From the Editor of the Teacher Preparation Section

John Stewart

In this issue, two of the new PhysTEC sites, California State University Long Beach (CSULB) and Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), discuss their plans for improving teacher preparation. CSULB serves an urban population and is recognized as a Hispanic-Serving institution. CSULB is already important in teacher preparation in California and hopes to increase the number of certified teachers with physics degrees. MTSU is located in central Tennessee and partners PhysTEC with the successful UTeach model.

This newsletter has featured many descriptions of the PhysTEC program since its initial funding. As someone who participated in the first set of PhysTEC sites, the description of the programs planned at CSULB and MTSU is striking. Elements such as the Teacher-in-Residence and Learning Assistants that were pioneered by PhysTEC are now mature, well-understood components. The sophistication of the new sites in recruiting though aggressive and innovative advertising is impressive.  Also, it is gratifying that the idea that more physics majors can imply more highly qualified physics teachers has taken hold.

Our last article by Valerie Otero of UC Boulder completes the sequence of Robert Noyce Scholarship articles begun last newsletter. The Noyce program has been exceptionally useful in teacher preparation efforts at my own institution, the University of Arkansas, at many PhysTEC sites, and at numerous other institutions. This article discusses the University of Colorado’s use of a Phase II Noyce to expand their very successful Learning Assistant Program and their use of the Noyce Master Teacher’s Track to support their Streamline to Mastery program.

John Stewart is an assistant  professor in the department of Physics at the University of Arkansas.

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.