Call for Nominations for FEd Executive Committee

Laurie McNeil, FEd Vice Chair and Chair of the Nominating Committee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

It is time once again to elect new members to the Executive Committee of the Forum on Education (FEd). We have three Executive Committee positions for which to elect members: Vice Chair (who, in subsequent years, becomes Chair-Elect, Chair, and then Past Chair), Member-at-Large (3-year term), and APS/AAPT Member-at-Large (3-year term). All nominees must be members of the FEd. The APS/AAPT Member-at-Large must also be a member of AAPT.

The Executive Committee plans education-related sessions at APS meetings, nominates new APS Fellows, and presents FEd awards. They represent the goals and concerns of the FEd membership to the APS Council of Representatives. Serving as a FEd officer is also an excellent way to learn about APS and its educational missions and to influence science education at the national level.

The nominating committee will convene later in the summer to create a list of nominees for each position and assemble a ballot. New officers begin their service at the end of the Executive Committee meeting next year.

Please send suggestions nominating yourself or a colleague to:

Laurie McNeil (
FEd Vice Chair and Chair of the Nominating Committee
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Physics and Astronomy

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Education Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.