Web Watch

Web WatchCarl E. Mungan

  • The University of Nottingham has a series of sixty videos at http://www.sixtysymbols.com/ built around various symbols denoting key concepts in physics and astronomy. (To be fair, they invented a few nonstandard symbols, such as a sillouette of a drinking bird, in contrast to traditional symbols such as physical constants, the planets, and so on.) I think the coefficient of restitution demonstration (symbol “r” near the end of the list) of tiny balls bouncing between compartments on a vibrating platform is pretty nifty.

  • There has been lots of positive buzz about the seven videos of Feynman’s Messenger lectures (delivered at Cornell University in 1964) on Microsoft’s Project Tuva site.

  • Speaking of videos, there are a set of interesting chemistry and physics movies filmed in a Singapore enrichment classroom (with students present) at http://www.plsingapore.com/video.htm. The one demonstrating that a helium balloon sinks when it’s placed inside a helium bag caught my eye, although aspects of it did not look totally safe. Use your own judgment if you decide to repeat those aspects!

  • There are also plenty of good textbooks appearing (for free!) on the web these days. For example, I learned a lot even from the first few pages of Tatum’s “Celestial Mechanics” at http://orca.phys.uvic.ca/~tatum/celmechs.html. For the intro physics course, you would probably want to take a look at the Light and Matter series at http://www.lightandmatter.com/. Looking for an advanced text for mechanics? Try Sussman and Wisdom’s book at http://mitpress.mit.edu/SICM/book.html. Need a reference handbook of advanced math functions? It’s hard to beat Abramowitz and Stegun for comprehensiveness at http://www.math.ucla.edu/~cbm/aands/.

  • Do you have a question about how physics explains everyday phenomena? Well, Louis Bloomfield claims he can explain how everything works at http://www.howeverythingworks.org/. I’ll leave it to you to try and stump him, if you can!

  • John Denker has a very extensive web site about how airplanes fly at http://www.av8n.com/how/. It includes not only the usual discussion of various common fallacies about wings, but plenty of practical physics for real pilots.

  • Lately I’ve enjoyed perusing some of the articles on the Inside Higher Ed website. Also check out BlueSci  which is a science magazine written by Cambridge University students.

  • The Nobel prizes were announced recently. A complete description of the physics prizes in chronological order can be found at http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/.

Carl Mungan is an Associate Professor of Physics at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD.

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