Industrial Physics Advisory Board

APS has formed a new Industrial Physics Advisory Board (IndBoard) to provide additional input for APS about physics in the private sector. Two immediate goals are:

  • Work with the APS Office of Public Affairs to give advice on policy issues
  • Oversee the preparation of a report: The Impact of Industrial Physics on the U.S. Economy

The IndBoard has been formed with these members:

Jim Bray, GE, Chief Scientist
Walter Buell, Aerospace Corp., Director, Elect. & Photonics Lab
Bob Doering, Texas Instruments, Research Manager
Alex Majewski, United Techologies, Fellow, Space Systems
Heike Riel, IBM, Director, Physical Sciences
Chad Rigetti, Rigetti Quantum Computing, Founder & CEO
Mike Tamor, Ford, Technical Fellow

Ex-Officio members

Dave Seiler, NIST Division Chief, also Past Chair of FIAP
John Rumble, R&R Data, President, also FIAP Councilor

Bob Doering was unanimously elected the Chair of the IndBoard and will serve for two years. There are two ex-officio members who will help to ensure a strong connection with FIAP. The IndBoard has held four phone conferences so far and convenes at least quarterly. The staff contact is Steven Lambert ( and he welcomes comments or suggestions.

Opinions expressed represent the views of the individual authors and not the American Physical Society or author’s employers.