Message from Laura Greene

2018 APS Past President

Laura Greene
Laura Greene

It is a great pleasure and honor to welcome the Forum on Early Career Scientists to our APS Unit Family, with many congratulations on an extremely successful first year and growing membership. Supporting our young physicists is crucial to the future of APS, and to physics in general. APS only wishes to help FECS to meet the important objectives: to foster communication and cooperation among early career scientists. I am particularly impressed that your objective specifically states diversity: to reach beyond physicists, being inclusive of engineers, mathematicians, and people in other related areas. This is beautifully demonstrated by your 2018 March Meeting workshop, in which you pair with GERA for an Energy Workshop: Well done!

APS will continue to be looking to the members and leadership of FECS for guidance in how we can help engage your members across all APS units and members.

All my best wishes to you all.

Laura signature