Executive Committees

2019 DPB Executive Committee
Chair: Michiko Minty (BNL) (1/18 - 12/18)
Chair-Elect: Sergei Nagaitsev (FNAL) (01/18 - 12/18)
Vice Chair: Sarah M Cousineau (ORNL) (01/20 - 12/20)
Past Chair: Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL) (1/18 - 12/18)
Divisional Councilor: Stuart D Henderson (JLAB) (01/19 - 12/22)
Secretary-Treasurer: Marion White (ANL) (1/18 - 12/20)
Wim Leemans (LBNL) (1/17 - 12/19)
Alexander Zholents (ANL) (1/17 - 12/19)
Evgenya Smirnova-Simakov (LANL) (1/18 - 12/20)
Michael Syphers (Northern Illinois Univ (1/18 - 12/20)
Mei Bai (GSI) (01/19 - 12/21)
Eric Prebys (UCDavis) (01/19 - 12/21)
Early Career Members:
Nihan Sipahi (CSU) (1/18 - 12/19)
Martina Martinello (FNAL) (01/19 - 12/20)

2018 DPB Executive Committee
Chair: Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL) (1/18 - 12/18)
Chair-Elect: Michiko Minty (BNL) (1/18 - 12/18)
Vice Chair: Sergei Nagaitsev (FNAL) (01/18 - 12/18)
Past Chair: Tor Raubenheimer (Stanford Univ.) (1/18 - 12/18)
Divisional Councilor: Thomas Roser (BNL) (1/15 - 12/18)
Secretary-Treasurer: Marion White (ANL) (1/18 - 12/20)
Wim Leemans (LBNL) (1/17 - 12/19)
Alexander Zholents (ANL) (1/17 - 12/19)
Evgenya Smirnova-Simakov (LANL) (1/18 - 12/20)
Michael Syphers (Northern Illinois Univ (1/18 - 12/20)
Heather Andrews (Vanderbilt Univ) (01/16 - 12/18)
Anna Grassellino (FNAL) (1/16 - 12/18)
Early Career Member: Nihan Sipahi (CSU) (1/18 - 12/19)

2017 DPB Executive Committee
Chair: Tor Raubenheimer (Stanford Univ.) (1/17 - 12/17)
Chair-Elect: Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL) (1/17 - 12/17)
Vice Chair: Michiko Minty (BNL) (1/17 - 12/17)
Past Chair: Steve Gourlay (LBNL) (1/17 - 12/17)
Divisional Councilor: Thomas Roser (BNL) (1/15 - 12/18)
Secretary-Treasurer: Stanley Schriber (Michigan State Univ.) (1/14 - 12/17)
Deputy Secretary-Treasurer: Marion White (ANL) (1/17 - 12/20)
Wim Leemans (LBNL) (01/17 - 12/19)
Alexander Zholents (ANL) (01/17 - 12/19)
Heather Andrews (Vanderbilt Univ) (01/16 - 12/18)
Anna Grassellino (FNAL) (01/16 - 12/18)
Roger Dixon (FNAL) (1/15 - 12/17)
Norbert Holtkamp (SLAC-NAL) (1/15 - 12/17)
Student Member: Alysson Vrielink (Stanford Univ.) (1/17 - 12/18)

2016 DPB Executive Committee
Chair: Steve Gourlay (LBNL) (1/16 - 12/16)
Chair-Elect: Tor Raubenheimer (Stanford Univ.) (1/16 - 12/16)
Vice Chair: Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL) (1/16 - 12/16)
Past Chair: Stuart D. Henderson (Oak Ridge National Lab) (1/16 - 12/16)
Divisional Councilor: Thomas Roser (BNL) (1/15 - 12/18)
Secretary-Treasurer: Stanley Schriber (Michigan State Univ.) (1/14 - 12/17)
Heather Andrews (Vanderbilt Univ) (01/16 - 12/18)
Anna Grassellino (FNAL) (01/16 - 12/18)
Roger Dixon (FNAL) (1/15 - 12/17)
Norbert Holtkamp (SLAC-NAL) (1/15 - 12/17)
Camille Ginzburg (FNAL) (1/14 - 12/16)
John Cary (UC-Boulder) (1/14 - 12/16)
Student Member: Sam Posen (FNAL) (1/15 - 12/16)

