Call for Nominations for FEd Executive Committee

John Stewart, West Virginia University

The Forum on Education (FEd) will elect three new members to its executive committee this fall: the vice chair (who, in subsequent years, becomes chair elect and then chair), a member at large, and an APS-AAPT member at large. All nominees must be members of the Forum on Education. The latter must be a member of both the FEd and American Association of Physics Teachers. The newly elected members will assume their duties in April 2016. Members at large serve three year terms, while the vice chair will serve for four years.

The executive committee plans education-related sessions at APS meetings, nominates new APS fellows, and makes prestigious FEd awards such as the Excellence in Physics Education Award or the Jonathan Reichert and Barbara Wolff-Reichert Award for Excellence in Advanced Laboratory Instruction Award.

Most importantly, it is the FEd executive committee’s responsibility to represent the goals and concerns of the FEd membership to the APS executive council. Serving on the FEd executive committee is an excellent way to learn about the internal function of the society and to influence science education at the national level. Please send nominations for the fall election to the address below.

Please send suggestions to:
John Stewart (
FEd Vice Chair and Chair of the Nominating Committee
West Virginia University
Department of Physics

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.