APS Fellow Archive

The APS Fellow Archive contains records of many APS Fellows from 1921 to the present. Please note some Fellows may not be displayed or may display with limited information.

The archive is a historical record and is not updated to reflect current information. All institutional affiliations reflect the Fellows’ affiliations at the time of election to APS Fellowship.

For a current listing of Fellows who are active members, or to find Fellows currently affiliated with your institution, please use the APS Member Directory. For questions about the archive or to inquire about locating a record, please contact APS Honors Staff at honors@aps.org.

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Van Baak [2010]
Calvin College
Citation: For successfully refining and extending experiments used in the undergraduate curriculum and for promulgating the use of diode lasers in the undergraduate laboratory.
Nominated by: FED

Harald Ade [2010]
North Carolina State University
Citation: For the development and incisive use of soft x-ray characterization methods in a wide range of polymeric and organic systems
Nominated by: GIMS

Musahid Ahmed [2010]
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Citation: For his creation of a world-class synchrotron chemical dynamics facility serving the community and his unique marriage of lasers with synchrotron science, used to study small molecule spectroscopy and energetics, biological imaging, combustion, nanoparticle reactivity, and chemical dynamics.
Nominated by: DLS

Charles Ahn [2010]
Yale University
Citation: For the elucidation of novel behavior in complex materials subjected to intense ferroelectric fields, and for seminal contributions to the understanding of nanoscale interfacial phenomena in complex oxides.
Nominated by: DMP

Triantaphyllos Akylas [2010]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For elegant and insightful theoretical investigations of nonlinear surface and internal gravity wave phenomena.
Nominated by: DFD

Muhammad Arif [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Muhammad Arif [2010]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Citation: For pioneering contributions in neutron interferometry, imaging and detection, with applications ranging from precise measurements of neutron scattering lengths to the imaging of flows in hydrogen fuel cells.
Nominated by: GPMFC

Mark Asta [2010]
University of California, Davis
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the physics of materials through ab initio density functional theoretical studies.
Nominated by: DMP

Stefano Atzeni [2010]
Sapienza Universita di Roma
Citation: For contributions to the theory and simulation of inertial confinement fusion, leading to advances in ignition schemes, energy gain models, implosion symmetry and implosion stability.
Nominated by: DPP

Olgica Bakajin [2010]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: For her contributions to the development of new instrumentation for studies of protein folding and for fundamental understanding of transport and selectivity at nano-scale, with implications to understanding of membrane channels.
Nominated by: DBIO

Ian Balitsky [2010]
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Citation: For pioneering applications of quantum chromodynamics  (QCD) to hadron physics, in particular, for development of light-cone QCD sum rules and contributions resulted in Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) and Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equations.
Nominated by: GHP

Anthony Baltz [2010]
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Citation: For theoretical prediction of constraints on solar neutrino mass and mixing
parameters from the Earth effect and for theoretical contributions to
ultra-peripheral interactions with relativistic heavy ion reactions.
Nominated by: DNP

Gerrit E W Bauer [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Gerrit E. Bauer [2010]
Delft University of Technology
Citation: For exposition of the interaction between spin transport, magnetization dynamics, charge and heat transport, and mechanical motion.
Nominated by: GMAG

Paulo Bedaque [2010]
University of Maryland
Citation: For pioneering contributions to several distinct areas of theoretical nuclear physics, including effective field theories in few-body physics, the phase structure of dense quark matter, and nuclear forces from lattice QCD.
Nominated by: DNP

Dietrich Belitz [2010]
University of Oregon
Citation: For work on classical and quantal phase transitions, and the nature of phases affected by generic scale invariance.
Nominated by: DCMP

Laurent Bellaiche [2010]
University of Arkansas
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the first-principles theory of semiconductor alloys and ferroelectric materials.
Nominated by: DMP

David P Bennett [2010]

Nominated by: APS

David Bennett [2010]
University of Notre Dame
Citation: For pioneering work in the application of gravitational lensing to solve major astrophysical problems including the nature of dark matter and discovery of extra-solar planets.
Nominated by: DAP

Flemming Besenbacher [2010]
University of Aarhus
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of atomic scale processes on solid surfaces, leading to breakthroughs in catalysis and nanotechnology.
Nominated by: DCMP

Pushpalatha Bhat [2010]
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: For her demonstration of the effectiveness of advanced statistical methods in extracting the most information from small signals in hadron collider physics and especially for pioneering the use of these techniques to improve the measurement of the top-quark mass in the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron.
Nominated by: DPF

Michael Blaskiewicz [2010]
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Citation: For theoretical and experimental work leading to the first successful implementation of bunched beam stochastic cooling in a high energy ion collider.
Nominated by: DPB

Doerte Blume [2010]
Washington State University
Citation: For contributions to physics of weakly-bound quantum clusters and strongly-interacting degenerate Fermi gases in one dimension.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Patrick Brady [2010]
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Citation: For pioneering contributions to gravitational-wave physics and the search for gravitational waves, and
for studies that deepened our understanding of singularities and of critical collapse.
Nominated by: DGRAV

Kenny Breuer [2010]
Brown University
Citation: For innovative studies of active flow control, the mechanics of flight, and micro- and nano-scale fluid mechanics, and for education leadership via Multimedia Fluid Mechanics.
Nominated by: DFD

Mark Brongersma [2010]
Stanford University
Citation: For pioneering contributions and seminal works on plasmonics and silicon nanophotonics
Nominated by: DLS

J David Brown [2010]

Nominated by: APS

J Brown [2010]
North Carolina State University
Citation: For his contributions to classical and quantum general relativity, in particular for the discovery
of a quasi-local expression for the energy density, and the discovery of a central charge in the
Poisson algebra of symmetries of 2+1 dimensional asymptotically Anti-deSitter spacetimes.
Nominated by: DGRAV

David Bruhwiler [2010]
Tech-X Corp
Citation: For extensive accomplishments in computations of beam and
plasma, including codiscovery of quality beams from
laser-plasma interaction, methods for computations
of electron cooling for ion accelerators, and for discovering the importance of tunneling ionization in plasma wake field acceleration.
Nominated by: DPB

Carl Brune [2010]
Ohio University
Citation: For his numerous significant and carefully executed experiments which have advanced our understanding of nuclear astrophysics and the nuclear structure and reactions of light nuclei.
Nominated by: DNP

Marco Buongiorno Nardelli [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Marco Buongiorno-Nardelli [2010]
North Carolina State University
Citation: For his seminal work on surfaces and interfaces for energy and environment applications, as made possible by his development of novel techniques for the first principle evaluation of the properties of complex and nanostructured materials.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Sean Carroll [2010]
California Institute of Technology
Citation: For contributions to a wide variety of subjects in cosmology, relativity, and quantum field theory, especially ideas for cosmic acceleration, as well as contributions to undergraduate, graduate, and public science education.
Nominated by: DPF

