2010 Gordon Research Conference on Physics Research and Education

The sixth in a series of Gordon Research Conferences exploring the connections between Physics Research and Education will be held June 6 – 11, 2010 at Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley Massachusetts. This conference will focus on:

Experimental Research and Laboratories in Physics Education

  • Undergraduate Research
  • Upper-level Labs
  • Experiments, Simulations and Modeling
  • Advanced Lab
  • Hands-on Experiments for Diverse Populations
  • Innovative Labs and Approaches
  • Frontiers in Experimental Physics
  • Labs and Conceptual Learning
  • Mentoring Through Research

The confirmed speakers for the conference are: Joseph Amato, Mark Beck, John Belcher, John Brandenberger, Peter Collings, Sara Eno, Fred Goldberg, Jerry Gollub, Charlie Johnson, Pratibha Jolly, Matthew Lang, Priscilla Laws, Hideo Mabuchi, Mark Masters, Eric Mazur, Jan-Peter Meyn, Jim Nelson, Dick Peterson, Keivan Stassun, MacKenzie Stetzer, Nilgun Sungar, Dean Zollman, Alma Zook

Travel support for participants may be available.

Chairs: Chandralekha Singh & Kiko Galvez
Vice-chair: Peter Shaffer

For more information go to http://departments.colgate.edu/physics/grc/

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