Annual Meeting Fully Remote

Annual Meeting Fully Remote

Dear DPP Membership:

Given the unknown nature of the Pandemic situation in the Fall, in order to safeguard both the health of our DPP community and the Memphis community – and with input from the community survey - the DPP Executive Committee supports making the annual meeting fully remote. The meeting will be held on line during the previously scheduled week November 9-13, 2020, and not in Memphis. The abstract submission deadline remains the same (June 29, 2020), and guidance for submission to the remote meeting will be posted on the APS DPP Abstract Submission page.

The DPP goal is to make this as an opportunity to provide the best online annual meeting possible. DPP will have a full slate of review and tutorial talks, as well as invited talks, contributed oral and poster presentations. DPP will endeavor to create online content and networking opportunities as well.

Further details on the online version of the DPP annual meeting will follow soon.