Forum on Education Election Results

Larry Cain, Vice-Chair APS Forum on Education, Davidson College

The 2016 election results for new officers were announced in a December email to members of the Forum. The Forum on Education congratulates the following candidates who were elected to office. Noah Finkelstein of the University of Colorado Boulder was elected to a four-year term as APS Forum Councilor. He became a member of the APS Council of Representatives on January 1, 2017 as the FEd representative. Laurie McNeil of UNC-Chapel Hill was elected FEd Vice-Chair. She will serve a four-year term, becoming Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past Chair. Her responsibility as Vice-Chair will be organizing next year’s election. Charles Henderson of Western Michigan University was re-elected as Secretary/Treasurer for another three-year term. Chuhee Kwon of California State University Long Beach was elected to a three-year term as Member-at-Large. Beth Lindsey of Penn State Greater Allegheny was elected to a three-year term as APS/AAPT Member-at-Large. These last four newly elected FEd officers will begin their term of office immediately after the APS April meeting (this year at the end of January).

The Forum also thanks the other candidates who agreed to be part of this outstanding slate: Susan Blessing, Amber Stuver, Ken Heller, Andrew Hirsch, and Joe Kozminski. It should be considered an honor to be nominated by your Forum colleagues to run for office. I hope all candidates who were not elected will remain active in the Forum and that many will be elected to serve in the future.

The excellent and thoughtful work of the nominating committee produced this outstanding slate of candidates. This year the nominating committee was composed of Larry Cain (chair), Geraldine Cochran, Paul Cottle, Chandralekha Singh, Gordon Ramsey (representing AAPT) and Ted Hodapp (representing APS). A new committee will be formed for the 2017 election with Laurie McNeil as chair. Nominations for candidates for Vice-Chair, Member-at-Large, and APS/AAPT Member-at-Large may be sent to Laurie at

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.