FIAP at the March Meeting

The FIAP APS March Meeting 2018 in Los Angeles, CA, had numerous FIAP events from a very exciting student panel pizza lunch to our Invited sessions, with additional focus sessions. Some highlights from this year’s Industry session with the theme “Big Data” was the special invited session on the "Physics that Changed the World", which Professor Eli Yablonovitch started.

This year’s “Physics That Changed the World” session, had speakers:

Prof. Milton Feng, University of Illinois, “Oxide-Confined VCSELs”

Prof. John Clarke, UC Berkeley, “The Ubiquitous SQUID: History and Applications”

Prof. Stephen Forrest, University of Michigan, “How Organic Light Emitting Diodes Revolutionized Displays

Dr. Barry Stipe, Western Digital Corp, “The Magnetic hard Disk Drive- How Information is Stored in the Cloud”

Prof. Eli Yablonovitch, UC Berkeley, “The Double-Heterostructure Concept in Lasers, LED’s, and Solar Cells”

March Meeting 2018 group photo

From right to left: Professor John Clarke, Dr. Matt Kim, Professor Eli Yablonovitch, Professor Milton Feng, and Dr. Barry Stipe

This year this session was recorded and the videos of the talks can be found at the following link

This session followed the inaugural session of “Physics that Changed the World” at the 2017 March meeting in New Orleans, LA had the following speakers:

Prof. Steven Denbaars, UCSB, “Energy Efficient GaN Lighting”

Dr. Jim Wynne, IBM, “LASER Refractive Surgery”

Prof. Paul Bottomley, Johns Hopkins, “Magnetic Resonance Medical Imaging (MRI) from the Inside"

Dr. Peter Littlewood, Argonne National Lab, “Batteries that Changed the World”

Prof. Steven Chu, Stanford University, “GPS and Precision Time-Keeping"

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