2015 DPB Executive Committee
Chair: Stuart D. Henderson (Oak Ridge National Lab) (1/15 - 12/15)
Chair-Elect: Steve Gourlay (LBNL) (1/15 - 12/15)
Vice Chair: Tor Raubenheimer (Stanford Univ.) (1/15 - 12/15)
Past Chair: Fulvia Pilat (BNL) (1/15 - 12/15)
Past Chair: Donald Hartill (Cornell University) (1/15 - 3/15)
Divisional Councilor: Thomas Roser (BNL) (1/15 - 12/18)
Secretary-Treasurer: Stanley Schriber (Michigan State Univ.) (1/14 - 1/16)
Roger Dixon (FNAL) (1/15 - 12/17)
Norbert Holtkamp (SLAC-NAL) (1/15 - 12/17)
Camille Ginzburg (FNAL) (1/14 - 12/16)
John Cary (UC-Boulder) (1/14 - 12/16)
Bruce Carlsten (LANL) (1/13 - 12/15)
Thomas Roser (BNL) (1/13 - 12/15)
Student Member: Sam Posen (FNAL) (1/15 - 12/16)

2014 DPB Executive Committee
Chair: Fulvia Pilat (BNL) (1/14 - 12/14)
Chair-Elect: Stuart D. Henderson (Oak Ridge National Lab) (1/14 - 12/14)
Vice Chair: Steve Gourlay (LBNL) (1/14 - 12/14)
Past Chair: Donald Hartill (Cornell University) (1/14 - 12/14)
Divisional Councilor: John Galayda (SLAC) (1/14 - 12/14)
Secretary-Treasurer: Stanley Schriber (Michigan State Univ.) (1/14 - 1/16)
Camille Ginzburg (FNAL) (1/14 - 12/16)
John Cary (UC-Boulder) (1/14 - 12/16)
Bruce Carlsten (LANL) (1/13 - 12/15)
Thomas Roser (BNL) (1/13 - 12/15)
Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL) (1/12 - 12/14)
John Byrd (LBL) (1/12 - 12/14)

2013–2014 DPB Executive Committee
Chair: Donald Hartill (Cornell University) (4/13 - 3/14)
Chair-Elect: Fulvia Pilat (BNL) (4/13 - 3/14)
Vice Chair: Stuart D. Henderson (Oak Ridge National Lab) (4/13 - 3/14)
Past Chair: William A Barletta (Fermilab) (4/10 - 3/14)
Divisional Councilor: John Galayda (SLAC) (1/14 - 12/17)
Secretary-Treasurer: Stanley Schriber (Michigan State Univ ) (1/16)

Bruce Carlsten (LANL) (1/13 - 12/15)
Thomas Roser (BNL) (1/13 - 12/15)
Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL) (1/12 - 12/14)
John Byrd (LBL) (1/12 - 12/14)
David Robin (LBL) (1/11 - 12/13)
Stephen Gourlay (LBL) (1/11 - 12/13)

2012–2013 DPB Executive Committee
Chair: William A Barletta (Fermilab) (4/10 - 3/14)
Chair-Elect: Donald Hartill (Cornell University) (4/12 - 3/13)
Vice Chair: Fulvia Pilat (BNL) (4/11 - 3/12)
Past Chair: Lia Merminga (TRIUMF) (4/09 - 3/13)
Divisional Councilor: John Galayda (SLAC) (1/10 - 12/13)
Secretary-Treasurer: Stanley Schriber (Michigan State Univ ) (1/16)

Sarah Cousineau (Oak Ridge National Lab) (4/10 – 3/13)
Shane Koscielniak (TRIUMF) (4/10 – 3/13)
Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL) (1/12 - 12/14)
John Byrd (LBL) (1/12 - 12/14)
David Robin (LBL) (1/11 - 12/13)
Stephen Gourlay (LBL) (1/11 - 12/13)

