Teacher Preparation Section

Alma Robinson, Virginia Tech

As part of the overarching theme to disseminate actions that we can take to improve science education, this issue of the Teacher Preparation Section will highlight ways that preservice programs can prepare their future physics teachers to be effective inside and outside of the classroom.

A perfect confluence of this theme and teacher preparation is the Learning Assistant (LA) model of using undergraduates to help teach science courses. Not only do LAs positively impact student learning, these programs can also serve as a catalyst for LAs to consider teaching as a career, and even encourage faculty to adopt student-focused pedagogies. Andrea Van Duzor and Mel Sabella describe LA training, how LAs can facilitate student learning, and how faculty can learn more about implementing LA programs by attending an LA workshop and joining the Learning Assistant Alliance.

Kelli Warble discusses how her experience with a task force convened by the American Association of Physics Teachers helped her understand the importance of involving teachers with policy issues. By preparing our teachers to see how education policy affects their classrooms, they can learn how to better advocate for their students and themselves.

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.