Doctoral Research Award Committee


The DPB Doctoral Research Award Committee consists of six appointed members serving staggered three-year terms plus the thesis advisor of the previous year’s prize winner, for a total of seven members. Two new members are appointed each year. One is appointed to the position of Vice-Chair, and becomes Chair in the second year. The other serves both years as a regular member. Terms of office begin immediately upon appointment.


To select recipients for the Doctoral Research Award.

Committee Membership:

2020 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2021 Award)

Chair: Andrei Seryi (Jlab) (1/19 - 12/21)
Vice-Chair: Frank Schmidt (CERN) (1/20 - 12/22)
Past Chair: Bruce Dunham (SLAC) (1/18 - 12/20)
John Zasadzinsk (IIT) (1/18 - 12/20)
Ying Wu (Duke) (1/19 - 12/21)
Alexander Romanenko (FNAL) (1/20 - 12/22)
2020 Award winner's advisor

2019 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2020 Award)

Chair: Bruce Dunham (SLAC) (1/18 - 12/20)
Vice-Chair: Andrei Seryi (Jlab) (1/19 - 12/21)
Past Chair: Rami Kishek (UMd) (1/17 - 12/19)
Alexander Valishev (FNAL) (1/17 - 12/19)
John Zasadzinski (IIT) (1/18 - 12/20)
Ying Wu (Duke) (1/19 - 12/21)
Andrea Macchi (1/20 - 12/22)
2020 Award to be presented at APS 2020 April Meeting

2018 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2019 Prize)

Chair: Rami Kishek (UMd) (1/17 - 12/19)
Vice-Chair: Bruce Dunha (SLAC) (1/18 - 12/20)
Past Chair: Rui Li (JLab (1/16 - 12/18)
Themis Mastoridis (CalPoly) (1/16 - 12/18)
Alexander Valishev (FNAL) (1/17 - 12/19)
John Zasadzinsk (IIT) (1/18 - 12/20)
TBD – automatic - 2018 prize winner advisor
2019 Prize presented at NA-PAC’19 at Lansing, MI

2017 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2018 Prize)

Chair: Rui Li (JLab (1/16 - 12/18)
Vice Chair: Rami Kishek (UMd) (1/17 - 12/19)
Past Chair: Vladimir Litvinenko (BNL) (1/15 - 12/17)
Heather Andrews (LANL) (1/15 - 12/17)
Themis Mastoridis (CalPoly) (1/16 - 12/18)
Alexander Valishev (FNAL) (1/17 - 12/19)
Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC) (2017 awardee (Spencer J. Gessner) supervisor)
2018 Prize presented at IPAC'18, Vancouver, BC 2018/4/29-5/4

2016 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2017 Prize)

Chair: Vladimir Litvinenko (SBU) (1/15 - 12/17)
Vice Chair: Rui Li (JLab) (1/16 - 12/18)
Past Chair: Pietro Musumeci (UCLA) (1/14 - 12/16)
Steve Benson (JLab) (1/14 - 12/16)
Heather Andrews (LANL) (1/15 - 12/17)
Themis Mastoridis (CalPoly) (1/16 - 12/18)
Ron Ruth (SLAC) (2016 awardee (Baxevanis) supervisor)
2017 Prize presented at APS 2017 April Meeting

2015 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2016 Prize)

Chair: Pietro Musumeci (UCLA) (1/14 - 12/16)
Vice-Chair: Vladimir Litvinenko (SBU) (1/15 - 12/17)
Past Chair: James Rosenzweig (UCLA) (1/13 - 12/15)
Gennady Stupakov (SLAC) (1/13 - 12/15
Steve Benson (Jlab) (1/14 - 12/16)
Heather Andrews (LANL) (1/15 - 12/17)
Themis Mastoridis (CalPoly) (1/16 - 12/18)
James Rosenzweig (UCLA) (2015 awardee (Marinelli) supervisor)
2016 Prize presented at NA-PAC'16, Chicago, IL, 2016/10/9-14

