Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy & Dynamics

To recognize and encourage notable contributions to the field of molecular spectroscopy and dynamics.

Herbert P. Broida Prize

To recognize and enhance outstanding experimental advancements in the fields of atomic and molecular spectroscopy or chemical physics.

Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Physics

To recognize and encourage outstanding interdisciplinary research in chemistry and physics, in the spirit of Irving Langmuir.

Justin Jankunas Doctoral Dissertation Award in Chemical Physics

An annual award for the best doctoral dissertation in any area of chemical physics.

Prizes & Awards Sponsored by DCP

Child Care Award

APS Division of Chemical Physics Child Care Awards of up to $500 are available for DCP members attending APS national meetings. Awards may be used by recipients for dependent care at the meeting or at an alternative location (including at home), including expenses incurred in transporting a caregiver.

New Investigator Travel Awards

APS Division of Chemical Physics New Investigator Travel Awards of up to $500 are available for graduate students and for post-doctoral researchers within two years of receiving their Ph.D. to present a paper at a DCP-sponsored symposium at the APS March Meeting. Eligible expenses include reduced rate air fare or car travel, conference registration fee, and economy room and board for the duration of the meeting.