Cynthia Cattell [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Cynthia Cattell [2010]
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Citation: For measurements of solitary waves and electric fields in the Earth's radiation belts and for observation and interpretation of the very large amplitude whistler mode waves that provide a new mechanism for accelerating trapped electrons to relativistic energies in a fraction of a second.
Nominated by: GPAP

Taihyun Chang [2010]
Pohang University of Science & Technology
Citation: For his innovative applications of chromatographic techniques for trailblazing and exquisite molecular characterization and separation of the full range of polymers of contemporary interest.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Kookheon Char [2010]
Seoul National University
Citation: For outstanding contributions to assembly of polymers in thin films leading to fundamental new insights and applications in microelectronics and optoelectronics
Nominated by: DPOLY

Jeremy Chittenden [2010]
Imperial College London
Citation: For pioneering theoretical and computational investigations of wire array Z-pinches, X-pinches and other high energy density plasmas.
Nominated by: DPP

Haecheon Choi [2010]
Seoul National University
Citation: For his contributions to the fundamental physics and control of turbulent boundary layers and bluff-body flows through numerical simulations and laboratory experiments.
Nominated by: DFD

David Christen [2010]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For sustained discovery and leadership in understanding of superconductive materials, especially their current conduction and vortex state properties.
Nominated by: DMP

Isaac Chuang [2010]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For his breadth and leadership in the field of quantum information science, including important theoretical discoveries and the exploration of experimental implementations.
Nominated by: DQI

Brian Cole [2010]
Columbia University
Citation: For outstanding scientific and technical contributions to the study of high transverse momentum phenomena with the PHENIX experiment at RHIC, and for leadership of the heavy ion program in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.
Nominated by: DNP

Timothy Colonius [2010]
California Institute of Technology
Citation: For the development of accurate and robust numerical methods for fluid dynamics and creative numerical experiments that expose the fundamental mechanics and control of instabilities, flow generated sound, and cavitation bubbles
Nominated by: DFD

Genevieve Comte-Bellot [2010]
Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Citation: For seminal contributions to the understanding and measurement of turbulent and aeroacoustic phenomena.
Nominated by: DFD

Scott Crooker [2010]
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Citation: For the development of magneto-optical spectroscopies and their applications to colloidal quantum dots and electron spin transport and noise in semiconductors.
Nominated by: DCMP

Vikram Dalal [2010]
Iowa State University
Citation: For pioneering applied research in physics of thin film photovoltaic materials and devices and for invention of industrially important photovoltaic devices.
Nominated by: FIAP

Liem Dang [2010]
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Citation: For the development and application of molecular dynamics simulation methods and reliable polarizable potential models for studying processes in solution and at liquid interfaces and for modeling transport of ions and organic molecules.
Nominated by: DCP

Arati Dasgupta [2010]
Naval Research Laboratory
Citation: For contributions to the theory of electron collisions with atoms and ions, and their applications to gaseous electronics, short laser pulses, inertial confinement fusion, and astrophysical plasmas.
Nominated by: DAMOP

William Daughton [2010]
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Citation: For seminal theoretical and computational contributions to understanding of magnetic reconnection physics.
Nominated by: DPP

Michael A Day [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Michael Day [2010]
Lebanon Valley College
Citation: For his thoughtful research, publications, and public presentations on the views of Oppenheimer, Rabi, and Condon concerning science and society.
Nominated by: FHPP

Dmitri Denisov [2010]
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: For his numerous and distinguished contributions to hadronic collider physics, especially in the upgrading,  physics leadership and Co-Spokesmanship of the D0 experiment at the Tevatron Collider.
Nominated by: DPF

Ali Dhinojwala [2010]
University of Akron
Citation: Development of surface sensitive techniques to study polymeric surfaces and interfaces to understand properties such as adhesion, friction, and wetting.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Gerald Diebold [2010]
Brown University
Citation: For the development of a body of elegant and sophisticated theories addressing fundamental mechanisms of the laser photacoustic effect from spheres, cylinders, and layers of fluids and solids; the discovery of an anomalous giant photoacoustic effect; the worldwide impact of his experimental applications of his theories to suspensions, colloids, dye solutions, sedimentation and biomedical imaging.
Nominated by: APS

Keith Dienes [2010]
University of Arizona
Citation: For his seminal contributions to our understanding of
grand unification, and for his work studying the diverse phenomenological implications of string theory and extra spacetime dimensions.
Nominated by: DPF

Hong Ding [2010]
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of strongly correlated materials, particularly the high-temperature superconductors.
Nominated by: DCMP

Weixing Ding [2010]
University of California, Los Angeles
Citation: For seminal contributions to the measurement and understanding of magnetic fluctuation-induced transport, magnetic self-organization, and non-linear dynamics of laboratory plasmas.
Nominated by: DPP

Vladimir Dobrosavljevic [2010]
Florida State University
Citation: For research on fundamental localization processes near the metal-insulator transition, particularly the interplay of strong electronic correlations, disorder, and quantum glassy dynamics.
Nominated by: DCMP

Valeriy Dolmatov [2010]
University of North Alabama
Citation: For advancing the understanding of the structure and spectra of free and confined atoms, photoelectron angular asymmetries, dynamics of half-filled -subshell.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Vinayak Dravid [2010]
Northwestern University
Citation: For seminal contributions to the materials physics of functional materials through the use of state of the art electron microscopy techniques.
Nominated by: DMP

Tevian Dray [2010]
Oregon State University
Citation: For his contributions to the theory of general relativity, which include investigations of light-like surface layers and the physics of signature change.
Nominated by: DGRAV

Jan Egedal [2010]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For pioneering contributions to understanding of driven and spontaneous magnetic reconnection in laboratory and space plasmas and the fundamental role played by trapped electrons.
Nominated by: DPP

Jon Eggert [2010]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: For significant achievements in linking dynamic and static compression of condensed matter.
Nominated by: GCCM

Latifa Elouadrhiri [2010]
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Citation: For her pioneering work on experiments in deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS), a powerful means of accessing the non-perturbative structure of the nucleon, and  insuring the maximum fulfillment of their potential by  playing a major role in the 12 GeV Jefferson upgrade.
Nominated by: DNP

Jonathan Engel [2010]
University of North Carolina
Citation: For his important contributions to our understanding of the underlying physics and importance of nuclear double beta-decay.
Nominated by: DNP

Lloyd Engel [2010]
Florida State University
Citation: For contributions to the study of the quantum Hall effects  and associated electron solid phases using microwaves in very high magnetic fields.
Nominated by: DCMP