2011–2012 DPB Executive Committee
Chair: Lia Merminga (TRIUMF) (4/09 - 3/13)
Chair-Elect: William A Barletta (Fermilab) (4/10 - 3/14)
Vice Chair: Donald Hartill (Cornell University) (4/11 - 3/12)
Past Chair: Christoph Leemann (Jefferson Lab ) (4/08 - 3/12)
Divisional Councilor: John Galayda (SLAC) (1/10-12/13)
Secretary-Treasurer: Stanley Schriber (Michigan State Univ ) (1/16)

Sarah Cousineau (Oak Ridge National Lab) (4/10 – 3/13)
Shane Koscielniak (TRIUMF) (4/10 – 3/13)
Wei Gai (ANL) (04/09 – 3/12)
Michiko Minty (BNL) (04/09 – 3/12)
David Robin (LBL) (1/11 - 12/13)
Stephen Gourlay (LBL) (1/11 - 12/13)

2010–2011 DPB Executive Committee
Chair: Christoph Leemann (Jefferson Lab ) (4/08 - 3/12)
Chair-Elect: Lia Merminga (TRIUMF) (4/09 - 3/13)  
Vice Chair: William Barletta (Fermilab) (4/10 - 3/14)  
Past Chair: Swapan Chattopadhyay (The Cockcroft Institute) (6/07 – 3/11)
Divisional Councilor: John Galayda (SLAC) (1/10-12/13)
Secretary-Treasurer: Stanley Schriber (Michigan State Univ ) (4/08 - 3/11)

John Cary (Univ of Colorado – Boulder ) (04/08 - 03/11)
Shin-Ichi Kurokawa (High Energy Accel Res Org. KEK ) (04/08 - 03/11)
Wei Gai (ANL) (04/09 – 3/12)
Michiko Minty (BNL) (04/09 – 3/12)
Sarah Cousineau (Oak Ridge National Lab) (4/10 – 3/13)
Shane Koscielniak (TRIUMF) (4/10 – 3/13)

Non-voting members:
Stan Schriber, IEEE liaison
Paul Schmor-PAC09 Conference Chair
Thomas Roser-PAC11 Conference Chair
Vic Suller-IPAC12 Conference Chair
Steve Gourlay-PAC13 Conference Chair
Andrew Hutton-IPAC15 Conference Chair
Marion White-PAC16 Acting Conference Chair
Paul Schoessow-Website Administrator
Education and Outreach Committee Chair: Ernie Malamud (FNAL) (1/09 – 12/11)
Publications Committee Chair: Rick Baartman (TRIUMF) (1/09 -� 12/11)
Nominating Committee Chair: Lia Merminga (TRIUMF)
Fellowship Committee Chair: William Barletta (Fermilab)
Doctoral Research Award Committee Chair: Kathy Harkay (ANL) (1/09 - 12/11)
Wilson Prize Committee Chair: Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL) (12/10)

2009–2010 DPB Executive Committee
Chair: Swapan Chattopadhyay (The Cockcroft Institute) (6/07 – 3/11)
Chair-Elect: Christoph Leemann (Jefferson Lab ) (4/08 - 3/12)
Vice Chair: Lia Merminga (TRIUMF) (4/09 - 3/13)
Past Chair: Steve Holmes (FNAL) (4/06-3/10)
Divisional Councilor: Ron Ruth (SLAC) (1/06-12/09)
Secretary-Treasurer: Stanley Schriber (Michigan State Univ ) (4/08 - 3/11)

Stuart D. Henderson (Oak Ridge National Lab) (4/07 – 3/10)
Carol J. Johnstone (FNAL) (4/07 – 3/10)
John Cary (Univ of Colorado – Boulder ) (04/08 - 03/11)
Shin-Ichi Kurokawa (High Energy Accel Res Org. KEK ) (04/08 - 03/11)
Wei Gai (ANL) (04/09 – 3/12)
Michiko Minty (BNL) (04/09 – 3/12)

Non-voting members:
Ilan Ben-Zvi, IEEE liaison
Stan Schriber-PAC07 Conference Chair
Paul Schmor-PAC09 Conference Chair
Paul Schoessow-Website Administrator
Education and Outreach Committee Chair: John Byrd (LBNL) (1/07 – 12/09)
Publications Committee Chair: Georg Hoffstaetter (Cornell) (1/08 - 12/10)
Nominating Committee Chair: Christoph Leemann (JLab)
Fellowship Committee Chair: Lia Merminga (TRIUMF)
Doctoral Research Award Committee Chair: Sami Tantawi (SLAC) (6/08 - 6/10)
Wilson Prize Committee Chair: Frank Zimmerman (12/09)

