APS News

Careers & Education

‘People Want to Help Us’: With Travel Grant, Ukrainian Student Attends March Meeting to Share Work on Qubits
With APS support, Polina Kofman joined 13,000 physicists in Minneapolis and then headed to New Orleans to spend a month at Tulane.
March Meeting Brings Squishy Science to Minneapolis Families
An afternoon of physics — and, well, cotton candy.
Building a Quantum Workforce Doesn’t Just Mean Graduating More Ph.D.s
To bring millions of new technology workers into the fold, nations must cast a wide net.
APS Bridge Program Grad Takes on Plasma
From Alabama to Los Alamos, Dylan Funk has always been intrigued by the fourth state of matter.
Using Physics to Design the Stages of Broadway and Cirque du Soleil
Bart Breisch relies on his physics background to create safe sets for extraordinary performances.
Enrollment in HBCU Physics Programs Has Declined For Years. A Site Visit Program Seeks to Help Reverse the Trend.
The pilot program, which leans on APS’s EP3 Guide, aims to help HBCUs identify blind spots and create strategic plans.
APS’s “Show Me the Money!” Webinar Helps Students Negotiate Job Offers, Kicking Off Multi-Month Careers Series
Peter Fiske advises physicists to reframe the question, “How much will I be paid?” to, “How much am I worth?”
To Boost Undergrad Enrollment, Physics Departments Turn to APS Innovation Fund Program, DALI
The Departmental Action Leadership Institute has expanded the reach of EP3, a guide for physics departments looking for positive change.
STEP UP Program, Aiming to Grow the Number of Women Physics Majors, Expands Training in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles
Partnering with local colleges has bolstered program efforts, as coordinators plan recruitment for next year’s cohort.
Science From a Bike: One Teacher’s Cycling Journey to Share Physics Experiments Around the World
Michael Gregory leans on APS JNIPER’s coffee hours and workshops to support his global outreach efforts.
How to Strengthen Computing Instruction in the Physics Classroom
Better computational training is needed to prepare physics students for the workforce, says researcher Danny Caballero.
Start Your Search For a Summer REU Now (and Other Advice From a Physics Major)
Anne Monroe, a college junior majoring in physics, reflects on her internship experience and shares advice.
Once a Crystal Collector, Now a Crystal Scientist
Since earning his doctorate in solid-state physics through the APS Bridge Program, Brian Casas says it feels like life has come full circle.
It’s Tough to Teach Computation in Advanced Physics Labs — So Physicists Workshopped It
In June, 12 faculty gathered at a Reichert Foundation workshop to brainstorm computation-based modules that instructors can incorporate into advanced labs.
Physicists Fill in Wikipedia’s Gaps on Climate Science
From solar cells to regional climate impacts, APS “Wiki Scientists” are making the science clearer, one page at a time.
How Searching for the Higgs Prepared this Physicist to be an AI Leader in the Corporate World
For Sarah Schlobohm, a physics degree led naturally to machine learning.
Two New Anthologies Will Share the Stories of Women in Fluid Dynamics
A 13-year-old grassroots effort to support women in fluid dynamics has taken a creative turn.
The Neurophysicist Trying to Tackle Jet Lag Ahead of the World’s Longest Flights
Sveta Postnova wants to make 20-hour flights more bearable for travelers.
APS Industry Mentorship Program Bolsters the Career of an Aspiring Quantum Scientist
Enrique Segura Carrillo knew he wanted a career in industry, but he needed help getting there.
APS Innovation Fund Supports “Vibrant” US-Africa Collaborations in Modeling Electronic Structure
Despite the pandemic, travel restrictions, and even armed conflict, partnerships between researchers in the US and Africa persist.
To Bolster Undergraduate Enrollment, Some Colleges Are Emphasizing Engineering Physics Degrees
Beloit College in Wisconsin and the University of Maine model different approaches to engineering physics.
High School Students “Go Quantum” with Virtual Visit From Physicist
Physicist Brian La Cour, a volunteer with APS’s Quantum To-Go program, dropped into a physics class in Arkansas to demystify qubits.
The Physics Curriculum Needs More Data Science — and One Team is Making it Easier Than Ever to Integrate It
