March Meeting Presentations

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51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Session C

C03.00001: Spontaneous pattern formation in a driven Bose-Einstein Condensate
Zhendong Zhang, Kai-Xuan Yao, Lei Feng, Jiazhong Hu, Cheng Chin

C03.00005: Many-body Dynamical Localization in a Kicked Interacting Quantum Gas*
Roshan Sajjad, Ethan Simmons, Alec Cao, Cora Fujiwara, David Weld

C03.00008: Rapidity evolution after a trap quench in a 1D Bose gas
Neel Malvania, Josh M. Wilson, Yuan Le, Yicheng Zhang, Jerome Dubail, Marcos Rigol, David S. Weiss

C03.00009: Inducing Resonances with Floquet Engineering of Ultracold Scattering
Christoph Dauer, Axel Pelster, Sebastian Eggert

C03.00010: Experimental characterization of a first order dissipative phase transition in a many-body quantum system.
Jens Benary, Marvin R\"ohrle, Jian Jiang, Christian Baals, Herwig Ott