2008–2009 DPB Executive Committee

Chair: Steve Holmes (FNAL) (4/06-3/10)
Chair-Elect: Swapan Chattopadhyay (The Cockcroft Institute) (6/07 – 3/11)
Vice Chair: Christoph Leemann (Jefferson Lab ) (4/08 - 5/12)  
Past Chair: Joseph Bisognano (Univ. of Wisconsin) (4/05-5/09)
Divisional Councilor: Ron Ruth (SLAC) (1/06-12/09)
Secretary-Treasurer: Stanley Schriber (Michigan State Univ ) (4/08 - 3/11)

John Corlett (LBNL) (4/06-5/09)
Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC) (4/06-5/09)
Stuart D. Henderson (Oak Ridge National Lab) (6/07 – 3/10)
Carol J. Johnstone (FNAL) (6/07 – 3/10)
John Cary (Univ of Colorado – Boulder ) (04/08 - 03/11)
Shin-Ichi Kurokawa (High Energy Accel Res Org. KEK ) (04/08 - 03/11)

Non-voting members:
Ilan Ben-Zvi, IEEE liaison
Stan Schriber-PAC07 Conference Chair
Paul Schmor-PAC09 Conference Chair
Paul Schoessow-Website Administrator
Education and Outreach Committee Chair: John Byrd (LBNL) (1/07 – 12/09)
Publications Committee Chair: Georg Hoffstaetter (Cornell) (1/08 - 12/10)
Nominating Committee Chair: Christoph Leemann (JLab)
Fellowship Committee Chair: Lia Merminga (TRIUMF)
Doctoral Research Award Committee Chair: Sami Tantawi (SLAC) (6/08 - 6/10)
Wilson Prize Committee Chair: Steve Gourlay (12/08)

2007–2008 DPB Executive Committee

Chair: Joseph Bisognano (Univ. of Wisconsin) (4/05-4/09)
Chair-Elect: Steve Holmes (FNAL) (4/06-4/10)
Vice Chair: Swapan Chattopadhyay (The Cockcroft Institute) (4/07 – 4/11)
Past Chair: Thomas Roser (BNL) (4/04-4/08)
Divisional Councilor: Ron Ruth (SLAC) (1/06-12/09)
Secretary-Treasurer: Ernest Malamud (Univ. of Nevada) (4/05-4/08)

Linda Spentzouris (IIT) (4/05-4/08)
Jonathan Wurtele (Berkeley) (4/05-4/08)
John Corlett (LBNL) (4/06-4/09)
Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC) (4/06-4/09)
Stuart D. Henderson (Oak Ridge National Lab) (4/07 – 4/10)
Carol J. Johnstone (FNAL) (4/07 – 4/10)

Non-voting members:
Ilan Ben-Zvi, IEEE liaison
Paul Schmor-PAC09 Conference Chair
Paul Schoessow-Website Administrator
Publications Committee Chair: Jean Delayen (Jlab) (1/06 – 12/08)
Education and Outreach Committee Chair: John Byrd (LBNL) (1/07 – 12/09)
Doctoral Research Award Committee Chair: Gennady Shvets (Texas) (1/07 – 12/08)
Wilson Prize Committee Chair: Steve Peggs (12/07)

2006–2007 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: Thomas Roser (BNL) (4/04-4/08)
Chair-Elect: Joseph Bisognano (Univ. of Wisconsin) (4/05-4/09)
Vice Chair: Steve Holmes (FNAL) (4/06-4/10)
Past Chair: Gerald Dugan (Cornell) (4/03-4/07)
Divisional Councilor: Ron Ruth (SLAC) (1/06-12/09)
Secretary-Treasurer: Ernest Malamud (Univ. of Nevada) (4/05-4/08)

Eric Colby (SLAC) (4/04-4/07)
Frank Zimmermann (CERN) (4/04-4/07)
Jonathan Wurtele (Berkeley) (4/05-4/08)
Linda Spentzouris (IIT) (4/05-4/08)
John Corlett (LBNL) (4/06-4/09)
Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC) (4/06-4/09)

