Introducing ALPhA


Michael Crescimanno

Developing a 'new' (for your institution) undergraduate laboratory experiment? Updating an old one? Have few or many years experience with the advanced laboratory? Now you have a national community of know-how and experience behind you. That, in short, is the Advanced Laboratory in Physics Association, otherwise known as ALPhA. Our community is a warehouse of tried and true best practices in experiment and pedagogy. Come and be part of the exchange by joining the searchable listserv and other materials that can be obtained through the ALPhA website and that are also listed under comPADRE at

Information on ALPhA may also be obtained from Professor Gabe Spalding, ALPhA President (Illinois Wesleyan University) at, or from Professor Steve Wonnell, ALPhA Treasurer & Webmaster (Johns Hopkins University) at

Michael Crescimanno ( is in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Youngstown State University.