Henry Everitt [2010]
US Army Missile Command
Citation: For his broad leadership in furthering quantum information science, including the effective stewardship of quantum information programs for the US government and also for his own research in semiconductor optics.
Nominated by: DQI

Li Zhi Fang [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Li-Zhi Fang [2010]
University of Arizona
Citation: For his important work in cosmology and early-universe physics; his inspiring leadership, teaching and mentoring of students in China, the United States and around the world; and his tireless, selfless, courageous and continuing advocacy of human rights in China.
Nominated by: FIP

Kristen Fichthorn [2010]
Pennsylvania State University
Citation: For simulations that revealed new phenomena in the kinetics of reaction systems, self-assembly of nanostructures, and diffusion in mesoporous systems.
Nominated by: DCMP

Victor Flambaum [2010]
University of New South Wales
Citation: For searches for violations of fundamental symmetries and for space-time variation of fundamental constants, to atomic many-body theory, and to quantum chaos.
Nominated by: DAMOP

James Franson [2010]
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Citation: For contributions to quantum mechanics, quantum optics and quantum information processing.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Michael Fuhrer [2010]
University of Maryland
Citation: For experimental studies of the electronic transport properties of carbon nanotubes and graphene.
Nominated by: DCMP

James Fuller [2010]
University of Washington
Citation: In recognition of his pivotal contributions to international arms control, nuclear disarmament, and proliferation prevention and for his leadership in educational outreach.
Nominated by: FPS

Tom Furtak [2010]
Colorado School of Mines
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of surface enhanced Raman scattering.
Nominated by: DCMP

Wei Gai [2010]
Argonne National Laboratory
Citation: For his pioneering contributions to the wakefield acceleration of particle beams and his leadership in the development of high current electron beams for accelerator applications.
Nominated by: DPB

Richard Gaitskell [2010]
Brown University
Citation: For his leadership and outstanding contributions to experimental searches for particle dark matter by direct detection using a variety of cryogenic techniques; especially for his work in extending the sensitivity reach by utilizing the noble liquid xenon two phase method.
Nominated by: DPF

David Geohegan [2010]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For pioneering work in understanding and controlling nonequilibrium growth processes of thin films and nanomaterials through real-time laser spectroscopy, imaging, and plasma diagnostic investigations.
Nominated by: DMP

Cecilia Gerber [2010]
University of Illinois, Chicago
Citation: For her numerous contributions to the D0 experiment, especially the implementation of the D0 muon and silicon trackers and the elucidation of the characteristics of top quarks in the strong production of top-antitop pairs and the electroweak production of single top quarks.
Nominated by: DPF

Pupa Gilbert [2010]
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Citation: For contributions to synchrotron spectromicroscopy and its application to cancer therapy, tribology, and biomineralization.
Nominated by: DCMP

Steven Greenbaum [2010]
CUNY - Hunter College
Citation: For pioneering advances in NMR spectroscopy applied to transport measurements leading to improved molecular level understanding of function and failure mechanisms in lithium ion batteries and fuel cells and innovative and sustained enhancement of participation in physics by under represented groups.
Nominated by: FIAP

Niels Gronbech-Jensen [2010]
University of California, Davis
Citation: For his development and application of new computational algorithms and tools in Biological and Condensed Matter Physics, especially those involving massively parallel molecular dynamics, electrostatic interactions, ion implantation, and nonlinear physics.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Francois Gygi [2010]
University of California, Davis
Citation: For his outstanding contributions to the development of innovative computational algorithms for the accurate and most efficient calculation of the electronic structure of a broad variety of systems, relevant to solid state and liquid structure theory, to nanoscience and chemical physics.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Stanley Haan [2010]
Calvin College
Citation: For contributions to the theory of photodetachment, photoionization, and photorecombination processes, including quantum and classical models for double ionization of atoms.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Carl R Hagen [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Carl R. Hagen [2010]
University of Rochester
Citation: For the elucidation of the properties of spontaneous symmetry breaking in four-dimensional relativistic gauge theory and of the mechanism for the consistent generation of vector boson masses.
Nominated by: DPF

Hans Hammer [2010]
University of Bonn
Citation: For significant advances in the few-body problem in both nuclear and atomic physics, particularly through the use of effective field theories, and for elucidating the universal properties of Efimov states and related phenomena in three- and four-body systems.
Nominated by: GFB

Sharon Hammes-Schiffer [2010]
Pennsylvania State University
Citation: For the development and application of a theory for proton-coupled electron transfer; clarifying the roles of hydrogen tunneling and protein motion in enzymes; and fundamental insight into electron-proton correlation in nuclear-electronic orbital methods and multicomponent density functional theory.
Nominated by: DCP

James B Hannon [2010]

Nominated by: APS

James Hannon [2010]
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Citation: For seminal studies of surface and interface structure and properties using Low Energy Electron Microscopy.
Nominated by: FIAP

H G E Hentschel [2010]

Nominated by: APS

H. Hentschel [2010]
Emory University
Citation: For his contributions to biological pattern formation in cellular and multicellular systems, and specifically for his work on the physical mechanisms underlying neuronal development.
Nominated by: DBIO

Burkard Hillebrands [2010]
University of Kaiserslautern
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of dynamic magnetic excitations in confined magnetic structures, linear and nonlinear spin-wave propagation phenomena, and his pioneering work  on  the development of space- and time-resolved Brillouin light scattering technique.
Nominated by: GMAG

Richard E Hughes [2010]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Richard Hughes [2010]
Ohio State University
Citation: For his contributions to the heavy flavor program at the Tevatron. For the development of bottom quark tagging used in the discovery of the top quark
and his contributions and leadership of the Level 1 tracking and triggering system crucial to the Run II physics program at CDF.
Nominated by: DPF

Plamen Ch. Ivanov [2010]
Boston University and Harvard Medical School
Citation: For his pioneering applications of statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics to physiology and biomedicine,
and for uncovering fundamental scaling and multifractal properties, self-organized criticality, sleep- and
circadian-related phase transitions in physiologic dynamics.
Nominated by: DBIO

Bahram Jalali [2010]
University of California, Los Angeles
Citation: For pioneering contributions to silicon photonics including demonstration silicon Raman laser and other nonlinear optics phenomenon.
Nominated by: DLS

Michel Janssen [2010]
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Citation: For path-breaking contributions to the history of early twentieth-century physics, for excellent editorial work on Einstein papers, and for promoting substantive interactions between physicists and historians of physics.
Nominated by: FHPP

Julius Jellinek [2010]
Argonne National Laboratory
Citation: For seminal contributions to the conceptual foundations of the physics of finite-size systems and phenomena, development of new simulation and analysis methodologies specifically tailored for the nanoscale, and pioneering explorations of a broad spectrum of properties of atomic and molecular clusters.
Nominated by: DCP

