New APS Fellows Nominated from the Forum on Education

Laurence S. Cain

Laurence S. Cain of Davidson College was cited: For strong commitment to the advancement of undergraduate teaching and research, and for significant contributions to introductory physics curriculum and assessment at the national level.

Ruth W. Chabay

Ruth W. Chabay of North Carolina State University was cited: For contributions to the development of computer-based learning and tutorial systems, visualizations, and curricula that have modernized and improved how students learn physics.

Lynn Cominsky

Lynn Cominsky of Sonoma State University was cited: For her seminal work to promote student and teacher education using NASA missions as inspiration.

David J. Griffiths

David J. Griffiths of Reed College was cited: For advancing the upper level physics curriculum through the writing of leading textbooks and through his contributions to the American Journal of Physics in many editorial roles and as an author.

Ted Hodapp

Theodore W. Hodapp of the American Physical Society was cited: For improving physics education by helping set licensure standards for physics teachers, and by leading the PhysTEC project to develop strong liaisons between university physics departments and schools of education to increase the number of qualified high school physics teachers.

Gay B. Stewart

Gay B. Stewart of the University of Arkansas was cited: For her work preparing teachers at the University of Arkansas, and for her leadership in the Physics Teacher Education Coalition and on the College Board Advanced Placement Physics Test Development Committee and the AP Physics Redesign Commission.

We congratulate the new Fellows and thank them for their contributions to physics education.

The deadline for nominations for 2010 Fellows is 1 April 2010. Information about the nomination process.

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of APS.