Forum on Education Sessions at the Upcoming 2018 APS March Meeting (March 5-9, 2018 in Los Angeles, CA)

Larry Cain, Chair Elect – Forum on Education, Davidson College

The program for the APS March Meeting is now completed. Sessions sponsored by FEd or of interest to FEd members include:

The Reichert Award Session (Session C43) will feature the Reichert Award recipient, Kurt Wick from the University of Minnesota, and other speakers discussing advances in Advanced Laboratory education. The How to Get a Job: Expanding Career Perspectives for Physicists Session (Session E43) addresses the issue of careers for undergraduate and graduate students in physics. It will feature speakers from industry, national labs, a primarily undergraduate institution, and speakers who have taken alternate career paths. It is particularly appropriate for the many student (graduate and undergraduate) attendees at the meeting. Thanks to organizer Chuhee Kwon. The Diversity and Inclusion in Graduate Education Session (co-sponsored by the Division of Materials Physics) (Session K16) will feature speakers discussing programs designed to change physics graduate education so that it is more diverse and inclusive. Thanks to organizer Monica Plisch. The Effective Practices for Student Career Preparedness and Departmental Programmatic Assessment Session (Session R16) addresses recent efforts to improve physics undergraduate education, including talks on 21st century careers and outcomes, Physics Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education, and effective practices in undergraduate physics programs. Thanks to organizers Crystal Bailey and Ted Hodapp.

Other sessions at the March meeting of interest to Forum members include the four Undergraduate Research contributed paper sessions (A06, B06, C06, and E06), the two Topics in Physics Education contributed paper sessions (F20, H20), and the poster session (G60) which includes both undergraduate research papers and physics education papers. FEd is also co-sponsoring the DMP session on The Physics of Life (L42) where speakers will give general talks about contemporary approaches to solving grand problems in biology using a physicist’s approach.

The April Meeting program is in the final stages of completion and session topics were mentioned in the Fall newsletter. Further details will be forthcoming.

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.