Bogumil Jeziorski [2010]
Warsaw University
Citation: For contributions to symmetry-adapted perturbation theory of intermolecular interactions and computational studies of interatomic and intermolecular potential energy surfaces.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Hongxing Jiang [2010]
Texas Technical University
Citation: For his seminal works in the area of III-nitride wide bandgap semiconductors.  In particular, for his significant contributions to the understanding of fundamental optical and defect properties and practical applications of III-nitrides and pioneering contributions to the field of nanophotonics.
Nominated by: DMP

Rongying Jin [2010]
Louisiana State University
Citation: For her significant contributions to materials physics, including science-driven materials development and pioneering studies of their underlying physics.
Nominated by: DMP

Hiroshi Jinnai [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Hiroshi Jinnai [2010]
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Citation: For elucidating the three-dimensional morphology of complex polymer systems by transmission electron microtomography.
Nominated by: DPOLY

David I Kaiser [2010]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

David Kaiser [2010]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For his outstanding publications that combine technical mastery of twentieth-century physics with a deep knowledge of recent developments in the history, philosophy, and sociology of science.
Nominated by: FHPP

John Kasianowicz [2010]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Citation: For his pioneering contributions to the field of biophysics including the detection, identification, characterization and quantification of biological and chemical polymers, and for the development of a new method for protein structure determination.
Nominated by: DBIO

Maki Kawai [2010]
University of Tokyo
Citation: For pioneering work on single-molecule spectroscopy on surfaces.
Nominated by: DCP

T.A. Kennedy [2010]
Georgia Institute of Technology
Citation: For contributions to the theory of quantum degenerate atomic gases, quantum optics, and quantum information science.
Nominated by: DAMOP

T.A. Brian Kennedy [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Stephen Kent [2010]
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: In recognition of many vital contributions to the operations and science of  the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
Nominated by: DAP

Thomas W Kephart [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Thomas Kephart [2010]
Vanderbilt University
Citation: For many insightful contributions to elementary particle theory, including the first explicit calculation of chiral gauge anomalies in higher dimensions.
Nominated by: DPF

Ching-Hwa Kiang [2010]
Rice University
Citation: For her work in experimental biological physics, especially for studying molecular interactions of nucleic acids and proteins using nanoscale probes, and for the discovery of single-walled carbon nanotubes.
Nominated by: DBIO

David Kieda [2010]
University of Utah
Citation: For development and use of innovative ground-based astrophysical techniques to discover new sources of very high-energy gamma-rays, and for the discovery and study of cosmic rays at the highest energies.
Nominated by: DAP

Alejandro Kievsky [2010]
Citation: For contributions to the development of the hyperspherical-harmonics method for few-nucleon systems, and particularly for precise studies of the continuum in three-nucleon systems.
Nominated by: GFB

Thomas Charles Killian [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Thomas Killian [2010]
Rice University
Citation: For studies of strong Coulomb coupling in ultra-cold neutral plasmas during thermal equilibration, and of cold collisions and quantum degeneracy with alkaline-earth metal atoms.
Nominated by: DAMOP

DaiSik Kim [2010]
Seoul National University
Citation: For important contributions to ultrafast optical processes in semiconductors and near-field studies of plasmonics.
Nominated by: DLS

Greg Kimmel [2010]
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Citation: For seminal contributions to understanding the structure and electron-stimulated reactivity of water at interfaces.
Nominated by: DCP

William Klein [2010]
Boston University
Citation: For seminal contributions in the physics of nucleation and phase transitions arising from fundamental advances in statistical field-theoretic techniques, and their application to general mean field systems.
Nominated by: GSNP

Leonhard Kleiser [2010]
ETH Zurich
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the development of accurate numerical methods for computational fluid dynamics, and for their application to elucidate phenomena of transition and turbulence in wall-bounded flows, compressible turbulence, and gravity-driven and particle-laden flows.
Nominated by: DFD

Randall Knize [2010]
US Air Force Academy
Citation: For contributions to diode pumped alkali lasers, along with the optical trapping and cooling of neutral atoms and molecules.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Arshad Kudrolli [2010]
Clark University
Citation: For his innovative experiments and significant contributions to nonlinear physics, dissipative systems, granular matter, and geomorphology.
Nominated by: GSNP

Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan [2010]
University of Waterloo
Citation: For innovative application of advanced methods of theoretical physics and mathematics to problems in classical optics, vision science, and biomedical engineering; and for his dedication to the promotion of science education in developing countries.
Nominated by: FIP

Seung Joo Lee [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Seung Lee [2010]
Dongguk University
Citation: For important contributions to low-dimensional electron systems and spintronics in diluted magnetic semiconductors, and to physics education over 25 years as a physics educator, and for enthusiastic work on the advancement and promulgation of physics knowledge into the international semiconductor and military societies.
Nominated by: FIP

Luis Lehner [2010]
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Citation: For important contributions to numerical relativity, most notably in the areas of black hole simulations, general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics, and algorithm development.
Nominated by: DGRAV

Amy Liu [2010]
Georgetown University
Citation: For her innovative and influential computational studies of the electronic, structural, and vibrational properties of solids, and of electron-phonon interactions, with applications to ultra-hard materials; high-pressure phases; fullerenes, nanotubes, and related compounds; and novel superconductors.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Wolfgang Lorenzon [2010]
University of Michigan
Citation: For his leadership in precision studies of the spin structure of nucleons by polarized electron scattering from polarized targets, particularly the development of precision polarimetry of electron beams and scattering from internal targets.
Nominated by: DNP

Mikhail Lukin [2010]
Harvard University
Citation: For theoretical and experimental work in quantum optics, quantum information, and at the interface between atomic physics and condensed matter.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Li-Shi Luo [2010]
Old Dominion University
Citation: For his seminal contributions to the theoretical understanding and applications of the lattice Boltzmann equation and other kinetic methods.
Nominated by: DFD

En Ma [2010]
Johns Hopkins University
Citation: For pathbreaking research and outstanding publications on metastable, amorphous, and nanocrystalline metals and alloys, and international outreach in the metallic materials field.
Nominated by: DMP

Ivan Marusic [2010]
University of Melbourne
Citation: For fundamental and original experiments and modeling concepts leading to improved understanding of turbulent boundary layers and high Reynolds number turbulence.
Nominated by: DFD

Bruce Mason [2010]
University of Oklahoma
Citation: For outstanding leadership in physics education, as director of the ComPADRE project and as Editor of the MERLOT physics collection of educational resources.
Nominated by: FED

John Mateja [2010]
Murray State University
Citation: For improving undergraduate education by steadfast efforts to increase the participation of undergraduates in research and by fostering high quality educational programs at the national, state, and local levels.
Nominated by: FED

