March Meeting Presentations

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51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Session P

P03.00002: Theory of robust multi-qubit non-adiabatic gates for trapped-ions
Yotam Shapira, Ravid Shaniv, Tom Manovitz, Nitzan Akerman, Lee Peleg, Lior Gazit, Roee Ozeri, Ady Stern

P03.00004: Observation of Domain Wall Confinement and Dynamics in a Quantum Simulator
P. Becker, W. L. Tan, F. Liu, G. Pagano, K. S. Collins, A. De, L. Feng, H. B. Kaplan, A. Kyprianidis, R. Lundgren, W. Morong, S. Whitsitt, A. V. Gorshkov, C. Monroe

P03.00005: Many-Body Dephasing in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
Wen Lin Tan, Harvey Kaplan, Arinjoy De, Guido Pagano, Christopher Monroe, Lingzhen Guo, Florian Marquardt

P03.00009: Characterization of Radial 2D Ion Crystals for Quantum Simulation
Yuanheng Xie, Marissa D'Onofrio, AJ Rasmusson, Paula Madetzke, Evangeline Wolanski, Philip Richerme