Message from the Newsletter Editor

Kevin Ludwick, Newsletter Editor

Kevin Ludwick

Greetings, and welcome to the inaugural Forum for Early Career Scientists (FECS) newsletter. As our bylaws state, “The objective of the Forum is to enhance the Society's ability to meet the needs of early career scientists, to offer them support services, and to provide them with an opportunity for increased inclusion and participation in the activities and decision-making of the physics community.” As an early career physicist, I understand the occasional uncertainty in pushing forward in one’s career as a scientist, but also the excitement in contributing to a active field and a vibrant community that comprises it. So in our newsletters, we aim to provide useful information and advice to scientists early in their careers, a welcoming community for all, and information about activities FECS has hosted or will host, at APS events or otherwise, to help accomplish these aims. FECS is a brand new APS group made up of a diverse group of scientists ranging from students to industry scientists to academic scientists, and we have been quickly growing in numbers. We hope to be a great asset to aspiring scientists, and we hope you find this newsletter informative and useful. If you ever have suggestions or comments, you can reach me at


Kevin obtained his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After a two-year postdoc at the University of Virginia, he became an assistant professor at LaGrange College in 2015. His research is in theoretical cosmology, pertaining to dark energy and dark matter models.