Meetings & Responsibilities of Executive Committee

Regular Meeting

One meeting of the Division, to be known as the Regular Meeting, shall be held annually at such time and place as shall be ordered by the Executive Committee. This meeting with scientific program is held at the APS Annual March Meeting.

Executive Committee Meetings

The Executive Committee shall meet at least once each year. This meeting shall be held during the March Meeting of the Division. Any member of the Executive Committee unable to attend a meeting may name a nonvoting alternate to represent him or her, subject to the approval of the Chair. The Chair of the Division shall preside over the Executive Committee meetings. A majority of the voting members, including at least two Officers, shall constitute a quorum.

Annual Business Session

Each year the Division shall hold a Business Session which shall be a session of the March Meeting. This Business Session shall be devoted exclusively to the reports of officers and committees, election results, and the transaction of business affairs. No scientific program of the Division shall be presented simultaneously with the Business Session.

Officer Responsibilities

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The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and Business Sessions of the Division at which his or her attendance is possible. The member elected as Vice-Chair shall serve in that office for one year, then for one year as Chair-Elect, and then for one year as Chair. The Chair shall not be eligible for the office of Vice-Chair for two years following his or her term of office. The Chair and Chair-Elect shall serve as co-Chairs of the Program Committee.


The Chair-Elect shall act in place of the Chair if the latter is unable to perform his or her duties. The Chair-Elect shall perform such other functions as may be explicitly provided in the Bylaws.The member elected as Vice-Chair shall serve in that office for one year, then for one year as Chair-Elect, and then for one year as Chair. The Chair and Chair-Elect shall serve as co-Chairs of the Program Committee for the March Meeting.


The Vice-Chair shall act in place of the Chair-Elect if the latter is unable to perform his or her duties. The Vice-Chair shall perform such other functions as may be explicitly provided in the Bylaws. The member elected as Vice-Chair shall serve in that office for one year, then for one year as Chair-Elect, and then for one year as Chair. The Vice-Chair will Chair the Tutorial Sessions for the March Meeting and will Chair the Fellowship Committee.


The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain the records of the Division including minutes of Executive Committee meetings and Business Sessions, Division activities, and membership lists. The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the Executive Committee of matters requiring the decision of said Committee and shall prepare the agenda of Executive Committee meetings and Business Sessions. The Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare minutes of Executive Committee meetings and Business Sessions and shall submit these minutes to each member of the Executive Committee and to the Executive Secretary/Executive Officer within four weeks after each meeting. Following elections, such minutes are to include the results of the election and a roster of the current Executive Committee membership.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the Council and Executive Secretary Executive Officer of the Society informed of the activities and needs of the Division.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall have responsibility for all funds in the custody of or placed at the disposal of the Division and shall authorize disbursements from such funds for expenses in a manner that is consistent with the general policies of the Society and the Division. Financial records shall be kept on an annual basis consistent with the fiscal policies of the Society. The Secretary-Treasurer shall present a financial report at each meeting of the Executive Committee and at the annual Business Session of the Division.


The Past-Chair will Chair the Nominating Committee for elections.

Division Councillor

The Division Councillor(s) shall serve as liaison between the Council of the Society and the Executive Committee of the Division. Following each Council meeting, the Division Councillor(s) shall report to the Chair and the Secretary-Treasurer regarding Council actions that affect the status and operations of the Division. Reports shall be made to the entire Executive Committee during their regularly scheduled meetings.


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Fellowship Committee

The Fellowship Committee shall consist of the Vice-Chair and four other members appointed by the Chair, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, to staggered two-year terms. Up to two members shall be Members-at-Large. At least one of the four members shall be an APS Fellow. The Vice-Chair shall serve as Chair of the Fellowship Committee without discretional power over the members. The Fellowship Committee shall promote the nomination of candidates for Fellowship, shall review the qualifications of such candidates, shall themselves not be candidates for Fellowship, and shall report its rankings and recommendations to the Chair and the Secretary-Treasurer who will in turn report to the Executive Committee for the Division's final recommendations and submission to the Executive Officer of the Society.

Nomination Committee

The Past Chair shall chair the committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members appointed by the Chair to staggered three-year terms and one member appointed by the Executive Officer for a one-year term. The Chair shall provide, via the Executive Officer, the identity of this member. Not more that two members of the Nominating Committee shall be members of the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for the positions of Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, Division Councillor, and Members-at-Large of the Executive Committee according to Article VII.3 of these Bylaws. The Nominating Committee shall advise the Chair on suitable candidates for Society committees, including relevant Society Prize and Award committees, and on candidates for Society offices. The Nominating Committee shall perform such other duties as described in the Bylaws.

Each year the Nominating Committee shall nominate at least two candidates for the office of Vice-Chair, for Secretary-Treasurer during the final year of the term of the current Secretary-Treasurer, and for each open positions of Members-at-Large of the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee shall provide the Secretary-Treasurer with a list of candidates not later than sixteen weeks before the Regular Meeting, except under extraordinary circumstances. The Secretary-Treasurer shall inform the Division members of the nominations made and shall invite these members to suggest candidates for the various offices and Executive Committee positions. If as many as five percent of the total Division membership determined on 31 December of the year preceding the election suggests the same person for the same office, that person shall be deemed to have been nominated.

Program Committee

The Program Committee shall consist of the Chair, the Chair-Elect, the Vice-Chair, the Secretary-Treasurer, and three Members-at-Large appointed by the Chair, upon the recommendation of the Chair-Elect, to staggered three-year terms. The Chair and Chair-Elect shall serve as co-Chairs of the Program Committee. The Vice-Chair shall chair the satellite meetings of the Society meeting. The Program Committee shall have the responsibility of assisting the Executive Officer, or his or her designate, in arranging the meetings of the Society. This activity shall include the scheduling of contributed papers within the areas of interest of this Division, as well as the arranging, in cooperation with the Executive Officer or his or her designate, of symposia and sessions of invited papers sponsored by the Division for a meeting. For meetings of the Division, including the Regular Meeting, the Program Committee shall be responsible for the solicitation and selection of invited and review papers and for the arrangement of the programs of such meetings.