Nergis Mavalvala [2010]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For her contributions to the design and commissioning of LIGO, and for experimental exploration of the fundamental quantum limits of interferometric gravitational wave detectors.
Nominated by: DGRAV

David McClelland [2010]
Australian National University
Citation: For his ground-breaking experimental work in techniques to extend the sensitivity of gravitational wave detection beyond the standard quantum limit and for promoting world-wide collaboration in gravitational wave research
Nominated by: FIP

David McComas [2010]
Southwest Research Institute
Citation: For his pioneering discoveries of the structure of the plasma heliosphere and the interaction of the solar system plasma with the interstellar medium, and for numerous significant contributions to design of missions and instrumentation leading to these discoveries.
Nominated by: GPAP

Robert McQueeney [2010]
Iowa State University
Citation: For the development and use of neutron scattering techniques to advance the understanding of strongly correlated electron systems.
Nominated by: DCMP

Jonathan Menard [2010]
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Citation: For seminal magnetohydrodynamic optimization studies and for experimental contributions to understanding equilibrium and stability of low aspect ratio tokamks.
Nominated by: DPP

Jose Mestre [2010]
University of Illinois
Citation: For ground-breaking applications of principles and methodologies from cognitive science to physics education research and for elucidating expert-novice performance differences in physics learning and problem solving.
Nominated by: FED

Marc Meyers [2010]
University of California, San Diego
Citation: For being a leading member of the international community on the dynamic response of materials for over thirty years, publishing over 330 papers. In addition to his fundamental contributions to the field, he has provided leadership through his activities in the APS, MRS, and ARO, including co-founding the EXPLOMET conference.
Nominated by: GCCM

A. Alan Middleton [2010]
Syracuse University
Citation: For his innovative numerical studies of the dynamical and static properties of disordered condensed matter systems, including charge density waves, spin glasses and disordered elastic media.
Nominated by: GSNP

Arthur A Middleton [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Katsumi Midorikawa [2010]
RIKEN, Saitama
Citation: For contributions to the generation of intense high harmonics and its application to nonlinear multiphoton processes in the extreme ultraviolet region.
Nominated by: DLS

Lubos Mitas [2010]
North Carolina State University
Citation: For his contributions to the development of quantum Monte Carlo methods, pioneering high-accuracy calculations of atoms, molecules, clusters and solids, analysis of many-body nodes of fermion states and application of pairing wave functions.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Joseph Mohr [2010]
Ludwig Maximilians University
Citation: For pioneering the use of X-ray, optical, and radio observations of clusters of galaxies to determine the large-scale properties of the Universe and better understand the emergence of structure, and for his leadership in developing new instruments and observational techniques for this purpose.
Nominated by: DAP

David Morrissey [2010]
Michigan State University
Citation: For his outstanding contributions to the characterization of intermediate energy heavy-ion reactions, the study of projectile-like fragments from such reactions, and the thermalization of the fast fragments in helium gas for subsequent high precision mass measurements.
Nominated by: DNP

Igor V Moskalenko [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Igor Moskalenko [2010]
Stanford University
Citation: For his seminal contributions to gamma-ray astronomy, for making self-consistent computations of high-energy charged particle and gamma radiations from the galaxy and for making such calculations accessible to the astrophysics community world-wide.
Nominated by: DAP

Christopher Mudry [2010]
Paul Scherrer Institute
Citation: For contributions to the theory of spin-charge separation in  strongly correlated systems and to disorder-induced quantun criticality in metals and topological insulators.
Nominated by: DCMP

Priyamvada Natarajan [2010]
Yale University
Citation: For key contributions to two of the most challenging problems in cosmology:  mapping dark matter and tracing the accretion history of black holes. Her work using gravitational lensing techniques has provided a deeper understanding of the granularity of dark matter in clusters of galaxies.  She has developed theoretical models to describe the assembly and accretion history of black holes.
Nominated by: DAP

Keith Nugent [2010]
University of Melbourne
Citation: For his substantial contributions to the development of novel approaches to experimental measurement techniques, including new approaches to X-ray and neutron phase imaging and the development an understanding of the role of coherence in X-ray science.
Nominated by: GIMS

Yuko Okamoto [2010]
Nagoya University
Citation: For his invention of novel and useful computational methodologies for probing the conformational phase space of biomolecules.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Peter Olmsted [2010]
University of Leeds
Citation: For theoretical understanding of flow-induced instabilities in polymers and complex fluids.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Samuel Paolucci [2010]
University of Notre Dame
Citation: For major theoretical contributions tot he theory of hydrodynamic stability of natural convection flows, development of novel adaptive computational methods based on wavelets and fundamental contributions to the theory of low-dimensional manifolds as applied to complex kinetics for chemically reacting flows.
Nominated by: DFD

Hye-Sook Park [2010]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: For the development of seminal experimental techniques to create and probe plasmas with extreme density and temperature.
Nominated by: DPP

Peter Pesic [2010]
St. Johns College
Citation: For his contributions to the history of physics from the broad perspectives of intellectual and cultural history, and for his editorial work on reprint volumes of classic works in physics.
Nominated by: APS

Zoran Lj. Petrovic [2010]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Zoran Petrovic [2010]
Institute of Physics
Citation: For fundamental investigations of charged particle transport in low temperature plasmas and their interactions with bounding surfaces.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Hong Qian [2010]
University of Washington
Citation: For his original contributions to statistical non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particularly in connections to single-molecule fluctuations and the roles of energy and noise in living systems.
Nominated by: DBIO

Zi Q. Qiu [2010]
University of California, Berkeley
Citation: For outstanding experiments to understand the two-dimensional magnetic origin, anisotropy and quantum size effect in magnetic nanostructures, and for the development of novel approaches involving wedged samples, curved substrates and the Surface Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect.
Nominated by: GMAG

Yevgeny Raitses [2010]
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Citation: For pioneering contributions to controlling plasma-wall interactions and cross-field transport in low temperature plasmas and plasma thrusters.
Nominated by: DPP

Devulapalli Rao [2010]
University of Massachusetts Boston
Citation: In recognition of a long record of significant contributions to the nonlinear optics of organic materials and their applications to optical power limiting,
Fourier phase contrast microscopy and medical image processing.
Nominated by: DLS

Jeffrey Reimer [2010]
University of California, Berkeley
Citation: For the design and analysis of in situ spectroscopic studies of materials and electrochemical processes.
Nominated by: DMP

Mary Hall Reno [2010]
University of Iowa
Citation: For important contributions to the physics of neutrino interactions and detection, especially at high energies.
Nominated by: DPF

Peter Rez [2010]
Arizona State University
Citation: For theoretical and computational developments in electron microscopy and electron spectroscopy of materials.
Nominated by: DMP

