Actualizing the Internet of Things - FIAP Topical Conference

The World Wide Web was invented by physicists, emerging from scientists at CERN who needed a means to send information quickly to geographically dispersed team members. But the internet has yet to reach even a fraction of its potential, and today it serves primarily to move information among computers. Interactions with physical objects are starting to happen, and an explosion of possibilities has caught the imagination of scientists, engineers, computer experts, and the general public.

The phrase the Internet of Things, (IoT) is now being used to represent this interconnection of large numbers of physical entities. FIAP will hold its first topical conference to bring together those technologists with the skill sets to actualize the IoT:

Actualizing the Internet of Things
April 17-19, 2017
Marriott Hotel and Monterey Conference Center, Monterey CA
Gray Arrow Conference Webpage

As an APS meeting, we certainly intend to engage physicists who have interest in this area. In addition, we will include experts in robotics, automation, sensors (without limitation on the definition of a sensor), algorithms, and physical actuation. We also welcome the participation of scientists and engineers from across the technological spectrum (EE, ME, AE, etc.) to allow the sort of cross-disciplinary conversations and innovation that will be necessary to build the IoT. The conference features three keynote speakers and five topical sessions. Each session has four or five expert presenters to give an overview of today’s status and tomorrow’s challenges, with emphasis on areas where the physics community can make an impact.

You can find a preliminary schedule and registration information on the conference webpage. Please share this information with your colleagues and plan to participate in this exciting event. Contact Steven Lambert ( with any questions.

Actualization of the Internet of Things infographic - FIAP

Opinions expressed represent the views of the individual authors and not the American Physical Society or author’s employers.