Non-Voting Members:
Stan Schriber, PAC07 Chair
Ilan Ben-Zvi, NPSS/IEEE Representative

Committee Chairs:
Education and Outreach Committee: S. Y. Lee (12/07)
Publications Committee: Jean Delayen (12/08)
Doctoral Thesis Award Committee: Georg Hoffstaetter (12/07)
Wilson Prize Committee: Steve Peggs (12/07)

2005–2006 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: Gerald Dugan (5/06)
Chair-Elect: Thomas Roser (5/06)
Vice Chair: Joseph Bisognano (5/06)
Past Chair: Nan Phinney (5/06)
Divisional Councilor: Steve Holmes (1/06)
Secretary-Treasurer: Ernest Malamud (4/08)

Donald Hartill (4/06)
Marion White (4/06)
Eric Colby (5/07)
Frank Zimmermann (5/07)
Jonathan Wurtele (4/08)
Linda Spentzouris (4/08)

Non-Voting Members:
Norbert Holtkamp, PAC05 Chair(12/05)
Swapan Chattopadhyay, PAC05 Program Chair (12/05)
Ilan Ben-Zvi, NPSS/IEEE Representative (5/05)

Committee Chairs:
Education and Outreach Committee: Linda Spentzouris (12/07)
Publications Committee: Waldo MacKay (12/06)
Doctoral Thesis Award Committee: David Rubin (12/05)
Wilson Prize Committee: Donald Hartill (12/05)

2004–2005 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: Nan Phinney, SLAC (5/05)
Chair-Elect: Gerald Dugan, Cornell (5/05)
Vice Chair: Thomas Roser (5/05)
Past Chair: Ronald Ruth, SLAC (5/05)
Secretary-Treasurer: Michael Zisman, LBNL (5/05)
Divisional Councilor: Steve Holmes, FNAL (1/06)

Members-at Large:
Fulvia Pilat, BNL (4/05)
Kathy Harkay, ANL (4/05)
Donald Hartill, Cornell (4/06)
Marion White, ANL (4/06)
Eric Colby, SLAC (4/07)
Frank Zimmermann, CERN (4/07)

Non-voting Members:
Committee Chairs:

Publication: Jie Wei (12/04)
Education and Outreach: Ernest Malamud, FNAL (12/04)
Wilson Prize: Peter Limon (12/04)
Doctoral Research Award, Richard Temkin (12/05)

PAC05 Officers:
Chair: Norbert Holtkamp, ORNL
Program Chair: Swapan Chattopadhyay, TJNAF
IEEE/NPSS Representative: Bruce Brown, FNAL

2003–2004 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: Ronald Ruth, SLAC
Chair-Elect: Nan Phinney, SLAC
Vice Chair: Gerald Dugan, Cornell
Past Chair: Alex Dragt, U. Maryland
Secretary-Treasurer: Michael Zisman, LBNL (4/05)
Divisional Councilor: Steve Holmes, FNAL (12/05)

Members-at Large:
William Barletta, LBNL (4/04)
Lia Merminga, TJNAF (4/04) [appointed to fill Dugan’s remaining term]
Fulvia Pilat, BNL (4/05)
Kathy Harkay, ANL (4/05)
Donald Hartill, Cornell (4/06)
Marion White, ANL (4/06)

Non-voting Members:
Committee Chairs:
Fellowship: To be elected in fall 2003
Publication: John Byrd, LBNL
Education and Outreach: Ernest Malamud, FNAL (ret.) [replacing Helmut Wiedemann]
Wilson Prize: Satoshi Ozaki, BNL
Doctoral Research Award, Joseph Bisognano, U. Wisconsin

PAC05 Officers:
Chair: Norbert Holtkamp, ORNL
Program Chair: Swapan Chattopadhyay, TJNAF
IEEE/NPSS Representative: Bruce Brown, FNAL

