From the Chair

Chandralekha Singh

Fall is a busy time for FEd activities. Renee Diehl, the FEd Chair elect, is the Chair of the FEd Program Committee for the APS 2012 March and April meetings. She is working very hard with other members of the FEd Program Committee to organize excellent invited sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by FEd, for the March meeting in Boston and the April meeting in Atlanta, on graduate, undergraduate and K-12 education and outreach. Paul Cottle, the FEd Vice-Chair, is the Chair of the FEd Nominating Committee, charged with nominating candidates for next year’s Vice-Chair and the two members-at-large (one of whom must also be an AAPT member). I hope you already responded to his call for suggestions for candidates for any of these FEd positions.

I want to encourage you to consider those who should be nominated for two award/fellowship opportunities. One is the APS Excellence in Physics Education Award, with details at http://www.aps. org/programs/honors/awards/education.cfm. The other is an APS Fellowship sponsored by the Forum on Education. See the Call for Nominations: Awards and Fellowships article in this newsletter for details.

I also want to remind you of a new award by the APS Committee on Education (COE). This Award for Improving Undergraduate Physics Education recognizes best practices in undergraduate physics education. See undergrad/faculty/award.cfm for details. The deadline for nomination is July 15.

Finally, the Editors for the Spring and Summer 2012 newsletters are Paul Dolan and Richard Petersen. Please consider writing an article for either of these upcoming newsletters. You can send articles directly to the Editors.

Chandralekha Singh is a Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pittsburgh. She is Chair of the APS Forum on Education. She is also the Chair of the editorial board of the Physical Review Special Topics: Physics Education Research.

Disclaimer- The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.