Michael M. Rijssenbeek [2010]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Michael Rijssnbeek [2010]
State University of New York, Stony Brook
Citation: For broad achievements in detector development, innovative physics accomplishments and exceptional mentoring and outreach.
Nominated by: DPF

Barrett Rogers [2010]
Dartmouth College
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the understanding of magnetic reconnection and the theory of transport and stability of tokamak plasmas.
Nominated by: DPP

Richard Rowberg [2010]
National Academy of Sciences
Citation: For many contributions to the incorporation of technical insight into government decisions through his many advisory roles to the Congress on science and technology policy.
Nominated by: FPS

Andrei E Ruckenstein [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Andrei Ruckenstein [2010]
Boston University
Citation: For advances in the theory of Bose condensation and collective effects in atomic gases, the Hubbard and non-Fermi liquid impurity models, and high-temperature superconductivity.
Nominated by: DCMP

Petra Rudolf [2010]
Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
Citation: For explorations of fullerenes, nanotubes, graphite, and graphene, as well as light-driven synthetic molecular motors.
Nominated by: DCMP

Steven Sabbagh [2010]
Columbia University
Citation: For leadership in advancing the understanding of magnetohydrodynamics equilibrium, stability, rotation damping and active feedback control of high-beta tokamak and low-aspect ratio tokamak plasmas.
Nominated by: DPP

Scott Sandford [2010]
NASA Ames Research Center
Citation: For significantly advancing our fundamental understanding of the origin, history, and chemical makeup of the organic materials in comets, interplanetary dust particles (IDP's), and interstellar dust.
Nominated by: DAP

Scott Sandford [2010]
NASA Ames Research Center
Citation: For significantly advancing our understanding of the chemical makeup of extraterrestrial materials and their interstellar heritage at the most basic and fundamental level.
Nominated by: DCP

Juan Santiago [2010]
Stanford University
Citation: For insightful and manifold contributions to microfluidics, including novel measurement methods, characterization and explanation of electrically driven flow instabilities, and studies and engineering applications of electrically driven flows for pumps, separations, and sample preparation.
Nominated by: DFD

Misak Sargsian [2010]
Florida International University
Citation: For seminal contributions to high energy nuclear physics including developing the  Generalized Eikonal Approximation for high momentum transfer
processes and originating a successful theory of large angle two nucleon break up induced by the absorption of high energy photons.
Nominated by: DNP

Stephen Schnetzer [2010]
Rutgers University
Citation: For his work co-founding the AMY detector collaboration, at which he and his student made powerful quantitative tests of quantum chromodynamics, and for his work on experimental particle physics hardware, especially his pioneering work on diamond-based detectors.
Nominated by: DPF

Lutz Schweikhard [2010]
Citation: For his developments of ion-trapping techniques and their application in the fields of nuclear, atomic and cluster research as well as know-how transfer to analytical chemistry.
Nominated by: DCP

Jacek Sekutowicz [2010]
DESY - Center for Free-Electron Laser Science
Citation: For outstanding contributions to superconducting science and technology resulting in far reaching advances in particle accelerators.
Nominated by: DPB

Sudip Sen [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Sudip Sen [2010]
Lancaster University
Citation: For his formulating novel theories in  flow and plasma dynamics. These have opened up a new avenue to the ultimate breakthrough in world's fusion energy research and can also completely change the conventional wisdom in space science. Also for his leadership in promoting extensive international cooperations specially involving Asia-Pacific and Indian region with Europe and North America.
Nominated by: FIP

Eun-Suk Seo [2010]
University of Maryland
Citation: For leading the development and utilization of particle detectors for balloon and space-based experiments to understand cosmic ray origin, acceleration and propagation, especially as Principal Investigator of the Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass balloon-borne experiment over Antarctica.
Nominated by: DAP

Paul Shapiro [2010]
University of Texas, Austin
Citation: For outstanding contributions to astrophysics and cosmology
which advanced our understanding of cosmic
reionization, structure formation, gas
dynamics, dark matter and dark energy, the
interstellar and intergalactic media, and
topics from supernova polarization
to relativistic shocks.
Nominated by: DAP

Krishna Shenai [2010]
University of Toledo
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the physics, technology and application of semiconductor metallization.
Nominated by: FIAP

Charles Sherrill [2010]
Georgia Institute of Technology
Citation: For the development and application of high-accuracy electronic structure methods in chemical physics, including investigations of higher-order electron correlation effects and seminal studies of noncovalent interactions in prototype systems.
Nominated by: DCP

Anchang Shi [2010]
McMaster University
Citation: For outstanding contributions to the theoretical study of phases and phase transitions of block copolymers.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Thomas Silva [2010]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Citation: For his fundamental contributions to the experimental studies of the spin-torque oscillators, their interactions, and collective states, and for the development of new quantitative experimental methods for the investigation of magnetization dynamics in thin films and nanostructures.
Nominated by: GMAG

Sindee Simon [2010]
Texas Technical University
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the understanding of the thermal and mechanical properties of bulk and nanostructured polymeric glasses.
Nominated by: DPOLY

Peter Simpkins [2010]
Bell Labs & Syracuse University
Citation: For incisive analytical and experimental studies of two-phase flows, natural convection, and various aspects of electro-optical materials processing.
Nominated by: DFD

Rajiv Singh [2010]
University of Florida
Citation: For distinguished scientific, technological and entrepreneurial contributions in laser-solid interactions, and processing of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces.
Nominated by: FIAP

Jairo Sinova [2010]
Texas A&M University
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of spin-transport in magnetic systems, particularly the spin Hall effects.
Nominated by: DCMP

Siva Sivananthan [2010]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Sivalingam Sivananthan [2010]
University of Illinois, Chicago
Citation: For seminal contributions to the growth technology of II-VI photovoltaic materials.
Nominated by: FIAP

Ralph Skomski [2010]
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Citation: For his significant contributions to our understanding of magnetic materials, especially permanent magnets and magnetic nanostructures.
Nominated by: GMAG

Philip Snyder [2010]
General Atomics
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the understanding of the H-mode pedestal and edge localized modes in tokamaks, and for theoretical and computational advances in electromagnetic plasma turbulence research.
Nominated by: DPP

Ratnasingham Sooryakumar [2010]
Ohio State University
Citation: For the elucidation of structure, charge, and spin dynamics in condensed matter systems via Raman and Brillouin light-scattering, and for the development of mobile magnetic traps for micro-manipulation.
Nominated by: DCMP

Davison Soper [2010]
University of Oregon
Citation: For seminal work in Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics, especially proving theorems on factorization which play a crucial role in interpreting high energy particle collisions.
Nominated by: DPF

Steven Spangler [2010]
University of Iowa
Citation: For fundamental advances in theory and radio-astronomical observations for a wide range of turbulent astrophysical plasmas and nonlinear Alfvén waves.
Nominated by: DPP

