Proposed Revisions to the FEd Bylaws

Randy Knight, California Polytechnic State University

The Forum on Education was established in 1995. The organization’s bylaws have had only one minor amendment in the intervening 20 years. Times change, and some of our bylaws are at odds with how the Forum and the APS do business today. Other bylaws were borrowed from the bylaws of the larger divisional units of APS and are not really relevant to a forum.

The new APS Constitution and Bylaws prompted us to look carefully at our own bylaws and led to the realization that they need a significant overhaul to bring them up to date. The first two steps of revising the bylaws are now complete: A proposed revision has been approved by the Forum Executive Committee and by the APS Council. The final step is approval by you, the members of the Forum.

You can view the proposed new bylaws on the FEd website. In addition, an email with a link to the proposed bylaws will be sent to all members in March.

The Forum’s annual business meeting will be held at the APS April 2015 Meeting in Baltimore on Monday, April 13. Look for the time and place in the meeting program. Any Forum member is welcome to comment on the proposal at the business meeting. In addition, you can use the Send a Message to the Chair link on the FEd website to send comments to the Executive Committee.

Soon after the April Meeting, and with any changes prompted by member comments, the proposed bylaw revisions will be sent to all members for a vote. It takes a two-thirds vote of those voting to approve the proposal.

Please take a few minutes to look at the proposed changes and let us know what you think.

Randy Knight is Chair-Elect of the Forum on Education

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.