2014 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2015 Prize)

Chair: James Rosenzweig (1/13 - 12/15)
Vice-Chair: Pietro Musumeci (UCLA) (1/14 - 12/16)
Past Chair: Eric Colby (SLAC) (1/10 - 12/14)
Linda Spentzouris (IIT) (1/14 - 12/14)
Gennady Stupakov (SLAC) (1/13 - 12/15
Steve Benson (JLab (1/14 - 12/16)
Not Picked yet - automatic - 2014 prize winner advisor
2015 Prize presented at IPAC'15, Richmond,VA, 15/5/4-8

2013 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2014 Prize)

Chair: Eric Colby (SLAC) (1/10 - 12/13)
Vice-Chair: James Rosenzweig (UCLA) (1/13 - 12/15)
John Fox (SLAC) (1/11 - 12/13)
Mike Syphers (MSU) (1/11 - 12/13)
Vladimir Litvinenko (BNL) (1/10 - 12/13)
Gennady Stupakov (SLAC) (1/13 - 12/15)
Kim Ta Phuoc (LOA) (2013 awardee supervisor)
2014 Prize presented at April APS Mtg, Savannah, GA, 14/4

2012 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2013 Prize)

Chair: Eric Colby (SLAC) (1/10 - 12/12)
Vladimir Litvinenko (BNL) (1/10 - 12/12)
John Fox (SLAC) (1/11 - 12/13)
Mike Syphers (MSU) (1/11 - 12/13)
Alex Chao (SLAC) automatic - 2012 prize winner advisor
2013 Prize presented at NA-PAC'13, Pasadena, CA, 2013/10

2011 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2012 Prize)

Chair: Steve Peggs (BNL) (1/09 - 12/11)
Vice-Chair: Eric Colby (SLAC) (1/10 - 12/12)
Vladimir Litvinenko (BNL) (1/10 - 12/12)
Kathy Harkay (ANL) (1/09 - 12/11)
John Fox (SLAC) (1/11 - 12/13)
Mike Syphers (MSU) (1/11 - 12/13)
Alex Chao (SLAC) automatic - 2011 prize winner advisor
John Jowett (CERN) automatic - 2011 prize winner advisor

2010 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2011 Prize)

Chair: Kathy Harkay (ANL) (1/09 - 12/11)
Vice-Chair: Steve Peggs (BNL) (1/09 - 12/11)
John Fox (SLAC) (1/11 - 12/13)
Mike Syphers (MSU) (1/11 – 12/13)
Charlie Brau (Vanderbilt) automatic- 2010 prize winner advisor

2009 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2010 Prize)

Chair: Sami Tantawi (SLAC) (6/08 - 6/10)
Vice-Chair: Kathy Harkay (ANL) (1/09 - 12/11)
Rui Li (Jlab) (6/07 – 6/09)
Kyoko Makino (MSU) (6/08 - 6/10)
Steve Peggs (BNL) (1/09 - 12/11)

2008 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2009 Prize)

Chair: Gennady Shvets (Texas) (1/07 – 12/08)
Rui Li (Jlab) (1/07 – 12/08)
Win Leemans/LBNL (term 6/07 - 6/08)
Sami Tantawi/SLAC (Vice-chair, term 6/08 - 6/10)
Kyoko Makino/MSU (term, 6/08 - 6/10)

2007 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2008 Prize)

Chair: Georg Hoffstaetter (Cornell) (1/06 – 12/07)
Sergei Nagaitsev (FNAL) (1/06 – 12/07)
Vice-Chair: Gennady Shvets (Texas) (1/07 – 12/08)
Rui Li (Jlab) (1/07 – 12/08)
Win Leemans/LBNL (term 6/07 - 6/08)

2006 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2007 Prize)

