FIAP Chair’s Thoughts

One of the main roles of FIAP is to attract outstanding industrial physicists to provide guidance and mentorship to the numerous physics students. When most graduating physicists (70%) will not find academic positions, we can provide a haven for such linkages. We are also reaching out to other societies such as the Materials Research Society (MRS) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Dr. Todd Brintlinger (FIAP News Letter Editor) and I along with the Arizona Nanotechnology Cluster (non-profit to promote science in Arizona) have met with MRS organizers at the MRS spring meeting in Phoenix, AZ (April 2-6), to discuss further collaboration between the two organizations. I will be meeting with members of IEEE MTTS meeting in Philadelaphia, PA (June 10-15) to look at collaborations between our organizations. I congratulate Ichiro Takeuchi our new chair elect and the rest of the FIAP team for putting out an outstanding March Meeting program. I look forward for hearing feedback from our membership in methods to further promote ideas for the betterment of APS! Please contact me at with your thoughts.

Thank You
Matt Kim

Opinions expressed represent the views of the individual authors and not the American Physical Society or author’s employers.