Meeting Presentations

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APS March Meeting 2020

Session X

X32. Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Polymer Blends and Solutions in the Bulk and near Hard Surfaces

X32.00003: Shape Engineering of Monodispersed Cone-Shaped Particles by Tuning Blend Structure of AB Diblock Copolymer and C-Type Copolymer within Emulsion
Eun Ji Kim, Jae Man Shin, Kang Hee Ku, YongJoo Kim, Hongseok Yun, Bumjoon Kim

X32.00005: Quantitatively Determining of Population Ratios in Bimodal Polymeric Solutions by Neutron Scattering
GUAN-RONG HUANG, Kunlun Hong, Chi-Huan Tung, Dongsook Chang, Christopher Lam, Changwoo Do, Yuya Shinohara, Shou-Yi Chang, Yangyang Wang, Wei-Ren Chen

X32.00006: Role of Miscibility in the Shape Memory Properties of Polymer Blends
Surbhi Khewle, Pratyush Dayal

X32.00012: Additive Driven Morphological Transition of Block Copolymer Particles: Elongation, Transformation and Disassembly of Single Domain
Seonghan Lee, Jae Man Shin, Kang Hee Ku, Bumjoon Kim