New APS Fellows Nominated from the Forum on Education

This year there are four new APS fellows, as nominated from the FEd. Their “citations” are below, and brief bios of each new Fellow follows.

David M. Cook, Lawrence University
Citation: For the prominent roles he has played in developing and disseminating outstanding computational elements for undergraduate physics courses, in building an exemplary undergraduate physics program, and in executive leadership of the American Association of Physics Teachers.

Paul Cottle, Florida State University
Citation: For the impact of his efforts to improve university physics education, especially for precollege teachers, and his advocacy for effective precollege science education standards and policy in Florida and nationally

Paul DeYoung, Hope College
Citation: For his strong and sustained leadership of facilitating research opportunities to enhance undergraduate education

David E. Meltzer, Arizona State University
Citation: For his tireless advocacy for the quality of professional preparation of K-12 teachers and for the depth and breadth of his scholarly contributions to research in physics education and the community of physics education researchers

Disclaimer–The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.