Interested in More Than Just Physics Education?

About the Society for College Science Teachers

Brian R. Shmaefsky, Lone Star College
President, SCST

SCST (Society for College Science Teachers) is a multidisciplinary college science teaching organization that promotes the best teaching practices in all science fields. Our meetings are times to share field-tested general teaching principles applicable to any science. We also look at ways to encourage students to see how the different science disciplines inter-relate and rely upon each other for the furthering of knowledge. Many of our members also conduct research in higher education to better understand the way undergraduates best learn science. Members publish in the Journal for College Science Teaching and present cutting-edge sessions at the SCST annual conference and regional meetings. Our special SCST/NSTA symposium sessions at the annual conference also highlight the overlap and interdependency of the disciplines. Our Facebook site and listserv are other avenues of sharing member ideas and promoting collaborative efforts to improve college science teaching. Check us out at

Note added: the Editor is a member of NSTA and SCST.

Disclaimer–The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.