Teacher Preparation Section

Alma Robinson, Virginia Tech

The fall issue of the Teacher Preparation Section highlighted research on STEM student’s attitudes and opinions of teaching: The APS Panel on Public Affairs report and the Perceptions of Teaching as a Profession (PTaP) assessment. This issue will continue that conversation while also addressing the theme of government policy, science, and education.

At the Colorado School of Mines, Kristine Callan, Wendy K. Adams, and Lacy Cleveland have created “Mythbusters”, an interactive presentation that helps debunk the misperceptions of the teaching profession. Because these misperceptions are so widely held, they have developed two programs, one geared towards students and one geared towards faculty and staff.

Gay Stewart, of West Virginia University, challenges us to think deeply about how policy changes could help ameliorate the state shortages of highly qualified STEM teachers. In particular, she discusses the accreditation of teacher preparation programs, the admission requirements for certification programs, and the effects these policies have on the potential pool of future physics teachers.

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.