Web Watch

sleek computers on tableCarl Mungan, United States Naval Academy

San Francisco’s Exploratorium science museum has a comprehensive website. Check out “Everyday Science” or “Material World.” Boston’s Museum of Science has engineering resources available at the Engineering is Elementary website.

The Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) has plenty of materials online.

The University of Chicago Library has a set of online resources about Enrico Fermi and his Nuclear Pile.

The Howard Hughes Institute has some useful materials for young scientists at their Resources for Early Career Scientists web page including an online book for new faculty and advice on how to write letters of recommendation.

Amazing Space has loads of facts, visuals, and activities about astronomy with ideas about how to use them in the classroom. Also see NASA’s comprehensive library at NASA Wavelength and click on “Higher Education” for example.

The half-hour PSSC video on “Straight Line Kinematics” has been uploaded to YouTube.

Indiana has a collection of STEM resources at I-STEM Resource Network. Another collection is that of FirstBook's Springboard to STEM web page. Also see Iowa State’s materials.

The higher education journal Issues in Science and Technology, which is a forum for discussion of public policy, can be found online.

The University of Colorado at Boulder’s PER group has a large collection of useful materials for teaching physics across the undergraduate curriculum.

Science in the Classroom is a collection of annotated articles and teaching accompaniments supported by the NSF.

The Smithsonian has a set of teaching resources (mainly for middle schools) in different areas of science.

A large variety of open-access online physics courses have been aggregated into one page with a uniform look.

A great set of books, web sites, and techniques for interactive teaching have been summarized at the University of New England Teaching Resources web page.

Looking for hard data on science graduate education and employment, federal research funding, and technical research facilities? NSF has collected together its survey reports.

The National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network has some nicely organized curricular materials for different levels and subjects.

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.