Letter from the Editor

March Meeting 2019 is now in the history books, and with more than 12,000 attendee was the largest March Meeting yet, bad weather on Monday notwithstanding. Now, March Meeting 2020 will be quickly upon us (abstract submission deadline is Oct 25!), and FIAP is looking forward to exposing members to the latest in Industrial and Applied Physics. In this letter, we outline this year’s theme for Industry Day and FIAP-related events at March Meeting 2020, learn about the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, discover how physics influences food manufacturing, and come up to speed with this year’s Distinguished Lecturer, Dr. Cynthia Keppel of Jefferson Lab. FIAP distributes this newsletter to ensure the larger community can follow the latest developments within the Forum, esp. at APS Meetings, to highlight FIAP activities and to engage with the Industrial and Applied Physics community. Any additional contributions are welcome, and we would like the newsletter to provide an outlet for discussions of interest to the FIAP membership. To submit articles, letters to the editor, or ideas for discussion, please contact me at fiap_newsletter@aps.org.