization and understanding of advanced functional nanomaterials and associated devices, from carbon nanotubes, superconducting or magnetic fullerenes and photonic crystals to solar cells, OLEDs and cold field emission cathodes.
Nominated by: DMP

Jorg Zegenhagen [2009]
European Synchroton Rad Fac
Citation: For his innovative contributions to the study of surfaces and interfaces with synchrotron radiation and his support of international science.
Nominated by: FIP

Jin Z Zhang [2009]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Jin Z. Zhang [2009]
University of California, Santa Cruz
Citation: For important fundamental understanding of photophysical properties and charge carrier dynamics of semiconductor and metal nanomaterials based on ultrafast studies.
Nominated by: DCP

Shiwei Zhang [2009]
College of William & Mary
Citation: For pioneering work in algorithmic innovation of quantum Monte Carlo methods and their applications to many fields of fermion physics including condensed matter, quantum chemistry, nuclear physics, and cold-atom research.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Dongping Zhong [2009]
Ohio State University
Citation: For his outstanding contributions to biophysics, by brilliantly integrating techniques of molecular biology and state-of-the-art laser physics to elucidate the mechanism of macromolecular hydration and the impact of protein structure on dynamics.
Nominated by: DBIO

Wojciech H. Zurek [2009]
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Citation: For his seminal contributions to the theory of quantum decoherence, and his contributions to quantum foundations more generally.
Nominated by: DQI