2002–2003 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: Alex Dragt, U.Maryland
Chair-Elect: Ronald Ruth, SLAC
Vice Chair: Nan Phinney, SLAC
Past Chair: Ronald Davidson, PPPL
Secretary-Treasurer: Michael Zisman, LBNL (4/05)
Divisional Councilor: Steve Holmes, FNAL (12/05)
Helmut Wiedemann, SLAC (4/03)
Chan Joshi, UCLA (4/03)
William Barletta, LBNL (4/04)
Gerald Dugan, Cornell, (4/04)
Fulvia Pilat, BNL (4/05)
Katherine Harkay, ANL (4/05)

Non-voting Members:

Committee Chairs:
Fellowship: Gerald Dugan, Cornell
Publication: Dinh Nguyen, LANL
Education and Outreach: Helmut Wiedemann, SLAC
Wilson Prize: Norbert Holtkamp, ORNL
Doctoral Research Award: Robert Ryne, LBNL

PAC03 Officers:
Chair: Robert Siemann, SLAC
Program Chair: Edward Lee, LBNL [replacing Alan Jackson]
IEEE/NPSS Representative: Bruce Brown, FNAL

2001–2002 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: Ronald Davidson, PPPL
Chair-Elect: Alex Dragt , U. Maryland
Vice Chair: Ronald Ruth, SLAC
Past Chair: Alexander Chao, SLAC
Secretary-Treasurer: Ilan Ben-Zvi, BNL (4/02)
Divisional Councilor: Alexander Chao, SLAC (Acting, 12/01)

Patrick Colestock, FNAL (4/02)
Kathy Harkay, ANL (4/02)
Helmut Wiedemann, SLAC (4/03)
Chan Joshi, UCLA (4/03)
William Barletta, LBNL (4/04)
Gerald Dugan, Cornell, (4/04)

Non-voting Members:

Committee Chairs:
Fellowship: Nan Phinney, SLAC
Publication: Shyh-Yuan Lee, Indiana U.
Education and Outreach: Dominic Chan, LANL
Wilson Prize: Pief Panofsky, SLAC
Doctoral Research Award: Robert Gluckstern, U. Maryland

PAC03 Officers:
Chair: Robert Siemann, SLAC
Program Chair: Alan Jackson, LBNL
IEEE/NPSS Representative: Bruce Brown, FNAL

2000–2001 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: Alexander Chao, SLAC
Chair-Elect: Ronald Davidson, PPPL
Vice Chair: Alex Dragt, U. Maryland
Past Chair: John Peoples, FNAL
Secretary-Treasurer: Ilan Ben-Zvi, BNL (4/02)
Divisional Councilor: Robert Siemann, SLAC (12/01)

Gerald Jackson, FNAL (4/01)
Shyh-Yuan Lee, Indiana U. (4/01)
Patrick Colestock, FNAL (4/02)
Ronald Ruth, SLAC (4/02)
Helmut Wiedemann, SLAC (4/03)
Chan Joshi, UCLA (4/03)

Non-voting Members:

Committee Chairs:
Fellowship: Ronald Ruth, SLAC
Publication: Paul Schoessow, ANL
Education and Outreach: Swapan Chattopadhyay, LBNL
Wilson Prize: Gerald Dugan, Cornell
Doctoral Research Award: Richard Talman, Cornell

PAC01 Officers:
Chair: Yanglai Cho, ANL
Program Chair: Gerald Jackson, FNAL
IEEE/NPSS Representative: Matthew Allen, SLAC

1999–2000 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: John Peoples, FNAL
Chair-Elect: Alexander Chao, SLAC
Vice Chair: Ronald Davidson, PPPL
Past Chair: William Herrmannsfeldt, SLAC
Secretary-Treasurer: Ilan Ben-Zvi, BNL (4/02)
Divisional Councilor: Robert Siemann, SLAC (12/01)

Swapan Chattopadhyay, LBNL (4/00)
Alex Dragt, U. Maryland (4/00)
Gerald Jackson, FNAL (4/01)
Shyh-Yuan Lee, Indiana U. (4/01)
Patrick Colestock, FNAL (4/02)
Ronald Ruth, SLAC (4/02)

Non-voting Members:

Committee Chairs:
Fellowship: Alex Dragt, U. Maryland
Publication: Jonathan Wurtele, UC–Berkeley
Education and Outreach: Michiko Minty, SLAC
Wilson Prize: Richard Briggs, SAIC
Doctoral Research Award: Todd Smith, Stanford