Geoffrey Spedding [2010]
University of Southern California
Citation: For contributions to our understanding of unsteady animal flight and stratified turbulence, obtained using innovative diagnostic techniques.
Nominated by: DFD

George Srajer [2010]
Argonne National Laboratory
Citation: For applications of synchrotron radiation to phase transitions and the structural and magnetic properties of single crystals, multilayers, and liquid crystals.
Nominated by: DCMP

Albert Stebbins [2010]
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: For his contributions to cosmology, especially the study of the cosmic microwave background and its polarization which have led to an ambitious search for primordial gravitational waves.
Nominated by: DAP

Kathleen Stebe [2010]
University of Pennsylvania
Citation: For lasting contributions to the physics of fluid-fluid interfaces, and in particular the discovery of surface re-mobilization and other sufactant phenomena, to the dynamics of drops and bubbles and to nano-particle self-assembly.
Nominated by: DFD

Mark Stockman [2010]
Georgia State University
Citation: For groundbreaking theoretical contributions to plasmonics including the SPASER, adiabatic superfocusing, and coherent control on the nanoscale
Nominated by: DLS

Giancarlo Strinati [2010]
Universita di Camerino
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of strongly interacting Fermi gases, including the physics of the BEC-BCS crossover.
Nominated by: DCMP

Gregory Sullivan [2010]
University of Maryland
Citation: For contributions to the field of experimental elementary particle physics including contributions to the discovery of the top-quark at the Fermilab tevatron and new properties of neutrinos using Super Kamiokande-I, and for the development of experimental techniques in neutrino detection with the Super Kamiokande-I and IceCube detectors.
Nominated by: DPF

Benjamin Svetitsky [2010]
Tel Aviv University
Citation: For elucidating the properties of the confinement-deconfinement transition
of gauge theories at high temperature and of the quark-gluon plasma.
Nominated by: DNP

Eric Scott Swanson [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Eric Swanson [2010]
University of Pittsburgh
Citation: For contributions to the theory of hadron spectroscopy, especially in the areas of charm-quark mesons, gluonic excitations, and mesonic molecules.
Nominated by: GHP

Craig Taatjes [2010]
Sandia National Laboratories
Citation: For his contributions to experimental gas-phase chemical kinetics, particularly for its application to combustion chemistry.
Nominated by: DCP

Hidenori Takagi [2010]
University of Tokyo
Citation: For outstanding contributions to the exploration of the physics and materials science of strongly correlated transition metal oxides.
Nominated by: DMP

Ichiro Takeuchi [2010]
University of Maryland
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the creation of novel classes of materials using combinatorial synthesis and probing their properties using novel probes.
Nominated by: FIAP

Jau Tang [2010]
Academia Sinica
Citation: For his contributions in elucidating the structure and  the radical-pair mechanism of photosynthetic systems, photoinduced charge transfer and blinking in single nanocrystals, as well as in developing multi-quantum NMR and linear prediction filtering techniques, and for his work on nonblinking and less toxic nanostructures for biophotonics.
Nominated by: DBIO

Lei-Han Tang [2010]
Hong Kong Baptist University
Citation: For his pioneering contributions to statistical physics, especially in equilibrium and non-equilibrium critical phenomena and soft matter.
Nominated by: GSNP

NJ Tao [2010]
Arizona State University
Citation: For pioneering and innovative contribution to the science and technology of molecular and nanoelectronics, electrochemical based nanofabrications, and chemical sensors.
Nominated by: FIAP

Penger Tong [2010]
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Citation: For his insightful experiments to elucidate interesting new physics in turbulent thermal convection and soft matter systems, and his many contributions to the development of international research and education in experimental physics.
Nominated by: FIP

William Trischuk [2010]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

William Trischuk [2010]
University of Toronto
Citation: For the development of novel particle detectors and their application for precision measurements, including the W boson mass, the tau lepton lifetime and Bs mixing, and for seminal contributions to the development of diamond sensors, a critical technology for next generation high luminosity colliders.
Nominated by: DPF

Matthias Troyer [2010]
ETH Zurich
Citation: For his scientific accomplishments in the field of computational many-body physics and for leadership offered to the next generation of computational physicists.
Nominated by: DCOMP

George Tynan [2010]
University of California, San Diego
Citation: For fundamental experimental investigations of shear flow turbulence decorrelation and zonal flow-turbulence interactions, and for leadership in developing laboratory-scale experiments of turbulent transport.
Nominated by: DPP

De Grasse Tyson [2010]
Princeton University
Citation: For his leadership as an educator who has excited millions of people about astrophysics and science, and for his service to the United States on commissions on NASA, space exploration, and the aerospace industry.
Nominated by: FPS

Neil deGrasse Tyson [2010]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

Thomas Udem [2010]
Max Planck Institute
Citation: For contributions to the field of precision measurement including measurements of the hydrogen 1S-2S transition and the development of frequency comb techniques.
Nominated by: GPMFC

Richard Vaia [2010]
Air Force Institute of Technology
Citation: For seminal contributions towards the fundamental understanding of thermodynamics and kinetics of polymer nanocomposite formation; the impact of nanoparticles on polymer dynamics, crystallization and elastomer network properties; and the development of relevant structure-property correlations ensuring the translation of the physics of polymer nanocomposites to commercial technologies.
Nominated by: DPOLY

David Alan Van Baak [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Steven J van Enk [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Steven van Enk [2010]
University of Oregon
Citation: For pioneering contributions in theoretical quantum information and quantum optics, including entanglement verification, quantum communication and telportation, and angular momentum of photons.
Nominated by: DQI

Carolyne Van Vliet [2010]
University of Miami
Citation: For seminal contributions to the foundations of Linear Response Theory and to Quantum Transport involving extended or localized states, with applications to Condensed Matter problems.
Nominated by: GSNP

John Vassilicos [2010]
Imperial College London
Citation: For his contributions to advance the understanding turbulence decay, mixing and particle motions, especially by recognizing and exploiting the use of fractals in theory and experiment.
Nominated by: DFD

Peter Vekilov [2010]
University of Houston
Citation: For his pioneering work on the thermodynamics and kinetics of protein aggregation and  the discovery of a novel mechanism of nucleation of protein and small-molecule solid phases in solution.
Nominated by: DBIO

Emmanuel Villermaux [2010]
University of Provence
Citation: For insightful contributions, both qualitative and quantitative, to the fluid dynamical and statistical characterizations of mixing, and for understanding the dynamics and fragmentation of jets and sheets.
Nominated by: DFD

Ramona Vogt [2010]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: For her contribution to our understanding of  the dynamics  of heavy quark and charmonium production in collisions with nuclei and providing guidance for using these probes in the current and planned experimental investigations of hard dynamics in collisions with nuclei.
Nominated by: DNP

