Historical Note: FHP March and April Meeting Sessions, 1994-2017

By Cameron Reed, Alma College


The Author in Dialogue: The Physicist and the Philosopher: Einstein, Bergson, and the Debate that Changed Our Understanding of Time

Joint session with FED, FOEP. Puzzles, History, and Reality TV: Physics Beyond the Classroom

60 Years Since BCS and 30 Years Since Woodstock

Marie Curie: A 150th Birthday Celebration

Joint session with FPS: Diversity in Troubled Times

Transitions in Physics and Related Fields from the late 19th Century to Today

Manhattan Project Scientific Legacy

The Social Legacy of the Manhattan Project

The Manhattan Project: History and Heritage

Physics Outreach and Physics History

History of the Search for Gravitational Waves


Peer Review: History and Issues

The History of Electrical Science

The Author in Dialogue: Steven Weinberg’s To Explain the World

Beyond the Lab: Bringing History of Physics to the Public

The Iran Nuclear Deal: Physics, Physicists, and the Historic Agreement

History of Physics from Pythagoras to Higgs

Invited Session: Sidney Coleman Remembered: Correspondence and Commentary

Invited Session: Pais Prize Session: Some History You Won’t Find in Physics Textbooks

Invited Session: The New Big Science and the Transformation of Research


Inspirational Approaches to Teaching Physics/History of Physics

Pais Prize Session: Physics at the Intersection of History, Technology, and Society

“Why Peer Review?”

Invited Session: Three Perspectives on the Supercollider

Invited Session: APS and Public Engagement in Historical Perspective

Invited Session: History of Relativity


Women and the Manhattan Project

History of Physics, Public Policy and National Facilities

The History of the Communication of Science to the Public

Twentieth-Century Chinese Physicists and Physics

Pais Prize Session in honor of David Cassidy

Gaining Inspiration from Galileo, Einstein, and Oppenheimer

The Many Worlds of Leo Szilard

History of the G2 From 1947 to Present


Celebrating 100 Years of Physical Review at APS

A History of Physics in Industry

International Physics Programs and History of Physics

Maria Goeppert-Mayer: The 50th Anniversary of her Nobel Prize

Pais Session: Relations Between Physics and History of Physics

Public Policy and History of Physics.

100 Years of the Bohr Atom


One Hundred Fifty Years of Maxwell’s Equations (1862-2012)

The Scientific Legacy of Edward Purcell (1912-2012)

History of Meteorology and Today’s Frontiers of Measurement

The Scientific Legacy of Bruno Rossi

Physicists Advising on National Security

History of Physics and Educational Topics

Pais Session: The National Laboratories after 1980


The History of Superconductivity from its Discovery by Kammerlingh Onnes in 1911

J. H. Van Vleck: Quantum Theory and Magnetism

History of Physics and International Programs

Migrations of Physicists.

Solvay at One Hundred: Pais Prize Talk.

Centennial of the Nuclear Atom

Accelerators for Sub-Atomic Physics: I. History

Centennial of Superconductivity

Working with Luis Alvarez (1911-1988)


Five Legacies From the Laser

Pais Prize: Sam Goudsmit: Physics, Editor, and More

The 50th Anniversary of the Prediction of Superfluidity of He3

Secrecy and Physics

Remembering Enrico Fermi

Origins of Research and Teaching at Selected Physics Departments

The Laser: Historical Perspectives and Impact on Precision Measurements


Origins of Silicon Valley

Centenary of Lev Landau

50 Years of Anderson Localization

The Scientific Legacy of John Wheeler

History of Telescopes

Science Policy: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

History of MURA, Fermilab, and the SSC


50th Anniversary of Physical Review Letters

Industrial Physics History

Triumphs of 20th Century Astrophysics (2 sessions)

Manhattan Project and Beyond

Los Alamos and the Manhattan Project

80 Years of Quantum Mechanics: A New International Project


20th Anniversary of High Tc Superconductivity Session

Condensed Matter Physics at Synchrotron Facilities: History as Prologue

Building the Elements: 50 Years of B2FH Nucleosynthesis (2 sessions)

Changing Role of Nuclear Weapons in Foreign Policy

History of Gravitational Waves and General Relativity

Sputnik 1957: Its Effect on Science in America


Low Temperature Physics, A Historical Perspective

A Century of Critical Phenomena

(April meeting abstracts apparently not available)


Einstein and Friends (3 sessions)

Quantum Optics Through the Lens of History

The Rise of Megascience


History of Physics in Canada

History of Physics in Industrial Laboratories

Monolayers and Multilayers: Agnes Pockels and Katharine Blodgett

The Discovery of Black Holes

The Sun as a Physics Laboratory

Science Advising

Mossbauer Spectroscopy: various Historical Perspectives


J. Willard Gibbs and His Legacy: A Double Centennial

The Early Days of Solid State Physics

History/Methodology and Career Development


Tunneling, From Alpha Particle Decay to Biology

Synchrotron radiation: From Stepchild to Star

EPR to Entanglement

Eugene Wigner Centennial

History of Los Alamos


NIST at the Millennium: Condensed Matter and Measurement Science

History of Electronic Structure Theory in Atoms


Twenty Years of the Quantum Hall Effect/George Pake Prize


Women and Men Inside the Atom: A Historical Look

Physics in the 20th Century: World War II, Accelerators, and the Rise of High Energy Physics

I.I. Rabi: Physicist and Citizen

Physics in the 20th Century: The Revolution: Quantum Mechanics and Relativity

20th Century Developments in Instrumentation & Measurements

History of Physics in National Defense


The History of Critical Phenomena

Science and Its Critics

Teaching Physics a Century Ago


One Hundred Years of Electrons

Joseph Henry Bicentennial

The Electron Centennial

100 Years of Electron-Photon Interactions & Rivalry (Electron Centennial II)


Topics in the History of Radioactivity

History of Computing in Physics

Contributions of Women to Physics


New Studies of Isaac Newton’s Works

The Centennial of X-Rays


The Solid-State Roots of Silicon Valley

Milestones in the History of Astrophysics

Science Advice to the Government

Scientists and National Security: Washington’s Four Governments

The articles in this issue represent the views of their authors and are not necessarily those of the Forum or APS.