Meeting Presentations

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APS March Meeting 2020

Session L

L39.00001: Classifying Snapshots of the Doped Hubbard Model with Machine Learning
Annabelle Bohrdt, Christie Chiu, Geoffrey Ji, Muqing Xu, Daniel Greif, Markus Greiner, Eugene Demler, Fabian Grusdt, Michael Knap

L39.00003: Unsupervised machine learning of topological phase transitions
Joaquin Rodriguez Nieva, Mathias Scheurer

L39.00005: Unsupervised learning of quantum phase transitions using nonlinear dimension reduction methods
Alexander Lidiak, Zhexuan Gong

L39.00006: Machine learning the Mattis glass transformation
Daniel Lozano-Gomez, Darren Pereira, Michel J Gingras

L39.00010: Unsupervised learning of topological indices
Oleksandr Balabanov, Mats Granath

L39.00013: Neural-Network Approach to Dissipative Quantum Many-Body Dynamics
Michael Hartmann, Giuseppe Carleo