Teacher Preparation Section

Teacher Preparation Section

John Stewart, Editor

In this issue of the Teacher Preparation Section, we will focus on funding for physics teacher training efforts. Joan Prival, a Program Director at the National Science Foundation, will discuss the new Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program solicitation. At our own institution, this program has been invaluable in our efforts to increase the number of qualified undergraduate physics majors entering the teaching profession.

Most funding for teacher preparation efforts is governmental; there are, however, a number of excellent examples of corporate support for physics teacher preparation programs. In the Summer 2007 edition of this newsletter, three articles discussed examples of corporate support: the broad corporate funding of UTeach, IBM’s Transition to Teaching program, and Boeing’s partnership with Seattle Pacific University. In this edition, Mark Mattson will discuss Toyota’s funding of teacher preparation efforts at James Madison University.

John Stewart(johns@uark.edu) is a Visiting Assistant Professor of physics at the University of Arkansas. He is a long-time participant in the Arkansas PhysTEC project and editor of PTEC.org, the National Science Digital Library's collection on physics and astronomy teacher preparation and the home of the Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PTEC).

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of APS.