Letter from the Editor

Being new in the position as editor of the Forum on Industrial and Applied Physics (FIAP) newsletter, I wanted to provide a brief introduction and welcome to the FIAP community. My name is Todd Brintlinger, and I am a Research Physicist in the Materials Science and Technology Division at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, a FIAP sorter for the March Meeting, and a Member-at-Large for FIAP. Having spent much of my career focusing on Applied Physics, first in academia and now at the corporate laboratory for the Dept. of the Navy, expanding the breadth of Applied Physics and combining resources with Industrial Physics is a subject for which I have a passion. FIAP distributes this newsletter to ensure the larger community can follow the latest developments within the Forum, esp. at APS Meetings, and to announce several of the important deadlines specific to FIAP, e.g. fellowship and prize nomination deadlines. Any additional contributions are welcome, and we would like the newsletter to provide an outlet for discussions of interest to the FIAP membership. To submit articles, letters to the editor, or ideas for discussion, please contact me at fiap_newsletter@aps.org.

Opinions expressed represent the views of the individual authors and not the American Physical Society or author’s employers.