Meeting Presentations

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APS March Meeting 2020

Session L

L61.00002: Evolution of soft phonons in FeSe under pressure
Adrian Merritt, Frank Weber, Anna Boehmer, Kaushik Sen, John-Paul Castellan, Thomas Wolf, Sofia Souliou, Ahmet Alatas, Ayman Said, Wenli Bi, Rafael Fernandes, Dmitry Reznik

L61.00007: Nematicity from spin correlations in iron-based superconductors
Rong Yu, Yiming Wang, Wenjun Hu, Qimiao Si

L61.00009: Exploring the electronic structure of BaFe2As2 using resonant Raman scattering
Rudolf Hackl, Andreas Baum, Ying Li, Nenad Lazarevic, Daniel Jost, Jiun-Haw Chu, Ian Fisher, Roser Valenti, Igor Mazin