FECS/FIAP March Meeting 2017 Reception

Mohammad Soltanieh-ha, Member-at-Large

Mohammad Soltanieh-ha

Mohammad Soltanieh-ha

FECS and FIAP, Forum on Industrial & Applied Physics, held a joint reception on the fourth day of the 2017 March Meeting in New Orleans. The reception was well attended by members of both forums as well as many new comers. This provided a great opportunity for all the APS members across different sectors to gather, socialize, and share ideas. Particularly, the presence of the members of industry at this event contributed a great deal towards one of the main goals of FECS: connecting academic and industrial physicists. Newly designed FECS free goodies were distributed and in the end as many as 70 new FECS members signed up. Stay tuned for the 2018 March Meeting FECS reception!


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FECS/FIAP Reception. From the left Mohammad Soltanieh-ha, Yunseong Nam, Jason S Gardner, Maria Longobardi

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FECS/FIAP Reception. From the left Mohammad Soltanieh-ha, Matt Kim (FIAP) , Maria Longobardi, Ichiro Takeuchi (FIAP), Jason S Gardner, Steve Lambert (FIAP), Yunseong Nam

Mohammad received his Ph.D. in physics from Northeastern University in 2015. He studied one-dimensional electronic systems using numerical techniques. Upon graduation, he began working for the enterprise software company, Infor, as a data scientist. Mohammad has been active with other groups within APS; he is a member of the Committee on Membership and an organizer of Boston Local Link.