Industry Day at March Meeting 2016: From Nano to Meso

The second Industry Day at the APS March Meeting is entitled Nano to Meso and will focus on the growth of the technology that enables materials design and strategic synthesis prior to experimental testing and hardware assembly. Please join the industrial scientists, academics, and researchers from the national laboratory system who will create this new paradigm. Theory led material development has the potential to substantially drop the cost to develop, and time to market. This session attempts to bring these concepts to the forefront of the physics community, with the hope that the resulting excitement will create new capabilities in the international technical sphere. Speakers will include industry R&D leaders and senior scientists from both the academic and industrial laboratories. There will be a reception at the end of Industry Day (after session P12) to which you are all invited. The FIAP Prize session V12 is Thursday afternoon, and will also have a reception following it. Check here for full program details.


Industry Day will take place on Wednesday March 16 during the March Meeting in Baltimore, MD. If you wish to attend Industry Day, you must register for the APS March Meeting. One-day registration is available, details at this link.

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