With support from the APS Innovation Fund, the DSECOP team is getting data science into more undergraduate physics classrooms.
A Bridge to Chasing Active Galactic Nuclei
John Hood II, APS Bridge Program graduate, achieved a dream he once thought impossible.
Want to Teach Physics? PhysTEC Teachers of the Year Have Advice.
At the 2023 PhysTEC conference, four physics teachers reflected on the rewards and challenges of teaching.
What the James Webb Space Telescope Can Teach Scientists About Engaging the Public
At the APS Annual Leadership Meeting, Matt Mountain, JWST scientist, shared lessons on how to pull the public into science.
To Manage Future Risks of Emerging Technologies, Train Physicists in Ethical Decision-Making Now
Panelists and audience members at the APS Annual Leadership Meeting made the case for adding lessons on ethics in technology to physics programs.
You Think You Want a Summer Internship in Physics. Now What?
At the 2023 APS Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics, panelists shared tips on searching for summer opportunities.
Now a Nuclear Physicist at Los Alamos, APS Bridge Program Grad Says Nuclear Security is His Calling
“[My mom] was my savior,” says Jesus Perello. “She said, ‘Listen, you did not go this far just to quit.”
Wikipedia Has a Problem That Physicists Can Help Solve
To bridge the site’s gender and race gap, physicist Alexander Moreno is taking the APS Wiki Scientist Program a step further.
At Honeywell, APS Bridge Program Grad Finds Success Studying Failure
When hardware doesn’t work, Fernand Torres-Davila must “figure out why.”
Making a Beef Patty — Without the Beef
Meet Dr. Huan Yan, a chemical physicist at the plant-based meat company Impossible Foods.
First a Bridge Program Graduate, Now a NASA Astrophysicist
Laura D. Vega has her eyes on the stars — the pulsating giants and red dwarfs, to be specific.
APS Innovation Fund Fuels Quantum Education
Online communities help smaller undergraduate schools teach cutting-edge quantum science.
Study Reports the Impact of COVID-19 on Recent Physics Grads
Some undergrads, like those squeezed financially, were more likely than others to change their post-graduation plans.
APS Science Trust Project Trains Members to Curb the Spread of Misinformation
Scientists are worried about misinformation. They can help fight it.
Physicist in Brazil Translates Physics Lessons into Portuguese and Spanish for High Schoolers
With support from the APS Innovation Fund, Nathan Berkovits’ team in São Paulo hopes to train teachers across Latin America.
Four Mistakes Early-Career Scientists Make in Interviews and How to Correct Them
Interviews are sales pitches. Here’s how to get good at them.
Newest Data Shows Mixed Progress for Women and Marginalized Groups in Physics Higher Ed
Takeaways from the latest federal data.
Physics Lab Kits Help Foster the Next Generation of East African Scientists
The kits—supported by the APS Innovation Fund—have already reached 1,400 students.
For Women and Gender Minorities in Physics, Community Builds Confidence
Lessons from the 2022 Advancing Graduate Leadership Conference.
Profiles in Versatility: Physicist to Test Nanoparticle-and-Laser Cancer Treatment in Humans
After losing her aunt to cancer, Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green dedicated her career to finding treatments.
How to Build a Crisis Management Plan for Your Career
Jobs can end abruptly, as COVID showed. To cope then, prepare now.
March Meeting Brings a Physics Fiesta to Chicago School
Making physics fun for high schoolers in Chicago.
Physicist-Turned-Advocate is a Champion for Menstrual Freedom
Manju Bangalore has interned for NASA, founded two nonprofits, and starred in a Beyoncé music video—and she’s not done yet.
How to Network After Conferences
With the April and March Meetings behind us, a career coach shares her tips and tricks.
With Private Funding, Program Helps Professors Teach Cutting-Edge Experiments
The Advanced Laboratory Physics Association (ALPhA) is helping professors ditch dusty, out-of-date experiments in classrooms.
Beyond Academia, Physics Grads Find Diverse Careers
Physicists can go on to do anything, say experts at the March Meeting.
Need for Speed? Consider a Career in Motorsports Racing
Surprising careers in fast places.

To read articles published before May 2022, visit the APS News archive.