Chair: Charlie Brau (Vanderbilt) (1/04 – 12/06)
Vice-chair: Georg Hoffstaetter (Cornell) (1/06 – 12/07)
Marc Ross (SLAC) (1/04 – 12/06)
Sergei Nagaitsev (FNAL) (1/06 – 12/07)

2005 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2006 Prize)

Chair: David Rubin, Cornell (12/05)
Vice-Chair: Charlie Brau, Vanderbilt (12/06)
Marc Ross, SLAC (12/06)
Jim MacLachlan, FNAL (12/05)
Advisor of previous winner

2004 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2005 Prize)

Chair, Richard Temkin, MIT (12/04)
Vice-Chair, David Rubin, Cornell (12/05)
Kwang-Je Kim, ANL (12/04)
Jim MacLachlan, FNAL (12/05)
Advisor of previous winner

2003 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2004 Prize)

Chair, Joseph Bisognano, U. Wisconsin (12/03)
Vice-Chair, Richard Temkin, MIT (12/04)
Warren Mori, UCLA (12/03)
Kwang-Je Kim, ANL (12/04)
Advisor of previous winner, Robert Siemann (12/03)

2002 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2003 Prize)

Chair: Robert Ryne, LBNL (12/02)
Vice-Chair: Joseph Bisognano, U. Wisconsin (12/03)
John Cary, U. Colorado (12/02)
Warren Mori, UCLA (12/03)
Advisor of previous winner, John Fox, SLAC ; Lia Merminga, TJNAF (Acting) (12/02)

2001 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2002 Prize)

Chair: Robert Gluckstern, U. Maryland (12/01)
Vice-Chair: Robert Ryne, LANL (12/01)
James Rosenzweig, UCLA (12/01)
John Cary, University of Colorado (12/02)
Advisor of previous winner, Shyh-Yuan Lee, U. of Indiana (12/01)

2000 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2001 Prize)

Chair: Richard Talman, Cornell (12/00)
Vice-Chair: Robert Gluckstern, U. Maryland (12/01)
Martin Berz, MSU (12/00)
James Rosenzweig, UCLA (12/01)
Advisor of previous winner, Ronald Ruth, SLAC (12/00)

1999 Doctoral Research Award Committee (2000 Prize)

Chair: Todd Smith, Stanford (12/99)
Vice-Chair: Richard Talman, Cornell (12/00)
Wim Leemans, LBNL (12/99)
Martin Berz, MSU (12/00)
Advisor of previous winner, Ralph Conti, U. Michigan (12/99)

1998 Doctoral Research Award Committee (1999 Prize)

Chair: Robert Siemann, SLAC (12/98)
Vice-Chair: Todd Smith, Stanford (12/99)
Cha-Mei Tang, CreaTV Tech. (12/98)
Wim Leemans, LBNL (12/99)
Advisor of previous winner, Patrick Colestock, FNAL (12/98)

1997 Doctoral Research Award Committee (1998 Prize)

Chair: Alex Chao, SLAC (12/97)
Vice-Chair: Robert Siemann, SLAC (12/98)
Tom Katsouleas, USC (12/97)
Cha-Mei Tang, CreaTV Tech. (12/98)
Advisor of previous winner, Alex Dragt, U. Maryland (12/97)

1996 Doctoral Research Award Committee (1997 Prize)

Co-Chair: Tom Marshall, Columbia U. (12/96)
Co-Chair: John Nation, Cornell (12/96)
Vice-Chair: Alex Chao, SLAC (12/97)
Tom Katsouleas, USC (12/97)
Advisor of previous winner, Martin Reiser, U. Maryland (12/96)

1995 Doctoral Research Award Committee (1996 Prize)

Chair: S.Y. Lee, Indiana U. (12/95)
Vice-Chair: Tom Marshall, Columbia U. (12/96)
Jonathan Wurtele, UC–Berkeley (12/95)
John Nation, Cornell (12/96)
Advisor of previous winner, Ewan Paterson, SLAC (12/95)