PAC01 Officers:
Chair: Yanglai Cho, ANL
Program Chair: David Finley, FNAL
IEEE/NPSS Representative: Matthew Allen, SLAC

1998–1999 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: William Herrmannsfeldt, SLAC
Chair-Elect: John Peoples, FNAL
Vice Chair: Alexander Chao, SLAC
Past Chair: Martin Reiser, U. Maryland
Secretary-Treasurer: Mel Month, BNL (4/99)
Divisional Councilor: Robert Siemann, SLAC (12/01)

Nan Phinney, SLAC (4/99)
James Simpson, ANL (4/99)
Swapan Chattopadhyay, LBNL (4/00)
Alex Dragt, U. Maryland (4/00)
Gerald Jackson, FNAL (4/01)
Shyh-Yuan Lee, Indiana U. (4/01)

1997–1998 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: Martin Reiser, U. Maryland
Chair-Elect: William Herrmannsfeldt, SLAC
Vice Chair: John Peoples, FNAL
Past Chair: Claudio Pellegrini, UCLA
Secretary-Treasurer: Mel Month, BNL (4/99)
Divisional Councilor: Hermann Grunder, TJNAF (12/99)

Joseph Bisognano, TJNAF (4/98)
Richard Sheffield, LANL (4/98)
Nan Phinney, SLAC (4/99)
James Simpson, ANL (4/99)
Swapan Chattopadhyay, LBNL (4/00)
Alex Dragt, U. Maryland (4/00)

1996-1997 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: Claudio Pellegrini, UCLA
Chair-Elect: Martin Reiser, U. Maryland
Vice-Chair: William Herrmannsfeldt, SLAC
Past Chair: Robert Siemann, SLAC
Secretary-Treasurer: Mel Month, BNL (4/99)
Divisional Councilor: Hermann Grunder, TJNAF (12/99)

Klaus Berkner, LBNL (4/97)
Thomas Wangler, LANL (4/97)
Joseph Bisognano, TJNAF (4/98)
Richard Sheffield, LANL (4/98)
Nan Phinney, SLAC (4/99)
James Simpson, ANL (4/99)

1995–1996 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: Robert Siemann, SLAC
Chair-Elect: Claudio Pellegrini, UCLA
Vice Chair: Martin Reiser, U. Maryland
Past Chair: John Rees, SLAC
Secretary-Treasurer: Mel Month, BNL (4/99)
Divisional Councilor: Andrew Sessler, LBNL (12/99)

Steve Holmes, FNAL (4/96)
Robert Pollack, Indiana U. (4/96)
Klaus Berkner, LBNL (4/97)
Thomas Wangler, LANL (4/97)
Joseph Bisognano, TJNAF (4/98)
Richard Sheffield, LANL (4/98)

1994–1995 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: John Rees, SLAC
Chair-Elect: Robert Siemann, SLAC
Vice Chair: Maury Tigner, Cornell
Past Chair: Helen Edwards, FNAL
Secretary-Treasurer: Mel Month, BNL (4/96)
Divisional Councilor: Andrew Sessler, LBNL (12/99)

Gerry Dugan, FNAL (4/95)
Christoph Leemann, TJNAF (4/95)
Steve Holmes, FNAL (4/96)
Robert Pollack, Indiana U. (4/96)
Klaus Berkner, LBNL (4/97)
Thomas Wangler, LANL (4/97)

1993–1994 DPB Executive Committee

Voting Members:
Chair: Helen Edwards, FNAL
Chair-Elect: John Rees, SLAC
Vice Chair: Robert Siemann, SLAC
Past Chair: Hermann Grunder, TJNAF
Secretary-Treasurer: Mel Month, BNL (4/96)
Divisional Councilor: John Peoples, FNAL (12/95)

William Herrmannsfeldt, SLAC (4/94)
Paul Reardon, FNAL (4/94)
Gerry Dugan, FNAL (4/95)
Christoph Leemann, TJNAF (4/95)
Steve Holmes, FNAL (4/96)
Robert Pollack, Indiana U. (4/96)