Igor Vurgaftman [2010]
Naval Research Laboratory
Citation: For introducing and developing novel optoelectronic device concepts based on the principles of physics, and for significant contributions to the physical understanding, design, and simulation of semiconductor devices such as the interband cascade laser and the type-II infrared photodiode.
Nominated by: FIAP

Mickey Wade [2010]
General Atomics
Citation: For outstanding contributions to burning plasmas physics, including helium ash removal, impurity transport and the development of advanced tokamak scenarios.
Nominated by: DPP

Fuqiang Wang [2010]
Purdue University
Citation: For his pioneering studies of jet-medium interactions in relativistic heavy ion collisions.
Nominated by: DNP

Jin Wang [2010]
State University of New York, Stony Brook
Citation: For his pioneering contributions to equilibrium and non-equilibrium biological physics, in protein folding, biomolecular recognition, single-molecule statistical fluctuations and cellular networks.
Nominated by: DBIO

Jin Wang [2010]
Argonne National Laboratory
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of nanoparticle/polymer thin films and superlattices, and for the development of time-resolved X-ray methods for characterizing the structure of dense liquid sprays.
Nominated by: DCMP

Xun-Li Wang [2010]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For sustained contribution in neutron diffraction studies of structure, phase transformations, and mechanical behavior in materials and engineering systems and leadership in the design and construction of a versatile engineering diffractometer at the Spallation Neutron Source.
Nominated by: FIAP

William J Weber [2010]

Citation: Not available
Nominated by: APS

William Weber [2010]
University of Tennessee
Citation: For his seminal contributions and scientific leadership in the materials physics of defects, defect processes, ion-solid interactions and radiation damage processes in ceramics.
Nominated by: DMP

Matthias Weidemuller [2010]
University of Heidelberg
Citation: For work on cold atom physics, especially in photoassociation and ultra cold Rydberg atom physics.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Andrew G White [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Andrew White [2010]
University of Queensland
Citation: For innovative and pioneering contributions to the science and technology of linear-optical quantum information processing.
Nominated by: DQI

Gary White [2010]
American Institute of Physics
Citation: For inspired leadership of the Society of Physics Students,  including successful efforts to facilitate the increased participation of undergraduate students in local and national activities.
Nominated by: FED

Martin White [2010]
University of California, Berkeley
Citation: For his numerous contributions to theoretical astrophysics and cosmology in the areas of the cosmic microwave background, evolution of
galaxies and probes of large scale structure, for developments in numerical cosmology and for his investigations of dark energy, dark matter and inflation.
Nominated by: DAP

Denis Wirtz [2010]
Johns Hopkins University
Citation: For his seminal contributions to the understanding of basic cellular functions through the development and application of novel biophysical methods grounded in statistical mechanics and polymer physics.
Nominated by: DBIO

Frank Wise [2010]
Cornell University
Citation: For contributions to nonlinear optical wave propagation, including the demonstration of self-similar pulse evolution in a laser and the generation of space-time solitons;  and also for leading the development of lead-chalcogenide semiconductor nanocrystals.
Nominated by: DLS

Christopher Wolverton [2010]
Northwestern University
Citation: For innovative contributions to atomic- and multi-scale computational materials physics, particularly in the area of phase stability of materials.
Nominated by: DMP

Lawrence Woolf [2010]
General Atomics
Citation: For extensive work in teacher professional development, for assistance to California school districts, and for leadership in K-12 science education at a national level.
Nominated by: FED

Yong-Shi Wu [2010]
University of Utah
Citation: For his contributions to the mathematical foundations of quantum physics --- particularly for his work establishing profound connections between the physical laws and topology and geometry.
Nominated by: DPF

Keqing Xia [2010]
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Citation: For his tremendous contributions to our present experimental knowledge and understanding of turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection.
Nominated by: DFD

Jingming Xu [2010]
Brown University
Citation: For contributions to advances in industrial optoelectronics, sensor materials and bionanoelectronic.
Nominated by: FIAP

Zhangbu Xu [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Zhangbu Xu [2010]
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Citation: For major contributions in the study of high density nuclear matter at RHIC, especially the development of improved technologies for particle identification, and new techniques for the reconstruction of short-lived resonances culminating in the discovery of the heaviest known anti-nucleus, the anti-hypertriton.
Nominated by: DNP

Yasunori Yamazaki [2010]
RIKEN, Wako-shi
Citation: For contributions to atomic and atomic-collision physics, and for studies of the structure of unstable nuclei and the interaction with matter of slow and fast highly-charged ions.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Rikutaro Yoshida [2010]
Argonne National Laboratory
Citation: For central contributions in the measurement of proton structure functions and for leadership in the construction, operation, and management of the ZEUS detector and collaboration.
Nominated by: DPF

Cosmas Zachos [2010]
Argonne National Laboratory
Citation: For significant theoretical contributions to supersymmetry, and for pioneering investigations of fundamental mathematical structures underlying a broad range of physical systems.
Nominated by: DPF

Farhad Yusef-Zadeh [2010]
Northwestern University
Citation: For his discovery of many astrophysical sources in the core of the galaxy, and for his contributions to our understanding of these sources, of star formation, of molecular clouds interacting
with supernova remnants, and of the emission mechanism associated with the massive black hole at the galactic center.
Nominated by: DAP

Khairul B M Q Zaman [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Khairul B.M. Zaman [2010]
NASA Glenn Research Center
Citation: For advancing the understanding of vortex generating tab technology for mixing enhancement and noise reduction in jets, and for discovering and explaining 'transonic tones' in overexpanded jets.
Nominated by: DFD

Martin Zanni [2010]
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Citation: For advancing the technology behind femtosecond 2D IR spectroscopy and using it to uncover novel insights into the biophysics of membrane and aggregating polypeptides.
Nominated by: DCP

John Zasadzinski [2010]
Illinois Institute of Technology
Citation: For contributions to superconducting tunneling spectroscopy.
Nominated by: DCMP

Huan-Xiang Zhou [2010]
Florida State University
Citation: For his pioneering contributions to theoretical and computational biophysics, in particular by developing elegent theories and methods on protein-ligand binding and the effects of intracellular environment on biophysical properties of proteins.
Nominated by: DBIO

George Zimmerman [2010]
Boston University
Citation: For his wide-ranging initiatives to advance the history of physics, including oral history interviews, departmental histories, and dissemination of historical sessions on the internet.
Nominated by: FHPP

Isa Zimmerman [2010]

Nominated by: APS

Andrew Zwicker [2010]
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Citation: For his outstanding service to Physics and Society issues and his excellent leadership on innovative education research and education outreach.
Nominated by: FPS